Eternal food paradise

Chapter 47 Burning

Dojima Gin separated several pieces of 'thousand-layer pancakes' with cross cuts, and they were eaten by Isshiki Kei, Kuaga Teruki and Nito Hisako one after another.

There is one last piece left on the plate.

Dojima Gin.

Nakiri Erina and Nakiri Senzaemon.

The three of them made no move.

"Stop talking about you guys." Xia Yan had to remind him, "Commander, Senior Dojima, no matter how much you talk, why not eat a piece so that you can deeply understand the 'secret' of my cooking!"

The word "secret" is deliberately emphasized.

As a result, Erina and Dojima Gin showed strong interest, but still shook their heads.

Commander Yuanyue, who was named, remained motionless.

When Dojima Gin glanced at Xia Yan, his expression became tense and he said, "Well, the spiciness is compared to the 'persimmon and green pepper shredded pork' on your dining table..."

"I can't say either."

Xia Yan said with a smile: "Because, they are originally different forms of cuisine, one is classic daily dishes, and the other is classic noodles."

“Besides, the practices vary greatly.”

"Persimmon and green pepper shredded pork is made with bean paste to bury the shredded pork. Nowadays, the Thousand-Feuille Pancake can also be called Thousand-feuille Cake. The spiciness may be divided into two aspects."

"The first one is the sandwich dough. I have brushed it with red oil several times before, and you have seen it."

"The second one is the filling, mainly doubanjiang."

Dojima Gin took a breath: "Isn't that a pincer attack from inside and outside? It's so spicy that it's unbelievable and unimaginable?!"

Xia Yan couldn't deny it.

In the field of vision, the system information of the dishes has been flashed.

The recipe creation can be said to be quite successful.

70% completion, achieved.

The star rating of the recipe also exploded, reaching 3 stars. The system’s upper limit assessment of the [Darkness Index] is——


In Xia Yan's opinion, this level of index and characteristics may be the ceiling that recipes below the special level can achieve.

This means.

He almost used the specialties of the two systems to the extreme.

Just pick a specific word, such as 'doubanjiang', in terms of spiciness, before he was promoted to the special level, Xia Yan could no longer create a spicier and darker recipe.

His development of 'Doubanjiang' can come to an end.


What should be the next dark excavation point? Besides chili sauce, herring? Xiang flavor curry?

While Xia Yan was worrying about his dark menu.

Dojima Gin struggled for a long time, but finally gave up, "Even if there is a shadow in the next week and I feel uncomfortable, I still have to eat!"

"If you don't eat it, you will regret it for a long time."

Although he may regret eating it, Dojima Gin feels that if he is timid and doesn't eat it, and doesn't go to the endless wilderness of delicious food to discover novel dishes, then he may regret it even more.

Humph, when did I become so timid!

Just spicy layer cake...

I eat canned herring dry and octopus alive...

Even rotten cheese, cheese with live maggots, and that weird Italian food called 'casso mozzarella' can't make me throw away the so-called strong man who stands at the top of the culinary world...


Dojima Gin grabbed the last piece of 'thousand-layer cake' that he cut with his own hands.

There are benefits to waiting. At least the cake does not need to be wrapped in the hand, and Dojima Gin does not feel hot to the touch. The temperature has dropped to a level that his skin can tolerate.

Put the 'thousand layer cake' under your nose.

A closer look.

"Gulu~" His throat rolled up and down.

The mezzanine layer after layer was painted with "red oil".

Layers upon layers of red filling.

At the same time, because the beef juice and butter are mixed with the pastry, and then steamed and roasted, it can be said that the flavor of the beef has penetrated into every corner with the ubiquitous flames.

It’s a taste that makes the appetite demon roar like crazy!

Dojima Gin's hand grabbing the cake was trembling slightly.

I couldn't help but open my mouth and swallow it.

I don’t know what happened, but I planned to try it in small bites at first. If it was too spicy, I would chew it carefully and drink it slowly with ice water.

As a result, after pausing for two or three seconds to observe, Dojima Gin changed into a barbarian eating method.

