Eternal food paradise

Chapter 5 Bitter Melon Stuffed with Doubanjiang

Xia Yan watched Chen Zhiyuan brake suddenly, make a beautiful drifting turn, and quickly rush to the bar. He held his hands on the counter and looked over with burning eyes.

"What is he doing?" Xia Yan's heart was filled with questions.

I don’t understand, but I want to praise the young hero for his good skills.

He couldn't help but think of himself when he used to play RPG games and manipulate characters in various ways. He had such a strong sense of déjà vu.


Soon, Xia Yan discovered something was wrong

The guy with the ID of "Zhiyuan Star" was actually very interested in his homework. Xia Yan noticed the desire in Chen Zhiyuan's eyes.

"System, he must have discovered something, right? His and I must have different templates." Xia Yan thought this was nonsense, and he wanted to laugh a little.

In fact, it can be proved from "fashion" that Chen Zhiyuan is a typical novice apprentice commoner. Xia Yan looked at himself.

The chef's and store manager's uniforms looked familiar. They were collared, navy blue, and had a belt around the waist, which made him feel ashamed that he was playing the role of the uncle boss of the late-night cafeteria.

Am I just an NPC in the eyes of players like ‘Reach’?

Xia Yan suddenly realized why Chen Zhiyuan was so cautious and waving hello to him just now.

"Your template is unique."

The system's indifferent answer sounded like a subtle dog-licking to Xia Yan.

"Except for you, all guests who visit and log into this park's games will use player templates."

OK, I stopped communicating with the system and heard a call:

"Boss, boss..."

Chen Zhiyuan stood as a very cool young chef with his arms folded. He moved his eyelids and then retracted his shaking hand: "I have no money."

Yes, penniless.

In the backpack column, money is displayed as "0".

"Then what?"

Hearing this, Chen Zhiyuan hesitated, rubbed his hands, and asked boldly with a bit of delusion: "Is this... a combination of bitter melon and some kind of filling?"

"Bitter melon stuffed with bean paste." Xia Yan noticed that Chen Zhiyuan was staring at the plate with enthusiasm, showing no signs of staying away from the exotic dishes. He was a little speechless and secretly asked the system again: "Will he get any benefits from tasting this? "

Xia Yan tried to imagine if he put himself in the player's position.


There are actual benefits, let alone dark dishes, and a series of things that go against the moral character of three-good students, such as stealing and stealing, are not impossible to do. The integrity of players cannot be overestimated at all. This group is simply a typical representative of the chaotic camp.

"Hey, it's an item that can be appraised."

“Tasting has four major evaluations: qualified, good, excellent and perfect.”

"The experience value obtained after completion fluctuates with the evaluation, with a minimum of 500 and a maximum of 2000. It triggers the [Excellent] and [Perfect] evaluations, and the player will receive additional prop rewards."

Xia Yan flipped through his "Character Level LV1 (0/500)" panel.

"What the hell! Experience and all, I'll suck it myself!"

“You can’t taste an item that you made yourself.”

"..." Xia Yan was silent.

The young chef Chen Zhiyuan was distracted again and couldn't help but asked anxiously: "Can I have a taste of your cooking?"

Xia Yan looked at the 'Reach Star' expressionlessly.

"You can eat it."

"You don't have to pay..."

Chen Zhiyuan was simply pleasantly surprised. What kind of magical chef was this? He felt that he was lucky. Although he had just created the character, he could smell a hint of being ahead of others.

"But you have to eat clean, and help me clean the house after eating."

Xia Yan's mind also turned around. Since it is a visible "profit", then if he firmly holds the production rights in his hands, isn't it equivalent to taking a leader token to command the players, a group of profit creatures? Don't take it too easy.

One meal, one hourly cleaning, no loss at all.

Ah, just eat clean?

What kind of magical NPC is this? I love it. From now on, we will officially launch a ranking of the most popular NPCs. I will definitely spend money to vote for you.

As for cleaning, when Chen Zhiyuan thought about it, it was an errand of the same nature as going up to the roof to catch cats or climbing trees to pick kites. It was a mandatory task and could not be avoided, so he hurriedly agreed: "Don't worry, it smells delicious. , although it looks very spicy, but after all I am a man who has challenged the God of Death, so I promise to eat it thoroughly——"

When he said this, Chen Zhiyuan didn't notice that the young chef at the bar looked at him with a tragic look in his eyes.

Way to go, strong man.

"Let's think of this game as a virtual reality game. Can the player's sensory experience and the color, aroma and taste of the dishes be restored to the extreme?"

