Miura Yuka wiped her sweat with a tissue.

She finished a box of Shirako, which only cost a few hundred yen of ingredients, and the portion was small.

The white pieces were gone, but ‘Mapo-chan’ didn’t seem to have moved.

"Western pufferfish Shirako, Eastern cod Shirako."

An overview of Yuka Miura.

“I have tasted the most expensive and delicious pufferfish shirataki and real cod shirataki, but never once did I get the ‘texture’ I have today.”


Sumiko Aono and Takashi Shimada ponder this word.

Miura Yuxiang pointed to the 'Ma Po Sauce': "I like the offal ingredient Shirako very much, and I have eaten a lot of Western and Japanese dishes. However, at present, I think your 'Chinese Cuisine' method is the best. "

"Compared to puffer fish shirataki, cod shirataki actually has a slightly raw smell. Your peppery and spicy sauce perfectly overcomes the flaws of the ingredients themselves."


Looking at the pile of paper towels in front of me, the more I wiped them, the more I wiped them.

"It's too spicy!"

She took the document bag and stood up unsteadily, "I've been delayed for too long with you, and my next work will be very rushed."


Xia Yan stopped her: "Those complaints about my restaurant..."

The woman paused at the store door: "Bad review."


"What's the meaning?"

"I kind of understand why those complaint letters and phone calls say they are seriously unwell physically and mentally." After that, she left quickly on high heels.

Well, Xia Yan was actually prepared for making things worse and possibly offending people.

Knowing this, he would not be able to aggrieve himself by cooking something very popular and not "dark" in order to cope with the inspection and please the Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Why bother with lies, just show the real side.

That's my store.

This is my style of cooking.

In fact, Xia Yan was very serious and gave Bai Zi the 'Three Peppers in One' technique that he learned in the world of Shiji Spirit.

Make a spicy and spicy shirako dish.

It is the guest's choice whether to eat or not. He does not force it. Of course, if you are like Miura Yuka, you will first praise and then suddenly give a negative or negative review...

emmmm, what a perfect ending!

Suddenly, a string of data appeared in the field of vision:

[Task progress-1/10].

"Huh?" Xia Yan was dumbfounded, "Does this count as a negative comment indicator? Zhancao, can't she really make others hold a grudge? Moreover, the system actually determined that she is a celebrity."

For the task of "the bad reviews are full of stench," the first is to require bad review indicators, and the second is to require celebrities.

Xia Yan glanced at the two customers standing in front of the bar.

"The sun has set and the restaurant will be closing soon."

Shimada Takashi left his seat first and said goodbye.

However, Aono Sumiko stayed and stared at him with burning eyes.

"How did you come up with the idea of ​​making 'Mapo Baizi'? This is such a great idea. Wow, neon local-style ingredients, you made the flavor of Chinese cuisine."

"I always feel that when you go on a trip, Manager Xia, it's not like you're on a fishing trip. Instead, it feels like you're going to the mountains to practice hard. Your cooking skills have become much better -"

Girl, you know the truth.

Xia Yan started to clear away the tableware on the bar. Aono Sumiko, who had been silent for a moment, suddenly said something shocking:

"Hey, Xia Yanjun, do you need a girlfriend?"

"???" He almost threw the tableware in his hand away.

Aono Sumiko looked serious: "I want to ask, do you need a girlfriend who has a sweet voice, can sing, play games, and can help with housework..."

Hey, hey, just give an example to yourself, girl.

Xia Yan also thought about it seriously and shook his head for a moment: "No!"


Aono Sumiko asked anxiously.

"Think about it, Chengzi. As you know, my store is operating like a fisherman. It's very difficult for me to support myself."

Xia Yan was also desperate.

The system is a black hole that swallows money. If he wants to use money, he has to convert system funds.

In other words, in the eyes of outsiders, he is a poor man who cannot save a single coin.

It just so happens that I often read some strange reports recently, saying that neon girls require men to have a very high income, with an annual payment of 5 million yen and a monthly payment of 300,000 yen, which is just enough to meet the standard.

To put it bluntly, Xia Yan believes that money has delayed his happiness in life, which is quite true anyway.

"What if you can become financially independent..." Aono Sumiko added a condition weakly.

Xia Yan shook his head firmly and said:

"It's difficult, it's so difficult. After paying the mortgage and miscellaneous taxes and fees, you will have to support your family and children in the future. Can you squeeze out tens of thousands of yen a month for living expenses?"

With his back to the bar, while washing the dishes, he lamented how difficult it is for neon men. No wonder the social pressure here is huge and news of suicides is seen all day long.

Little did he know that Aono Sumiko stayed in her seat.

Mortgage, raising children.

The topic was straightforward, jumping from whether or not to have a female vote to getting married.


I haven't even been in love yet...

Aono Sumiko's pretty face was hot. She hadn't experienced the girlfriend's perspective yet. Even if it took only an hour, she would be directly promoted to the wife's perspective.

Well, but if the object is...

His eyes suddenly wandered and became uncertain.

Let’s not talk about anything else.

At least my "stomach" will definitely be drowned by that kind of happiness.

After washing the dishes and going back to wipe the table with a rag, Xia Yan found Aono Sumiko running away.

[Please receive the ‘extra reward’ for the A+ evaluation of the world mission. 】

Attention was drawn back by the system.


Xia Yan patted his head, "I was interrupted by a guest and I forgot to receive the reward."

The basic reward for the mission, 5 idle skill points, has been allocated to "A Pot" and "Beichen Sirius Sword" and all have been consumed.


As a result, a recipe manual floated out of the virtual panel and landed directly on the bar in front of Xia Yan in reality.

"White Soup Curry Udon" (Shokuji no Soi, 4 stars).

Explanation: The counterattack cuisine presented by Zenji Marui in the Autumn selection of Shokuki no Spirit World, Gokusei Ryo.

The autumn selection is equivalent to Yuanyue's annual culinary competition for freshmen.

The performance of the top group is roughly 4 stars, which is as strong as Yuanyue's second-year elite. Xia Yan silently recited "study", opened the recipe information, and found that the ceiling of the "drug index" was 'light'. I couldn't help but sigh in disappointment: "There is a huge gap between mild and "sure-kill" high levels. "

Not surprising.

The "must-kill" recipe can at least shake the top ten. If Zenji Marui can show this kind of combat power in the autumn selection, he will definitely be the one to go to the "Red Leaf Hunt", not Yukihira Soma and his team.

Really, the actual combat power of a recipe depends on its [Characteristics]!

The sun has completely set.

Xia Yan closed the door and opened his personal panel.


Reality shattered in vision.

He emerged from his cabin and heard the buzz of chatter in the store.

"Jerry left a message saying that he had tracked down the 'wonderful man'."

"Zhou Cao, who said that licking a dog can't lead a house? There's no future for licking a dog. Look, you can't tell if someone else will have an adventure just by licking a dog!"

"Tsk, I smell sourness, a bunch of lemon juice!"

Xia Yan quietly opened the door a crack, glanced out sideways, and saw a few people sitting in the front of his shop.

They sit around a round table.

It seems to have a bit of a "round table conference" style.

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