Eternal food paradise

Chapter 67 Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division (Part 2)

"Why do Chinese restaurants make fresh sashimi? Let's put aside this issue, Miss Miura, if the sashimi is salmon, it would be too ordinary and popular!"

Shimizu Yosuke asked on the spot.

In particular, when he saw the small plate of dipping sauce Xia Yan was making, which was just a simple daily combination of mustard and soy sauce, the gourmet expressed his dissatisfaction and said: "It's still early, Miss Miura, I don't want to be there at the beginning of work today." Just eat mediocre things and ruin your appetite. You have to understand the tongue of a gourmet and his picky taste in food."

Ishihara Koji can be regarded as Shimizu Yosuke's old partner. He knows that this guy has a "wonderful" obsessive-compulsive disorder and can't stand vulgar dishes.

Those with distinctive features, even if they look ugly and smell terrible, he will try to taste them.

Therefore, he was hospitalized two days ago due to stomach discomfort.

As for salmon sashimi, you can eat it in any commercial street or any Japanese restaurant...

If it weren't for the considerable appearance fee, Ishihara Koji suspected that he would have turned around and left with disdain.

"Miss Miura, let's go shoot other places first. Come back if you have time in the afternoon." Ishihara Koji said in a negotiating tone. He felt that Miura Yuka had any personal relationship with this store, otherwise she wouldn't I will lead the team directly here.

An ordinary store.

This is the first impression of Ishihara Koji.

"Wait a minute." Miura Yuka whispered a little irritably.

From the eyes of Ishihara Koji and Shimizu Yosuke, she sensed doubts and distrust, and there was an unknown anger in her heart.

Xia Yan, however, didn't pay attention to what they were talking about. He was minding his own business and cutting a plate of salmon fillets.

Originally, I planned to test the "Wind of Escape".

Let’s start with the simplest test paper.

"Thin soy sauce and wasabi."

Xia Yan picked up the chopsticks, first picked some muddy green mustard, and sprinkled it on the salmon fillets.

These mustards are not mustard powder or paste, but the classic 'wasabi puree', which can also be called green mustard. Xia Yan just ground it with wasabi roots and it is still very fresh.

Put the fish fillets dipped in soy sauce into your mouth.


A blue whirlwind seemed to form in his pupils, and Xia Yan snorted: "The spiciness of the mustard seems to have been seriously weakened."

“Subtraction of seasoning?”

“One side is weakened and the other is strengthened.”

"The deliciousness of the meat...the concentration!"

Click, the hand holding the chopsticks tightened. Xia Yan had not been surprised by the deliciousness of the ingredients for a long time.


It's a box of affordable salmon meat. Is that deliciousness actually transformed by the dipping sauce into something magical?

"Dips, sauces."

“Their role in cold cuts is nothing more than to add freshness and flavor!”

I vaguely grasped some key feeling.

Xia Yan put down his chopsticks and tore open another box of ingredients. This time he cut the tuna meat. After eating one piece, he put down his chopsticks, with surprise written in his eyes: "Sure enough, it's because of the dipping sauce!"

So, he then began to carefully classify and process the sauce dishes.

The basic framework of soy sauce + wasabi remains unchanged.

But for the soy sauce, one plate is filled with crushed perilla, and the other is evenly mixed with stock, white plum vinegar, and fine sugar.

On the bar, more and more condiment dishes are lined up.

From perilla sauce and green plum sauce, we later moved to weird pepper juice and fresh tomato juice.

This operation made the customers at the bar look dumbfounded.


Salmon and tuna were dipped in various sauces piece by piece. Xia Yan tasted them one by one and came to a terrible conclusion:

"Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, these spice formulas and algorithms... are simply unpredictable!"

However, the results are not always good. For example, if you have a plate of dipping sauce and eat it with salmon, the deliciousness is infinitely weakened by the dimensionality reduction attack, and the meat quality only highlights the fishy smell.

