Eternal food paradise

Chapter 62 Fried Gluten

Seeing Yan Xian take off his coat, Xia Yan didn't expect that his plan went so smoothly, and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Comparing the other four members of the ‘Five Tigers’, the key point is that Yan Xian has never shown his cooking skills!

In the original work, everyone said that his cooking skills were terrifying, and even Explosive Chef Asian Magazine lamented that he was the strongest among the "Five Tigers".

The Asian magazine has famous articles such as "Tianxiong's Grilled Herring" and "Unifying the Seven Kingdoms Fried Noodles".

Mira has the same ability as a "mirror" and can copy and imitate the dishes of Jie Lu and Ren.

The leader Kaiyu even has "Eight Demon-Breaking Formations", the supreme classic of the dark world.

"It is said that Yan Xian is good at boiling and frying cooking techniques. Now I finally have the opportunity to verify whether the rumors are true or false in a real world."

Xia Yan was about to go to the kitchen to bring a bag of flour when he heard Yan Xian ask him: "Do you have any flour?"

“I’ve been thinking about it, and with the available ingredients, I can only make some pasta-type snacks late at night.”

Damn, is this going to crash?

What a coincidence.

He also wants to make some pasta.


So Xia Yan brought out a big bag of flour, poured out half of it, pointed at the white mountain of flour and said, "How much do you need?"

Yan first washed his hands, rolled up his sleeves, swung his arm like a knife, split one third of the mountain in half, and then put it in front of him.

His movements were very clean and quick, not even a trace of flour was raised. His arm split the mountain of noodles into two parts, and the Chu River and Han realms separated in the middle were actually completely clean without any trace of white dust.

"Unfortunately, it's ordinary flour, not high-gluten flour."

Yan Xian grabbed a handful of dust, shook his head and said, turned around and went to get water from the water tank at the back.

Xia Yan took advantage of Yan's turn and silently said "use" to a certain prop in his mind.


[Acquire the "Super Vision" (Eye of Myra) state, which lasts for 2 hours].

A second chef squeezed into the kitchen, and what happened next made Tang Ying, Chen Zhiyuan and others look at each other in shock.

Two people are kneading and kneading dough!

"They all use warm water to knead the noodles."

"Hey, look at the other side, the flour is being stirred with only salt, and there is no fermentation at all."

From kneading to kneading the dough.

Chen Zhiyuan's eyes flickered, and he carefully observed between Yan Xian and Manager Xia, unwilling to miss any detail.

Store manager Xia held a rolling pin in his hand. Bai An's basic skills, at least from Chen Zhiyuan's perspective, were not that big of a deal. They were orderly, smooth and natural, a textbook-like dough kneading process.

In contrast, Yan Xian seemed too free and easy. He used a pair of fleshy palms to repeatedly knead and pat the gradually formed dough without using any tools.

After a while, the dough for both of them entered the "waking up" phase.

At this point, it seems to be the dividing line of the recipe.


Bottle after bottle of red sauce was thrown into the Chinese pot and stir-fried. Yan Xian stood and watched with interest. He didn't mind that the high-temperature stove was next to him, but regardless of the pungent spicy smell and the heat wave like a sauna, he It didn't affect him at all.

Seeing Xia Yan stir-fry the hot sauce, fry the beef, and mix the 'beef juice butter' obtained by mincing the beef with a bowl of hot red oil, Yan Xian couldn't help but said to himself in surprise: "This Yes, puff pastry?"

He glanced at the dough that was proofing, and then at the bowl of evenly mixed "pastry".

Yan Xian smiled like this: "Puff pastry!"

But the next moment, his smile froze.

Ignoring the eyes nearby and the gazes of several players outside the bar, Xia Yan opened the cupboard with a click, took out a large jar of 'special mustard', held two knives, and pointed at the mustard roots placed on the chopping board. , swung the sword like rain, and naturally exuded the aura of a master of swordsmanship for many years, "Bang bang bang bang bang..."

A hint of refreshing, crispy taste.

It's like dots of green ink, exaggerated in the rich spicy red cloud.

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

The players who were whispering and communicating fell silent.

"Is it the kind of 'pickled mustard' in my store? Hold the grass, Manager Xia is personally demonstrating how to use these two special ingredients reasonably!"

Chen Zhiyuan held his breath, and looked at Tang Ying, who had also unlocked the store, with burning eyes. For a moment, he only stared at the manager Xia. Yan Xian, one of the "Five Tigers", was treated coldly.

After a moment, the sound of washing broke the silence.

The players saw Yan Xian, throwing the proofed dough into a copper basin filled with water, and kneading it vigorously, as if he was washing clothes.

Xia Yan had just put the "folded" and "closed" dough in the steamer on the stove. Hearing the sound of swishing and washing, he turned around and looked at it with a strange expression.

Yan Xian didn't notice it, and neither did the park players like Chen Zhiyuan.

At this time, the young chef's eyes were quietly glowing with a golden light.

The retina is like a mirror.

It clearly reflects every move of Yan Xian, the ‘Five Tiger Star’!

However, Yan Xian changed several basins of water and kneaded and washed it several times. The originally big lump of dough shrank greatly and turned into a sticky pale white mud ball.


Tang Ying and Chen Zhiyuan shouted.

As a result, these mud balls enter the next step of "secondary awakening", and the subsequent cooking becomes even more clear.

Heat the oil pan.

Gluten wraps around chopsticks.

I saw Yan Xian lift the chopsticks above the hot oil pan, shake it gently, and wow, a white jade dragon broke away from the chopsticks and quickly penetrated into the depths of the brown-yellow liquid, its white scales gradually turning golden .

"What a divine smell is this!"

The fragrant smell of fried food made the group of people surrounding the bar take a deep breath, their chests heaving, and they felt like their souls were about to leave their bodies with the light smell.

Soon, a steaming plate of fried gluten was ready.


The moment the chopsticks stacked the last piece of gluten on the top of the plate, a dazzling light bloomed in everyone's sight without warning.


"Hold the grass?!"

"Is this the legendary... glowing cuisine?"

"It's true! I'm almost blind!"

For park visitors other than Chen Zhiyuan, this may be a scene that shocks the concept of food and subverts the world view of cooking. But unfortunately, this plate of fried gluten is not for entertaining diners. They secretly salivate but dare not take the liberty to ask for a taste. Request to taste.

At this time, another explosive smell suddenly filled the air from another pot in the kitchen. In terms of taste alone, it was not much weaker than the glowing dishes of the "Five Tiger Stars".


Xia Yan held the Chinese iron pot and tilted it slightly, and a steaming pancake suddenly fell onto the prepared white plate.

Subconsciously, he touched his forehead as if to take off the scarf.

But suddenly he realized that he was not the medicine king, and he didn't have the habit of taking off his headscarf and shouting "poor hospitality". One stroke, one point.

Thousand-feuille pancake with layers of sides.

Glossy and shiny!

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