Chen Zhiyuan really thought Xia Yan was an NPC, and he didn't care about him while talking to himself. He picked up a small piece of stuffed bitter melon with his chopsticks and put it into his mouth.

Ugh, what the hell!

"It smells so strong of bitter melon——"

The face that was originally filled with anticipation was tightly wrinkled due to the unexpected impact.

Chen Zhiyuan is so regretful.

Damn it, why did you set the death flag again!

"You have to understand that you are a non-chief. If you get lucky and trigger an adventure, it won't be your turn if the human race dies!"

Chen Zhiyuan does not hate eating bitter melon. On the contrary, he also likes the home-cooked dish "Bitter Melon Beef". But eating cooked bitter melon is one thing, and drinking raw bitter melon juice is another.

The piece of bitter melon in his mouth now made Chen Zhiyuan think that he was tasting a glass of "original" bitter melon juice.

bitter! Jerky!

After biting into it, you will be greeted by the strange smell of the filling.

It was as if he had swallowed a mouthful of mustard and his nose was choked by the irritating smell. He didn't know whether it was because of the spicy taste or some other mysterious taste. Chen Zhiyuan's eyes shed tears like a young man.

“It tastes terrible, it tastes terrible!!”

I can’t help but spit out the bad reviews.

"What kind of strange smell is this?" Chen Zhiyuan was completely confused. "I won't talk about the diced pork and bean paste. This soft and sticky texture is definitely steamed glutinous rice, but it's not normal. The glutinous rice balls are not so sticky that they make people feel nauseous..."

After reluctantly eating a few pieces, seeing that there was still more than half of the plate left, Chen Zhiyuan's face was covered in cold sweat: "Can I... not eat it?"

Xia Yan stood there without answering, and the system prompt popped up at Chen Zhiyuan:

[The tasting is interrupted, this triggering task is about to fail, and you will suffer the following losses...]

Chen Zhiyuan immediately fell silent and continued eating.


Move on to the next piece.

As I ate, I quickly got used to the pungent smell that hit my nose, and my troubled face gradually became expressionless.

There was a crisp "clang" sound.

It was the sound made by chopsticks hitting an empty plate.


Did I really eat it all? sky! God!

Why can I also enjoy a "dark cuisine"?

Chen Zhiyuan came to his senses in a daze. In just a few minutes, the difficult swallowing time that was expected to take a quarter of an hour or even half an hour was actually shortened greatly!

He smacked his lips.

The depression in my heart was replaced by a surprise of discovery.

Between the lips and teeth, there is a faint sweetness left by the filling.

"This sweet taste is so familiar."

Chen Zhiyuan pondered for a moment, and suddenly there was lightning in his head: "Yes, it must be 'Natto'!"

[Starting score for this tasting: 30...]

[Note that the rating is on a hundred-point scale, with a perfect score of one hundred. 】

This counts as answering an ingredient correctly and getting 30 points instantly?

Chen Zhiyuan was so excited that he answered the questions including glutinous rice, minced meat, soy sauce, chives and other seasoning ingredients. As a result, the score only slowly rose to 40, which was still a long way from passing the test.

I didn't even realize that it was very unreasonable for 'Natto' to appear in this amusement park game with the background of "Chinese Ichiban".

Chen Zhiyuan scratched his head anxiously. After several attempts, he found that answering the ingredients item could no longer improve his tasting score. He gritted his teeth and turned to cooking techniques:

"There is a problem with the use of glutinous rice for the filling and it should be soaked in advance."


Seeing that the score finally increased, Chen Zhiyuan burst into tears and decided to catch this crazy sheep: "Glutinous rice can be pickled, add oil and salt."


"Before kneading and mixing the fillings, the glutinous rice can be fried until it is cooked and translucent."


The score officially exceeded the 60 mark, followed by the word "passed", but then Chen Zhiyuan added a few tasting words about the use of glutinous rice, but the score returned to dead silence, making him sigh. He still got the sheep. It's so bare.

[This tasting ended with a final score of 65 (passed). 】

[Get 500 experience points. 】

The character level is automatically upgraded from LV1 to LV2.

A talent tree panel unfolded in Chen Zhiyuan's field of vision.

‘Tongue’ (Do you want to have the taste of God)——

‘Nose’ (the most skilled perfumer can identify any recipe in the world)——

‘Eye’ (Mortal eyes may be deceived by illusions, but nothing can deceive the divine pupil)——

‘Ears’ (listen, the fire cooks the oil, you are the kitchen and the field)——

"You have 1 idle skill point, which can be used on the [Food Appreciation] talent panel to strengthen the character's senses."

Please collect and recommend votes~~

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