Eternal food paradise

Chapter 50 Return

The world of Shoji.

Day and night changed again. Xia Yan got up early and clicked on the tree icon on his personal panel as soon as possible.

It was found that the irrigation information was not updated.

The tree growth value was still 2/100, so Xia Yan said to himself in disappointment:

"The players (tool people) are not good enough."

Chen Zhiyuan's situation is special. His progress is fast, which is normal, but several other elite personnel who have been screened by the system have not achieved any staged results in the past day, which is really not the case.

The system also said to create star-rated recipes and complete the star-rated assessment.

Or some special behavior.

For example, behaviors that affect the main line of the world and then cause deviations.

These are sure to complete an irrigation session.

"Is there any way to increase activity and motivation in these guys?"

"What if those who want to be around and those who want to live a good life have to get out of the fishing state and work diligently to defeat monsters and level up?"

Xia Yan drank a glass of water and swallowed a 'calming pill' as usual.

The thoughts that were originally hazy when I woke up early became clear in an instant.

Promote competition among players?

For example, the ranking list of cooking skills, the ranking list of recipe power...

But when I think about the embarrassing situation that there are only a few players, the atmosphere can’t create excitement, and the top ten on the list can’t even be filled.

forget it.

Moreover, in the final analysis, food and cooking are the main theme of his paradise world.

The system's screening mechanism most likely includes the hidden condition of "love". Otherwise, how can we explain it? Several players who have logged in online are either gourmet UP masters, or trainee chefs and avid gourmets.

"Niche games and niche paradises are of high quality, but the staff is too Buddhist and there is no fierce competition atmosphere."

Xia Yan was not helpless about this.

It suddenly occurred to him.

When I first met "Reach Star" Chen Zhiyuan, this guy put aside his moral integrity and was very enthusiastic about delicious food items. His eager and watchful eyes are still funny in retrospect.

And he is the "producer" of such projects.

Compared with the natives who issued tasks in Paradise World, he undoubtedly has a higher level of authority.

Opening the system store panel and looking at the special products on it, Xia Yan's eyes flashed: "People die for money and birds die for food. Even big guys like Gin Dojima are extremely eager for these things."

"System, you always say that my panel is unique."

"Issuing a mission or something, right?"

Real world, Tokyo.

A well-known video station outside the wall, Aono Sumiko took advantage of the weekend holiday to live broadcast on time according to the notification message sent on the social platform a few days ago.


Play games.

It's almost another live broadcast of fishing.

Of course, as a Vtuber with a bleak fan following, she couldn’t support herself just by monetizing the traffic of just over a thousand people from the live broadcast, so Aono Sumiko was already working in a high-end coffee shop in the port area and truly became a fan. The so-called working warrior.

Just because the audience is small doesn’t mean that the barrage will be bleak.

On the contrary, there are many ardent and die-hard fans. As soon as she finished singing the song, barrages flooded her, but most of them were like "Grass" and "WWWWW".

Fans have also discovered that the virtual UP owner has been in a bad state recently.

The feeling of not having enough energy.

Looking at a comment about her concern, Aono Sumiko hugged her pillow and complained: "Because a restaurant I often go to has suddenly closed. It's been a month. I suspect it has closed down."

"It's not a Western restaurant, it's a Japanese restaurant."

"It's just a very ordinary Chinese restaurant, but I tell you, don't go there. It's terrible. There are only spicy dishes there, or all the dishes are darkly spicy."

"Absolutely, absolutely dark restaurant!"

Today's live broadcast task was completed. After turning off the computer, Aono Sumiko thought for a moment and changed into long pants and long-sleeved sportswear. It was the evening and she could jog and exercise near the apartment.

So she took the elevator to the ground, and Aono Sumiko ran directly across the viaduct and headed towards Shitamachi on the other side of the canal.

Familiar streets.

A small single-family building with a wooden signboard that says "Chinese Cuisine" looks very inconspicuous in this Edo-style B\u0026B in Shitamachi.

Aono Sumiko found that the door of the restaurant was closed. Although she had expected it, a look of disappointment appeared on her face.

Manager Xia, where have you been?

No one was seen for a month.

Could it be that he really owed a lot of debt and ran away to return to his country?

Hey, while jogging, Aono Sumiko discovered that she was not the lonely watcher. On the steps diagonally opposite the restaurant, there was an old man with a scar face in blue work clothes, leaning on the railing and smoking quietly.

The orange-red sunset shone on the stairs and fell on the uncle's face, making his face filled with stories of vicissitudes of life filled with indescribable depression.

"The door didn't open again... Baga!"

As Aono Sumiko approached, she happened to hear the uncle put out his cigarette butt and curse in a Kansai accent.

She knew this uncle named Shimada Takashi.

Seriously, this is the sixth time she has come to the restaurant to try her luck to see if Manager Xia has returned, and she has met this uncle for the sixth time.

"Uncle Shimada." Aono Sumiko greeted.

Shimada Takashi pretended to be cool and turned his head away, throwing the stubbed out cigarette butt in the flower bed just in front of the sunset staircase. It is worth mentioning that on the tiles of the flower bed there were two cups of pearl milk tea that were abandoned halfway through.

After walking a few steps, Shimada Takashi stopped and turned his back to the girl in sportswear and ponytail running up the stairs: "Will Manager Xia come back?"

Aono Sumiko turned back to face the setting sun, looking at the old Shitamachi houses bathed in golden light, including the restaurant.

The view farther away is the Tokyo Metropolitan Viaduct, the sparkling urban canals, and then the high-rise apartment building where she currently lives temporarily.

"I sent him many messages, but they all showed as unread." Aono Sumiko said, and her eyes suddenly widened.


The wooden sign at the door swayed along with the generously opened door panel.

A man walked out of the house with his palms raised between his eyebrows. He was obviously looking at a corner of Tokyo under the sunset, with a look of trance and emotion on his face.

Time goes back a few minutes.

【Return soon. 】

[Countdown, 10, 9, 8, 7...]

The remaining half of the stay in the Shokuge World was also used up unknowingly.

Xia Yan was ready to return a day ago.

First of all, destroy all your notes and notebooks without leaving any trace.

Secondly, he sent a farewell text message to Isoko Hui and Kuaga Teruki respectively. The content was nothing more than that there was an emergency in the country and he had to suspend school. He believed that the system would help arrange other loopholes, even rejuvenating him and turning into a sixteen-year-old boy. It can be concluded that the system will be able to justify his next reasonable return to Shoji and Totsuki.

He doesn’t know when he will come back next time, because the growth progress of the ‘Twisted Tree’ is not optimistic.

[The task begins to settle. 】

[Complete the world mission - 'The Beginning of the Great Society'. 】

[Rating: A+. 】

[A rating or above will trigger additional rewards. 】

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