"So, the so-called 'escape' refers to the seasoning algorithm that the chef himself cannot control?" Xia Yan was speechless.

If it's addition or multiplication.

That is undoubtedly double, triple and N times unpredictable happiness.

Suddenly, thinking that the previous advancements such as "Flower Knife" and "Firewood Stove" were also fucking uncontrollable, Xia Yan secretly thought, could it be due to proficiency and skill level?

A voice finally interrupted his crazy cooking test:

"Well, can we have a taste?"

The customer who had been fucked for a long time finally made a sound.

"Hey, you didn't leave?"

Seeing the chef's reaction, Yosuke Shimizu, Koji Ishihara and Yuka Miura had even weirder expressions.

"Are you adjusting the sauce?" Gourmet Shimizu Yosuke was obviously intrigued by his operation.


As he answered, Xia Yan picked up some sauce dishes one after another, poured out the base of the soy sauce, and threw the residue into the trash can.

"The rest of these are very good sauces, each with its own merits. You can try them and see."

Several people watched him turn around and cut other pieces of salmon and tuna sashimi, and then looked at the sauce plate specially left on the bar, and the corners of his mouth suddenly twitched.

Compared to those he dumped.

These are either strange and colorful in color, or very sticky and disgusting.

The atmosphere in the store is very weird!

Finally, it was gourmet Shimizu Yosuke who took the lead to pick up the chopsticks, pick up the fish fillets and choose one of the sauce plates.

Ishihara Koji and Miura Yuka were very careful not to move their chopsticks, and stared sideways at the courageous gourmet.


Their first reaction when they saw Shimizu Yosuke was obviously very bad, and their faces turned green.

After two seconds, the gourmet's eyes suddenly lit up.

So slippery!


A very ordinary piece of salmon meat, but it gave him an extremely soft texture like licking a marshmallow.

Yosuke Shimizu couldn't help but look at the chef who seemed to be thinking about new sauce ideas: "What kind of sauce is this?"

"Oh, the dish you dipped in mainly used egg yolks and cooked oil to stir."

I saw my fellow travelers and Xia Yan started chatting about the sauce.

Miura Yuka didn't act cautiously. She tried a piece of sashimi with chopsticks, but almost vomited: "Yoo, it's so disgusting. What does this smell like? Why does it smell so bad!!"

Xia Yan glanced at it: "On that plate, I put red bean curd and grated it."

Red bean curd?

Miura Yuka was a little confused.

Shimizu Yosuke said curiously: "Ah, is it the famous fermented bean curd and fermented bean curd? It is said that it smells bad, but it tastes very delicious."

Seeing this, Koji Ishihara came to his senses, turned to the staff who had set up the equipment, and made an anxious "power on" gesture.

This group of people didn't stay long. When it was about to end, Xia Yan presented another plate of black squid ink dipping sauce. The guests shook their heads in rejection and quickly left.

Looking at their backs, Xia Yan muttered:

"The squid juice has been cooked."

[‘A restaurant full of stench’ – Progress (3/10). 】

What the hell, didn’t the customers leave with rave reviews? But Xia Yan thought of several people and all left midway. He went to the bathroom and awkwardly returned to his seat. He touched his chin and fell into deep thought.

"Well, as of now, it's just simple 'addition, subtraction, multiplication and division'."

"What the hell! Compared with Mila's "Spice Inequality", it's an elementary school student's algorithm and a college calculus! "

It was still early, but Xia Yan didn't plan to open the business anymore, so he closed the shop early and logged into Paradise World.

Before the competition to decide the next chef of [Ju Go Downstairs], it seems to be a good time to get in touch with the protagonist Liu Pleiades.

Thinking of the "Six Flavors in One Magic Mapo Tofu" recipe that was born under the background of this story.

What if, there was ‘Super Doubanjiang’.

Is this recipe still the original framework, six flavors in one?

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