One gulp is enough to fill your mouth.

He reluctantly closed his mouth and bit slowly.


Dojima Gin had a horrified expression as if his body had been penetrated. His mouth was twitching like an electric shock. He opened his mouth and inside was a crushed red mud ball: "It's going to spit fire!"

Erina: "..."

Senzaemon: "..."

"Come on, come on, you guys can eat too." Xia Yan was finally able to cut the second piece of dough with her own hands.

"don't want!"

Sweat broke out on Nakiri Erina's forehead.

Xia Yan smiled, girl, you can't escape. He put one of the sliced ​​'thousand-layer cakes' on a small plate, put a knife and fork on it, and handed it directly to the girl's face: "Eat it. "

The girl almost lost her beauty: "No——"

"Aren't you known as the Tongue of God, the possessor of the most extreme taste in human history?"

"How should I put it? My after-tea snack, 'thousand-layer cake', may be the taste that your God's Tongue has not recorded and cannot remember."

"Aren't you going to try to develop a new flavor?"

At this moment, Xia Yan's smile fell in Nakiri Erina's eyes, and it seemed to be sunnier, more brilliant, and more angelic than Isshiki Kei.


There was a faint shadow on the smiling face.

The wings on the back also seem to be pure black with black flames...

"Are you the devil?"

Hearing this, Xia Yan was stunned for a moment.

"So do you want to eat the devil's candy?"

As he spoke, he picked up the knife on the dinner plate and slashed it. He obviously didn't use much force on his hand. As a result, the crispy layer cake was cut like pieces of paper from head to toe, and a small piece was separated.

A thin slice, like toast, but red in layers.

in sight.

The red cake slices quickly enlarged, and the nose picked up the smell. The "God's Tongue" in the mouth seemed to send a thirsty command to the head to eat.

The girl actually subconsciously...

Opened his mouth.

"Woo." Eat it in and bite down with your teeth.

The mezzanine was broken.

The pickled cabbage cubes hidden in the filling have a crisp and crunchy texture, which further highlights the poignant beauty of "crushing everything".

"Falled..." Nakiri Erina shook her body, feeling that the kitchen floor at this moment was shattered into a cave that went straight to the ground. She let out a long scream in her heart and fell into the underground lava.

The devil's laughter resounded.

"Burn it!"

A red spear fell from the sky, pierced her from head to tail, and nailed her deeply to the bottom of the lava sea of ​​hell.

Reality, Nakiri’s kitchen.

Nakiri Senzaemon's exposed upper body was sweating like rain.

"Is that so..."

The old man said to himself movingly.

"The purpose of repeatedly brushing the pastry is to make the 'dough' form isolation layers, so that no matter how the cake is fried, the moisture inside can be well retained."

"This is the key to handling your heat!"

Commander Yuanyue used chopsticks to pick up a corner of the pastry: "And the 'pumpkin powder', just like your pastry, gives this snack more softness and ductility."

No need for God's Tongue, this 'Demon King of Food' has almost completely analyzed Xia Yan's recipe.


Xia Yan was about to give a thumbs up when he saw Nakiri Senzaemon staring at him:

"still have a question."

"How did you do it? Even a top chef can't achieve such a 'penetrating' heat."

Xia Yan answered truthfully: "Because I control the temperature of the pan."

"Flipping is to cool one side of the dough and heat the other side. As you can see, Commander, the temperature of the inner wall of the pan is rising rapidly as it is heated, so I can only speed up the frequency of flipping... …”

Nakiri Senzaemon was stunned for two or three seconds.

"So, in summary, it's all about feeling?"

The old man looked up and down like a monster, as if he was reacquainting himself with the student who had been invited to his home.


There was a smile on the corner of her mouth showing that she was happy to have found the right person. She looked at her granddaughter who was intoxicated at the dining table and let out a long sigh: "Sanagi is not as lucky as her daughter."

Xia Yan felt uncomfortable all over.

Hey, Demon King of Food, your smile is out of character.

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