Eternal food paradise

Chapter 80 White Gluten Soup (Part 2)

In fact, Xia Yan's recipe is based on the general framework of "Yulong Gluten".

It was an impossible task for him to explode with creativity and come up with a recipe with a high dark index and high luminous index on the spot in the short period of time he was entertaining guests. He was very confident.

So, choosing a suitable framework, perhaps a parasite, and adding some of your own things into it is the wisest approach. It can be said to be a great ingenuity!

After thinking about it, the most suitable recipe for him to adapt is this recipe learned through super visual experience cards.


Xia Yan wasn't worried about what Yan Xian would see.

Because, in essence, the dishes, areas and types he is about to present can be said to be reinvented.

Seeing some shadows, I let Yan Xian guess. Anyway, there are very few people with [super vision] in the world. If Yan Xian has doubts, he will not be sure. Besides, Yan Xian has already marked him as abandoning treatment. Thoughts, why worry about adding more doubts and confusion in the mind of this king of heaven.

“Gluten is gone!”

After adding the seafood broth to the pot, Xia Yan nodded secretly, turned to the kitchen counter at the back, and moved a copper basin.

He took out a piece of "gluten" that had finished proofing in the basin.

First use a knife to cut into strips.

Then Chen Zhiyuan, Shao An and Yan Xian who were sitting outside the bar saw him take a plate of gluten strips to the stove and place it next to the pot. He was holding a pair of chopsticks and wrapping the gluten layers around the wooden chopsticks. .


The chopsticks shook violently, and the twisted white gluten strips immediately fell into the soup and disappeared.

Seeing this scene, everyone reacted differently.

Chen Zhiyuan exclaimed in his heart: "Shit! This is Yan Xian's recipe!"

Shaoan looked confused and confused: "Does this have any technical content?"

Hearing this, Xia Yan wrapped the second piece of gluten around the chopsticks, turned back to him and smiled with his teeth: "It's nothing, I just did it because I thought it was fun and interesting!"

"Any similarity is purely coincidental!"

Yan Xian: “(*゜ェ゜*)!”

Quickly put a plate of gluten into the soup.

By this stage, Shao'an, Yan Xian and Chen Zhiyuan all knew Xia Yan's recipe.

“Gluten soup!”

Next, Xia Yan lifted up a basin of white "noodle water" and slowly poured it into the iron pot, which proved that this was a pot of gluten soup.

An everyday recipe, a popular snack.

The materials are simple and the method is simple.

It can't be called a main dish, so there is no place for this dish in a banquet.

Xia Yan poured the face water almost completely, then clapped his hands and turned around: "Just wait a little longer."

Shaoan opened his mouth.

"Is that all?" Shaoan didn't hide his disappointment and glanced around at this ordinary restaurant. "How should I put it? It's the same style as your restaurant. It's too ordinary. If I had known the recipe earlier, It’s gluten soup, and I didn’t bother to look at it carefully. From the perspective of a top chef, don’t you think that by using a pot of the best stock in this way, you are consuming and wasting the ingredients in the pot that provide umami?”

"If it were me, with such a pot of stock base, I would be able to create a top-notch special recipe in less than a month!"

Xia Yan is so angry.

Okay, you are great, you are a special chef.

But he would not be happy if he told Shao An that his recipe was ordinary.

"I hope you can take back your 'mediocre' comment -" Xia Yan raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and while the pot was boiling over high heat, the soup gradually turned into thick white soup. He suddenly dipped it in, and when he picked it up again, only Seeing that the soup was incredibly viscous, the next second I tilted the spoon again, the soup was like thick jelly, and it fell back into the pot with a loud bang.

at the same time.

A piece of white gluten, carried up by the spoon, suddenly met the cold air from the outside, and the body that was constantly steaming shrank suddenly.

"White Dragon!"

With a "plop", the shadow suddenly appeared and fell into the deepest part of the white soup.

There was the sound of a chair falling to the ground.

Shao An stood up in shock, his eyes fell directly on the white soup in the pot, and he only saw mysterious and deep ripples on the water.


After a while, Xia Yan simply wrapped the ears of the big pot with a rag and lifted the entire pot onto the bar. Chen Zhiyuan enthusiastically found a shelf to hold the full pot of soup firmly.

This soup is too thick and too white.

Several people murmured in their hearts.

Xia Yan placed two large bowls on the bar and stirred the hot pot with a metal spoon.

The dazzling light called 'Cooking Light' rose instantly, giving the pot of white soup a blinding effect.

Glowing? !

Shaoan was stunned.

There is one sentence that can sum up the luminous cuisine.

Only food that shines is good food!

Even if it is just a simple daily recipe or a dish that is very popular in daily life, it has reached the level of brilliance!

Xia Yan was relieved when he saw the light of cooking.

At least, it proves that his application of the "Yulong Gluten" framework has no directional problems.

The glow is due to the framework. The 'advanced' index has not gone away. You can get a definite conclusion without checking the system's cooking log. As for the remaining "darkness index", Xia Yan's lips curled up. He never doubted his dark attainments. With a swishing sound of the spoon in his hand, he poured a spoonful of gluten soup into the bowl in front of Shao An:

"Please try it."

"Is it ordinary? Have I wasted good material? Use your tongue to eat it and feel it for yourself!"

Shaoan was silent, pursed his lips tightly, and stared at the white soup in the bowl.

Ginger, green onions, tomato wedges, etc. disappeared.

In a big bowl, there's just rich white.

However, the monotonous color does not mean that the information captured at the "taste" level is also so pale.

On the contrary, at this moment, the delicious smell that Shaoan smelled at close range was like stuffing an entire ocean into his head. The swelling and full of vitality made the taste nerves surge with endless excitement. As the information flowed, countless images of marine life, aquatic products and seafood flashed before his eyes.

Those fish and shrimps, those squid and squid with tentacles.


Just one whiff of the smell gave Shaoan a sense of trance, facing the entire deep sea, and a faint voice reached his ears:

"Come on, take one bite and it's equivalent to eating all the seafood!"

Shaoan subconsciously picked up the spoon.

Regardless of how rich and frightening the white color of the noodle soup is, the thick texture of the soup itself is undoubtedly going dark.

He put a full ladle of noodle soup into his mouth and chewed a piece of gluten.

Teeth bite down!


In the mouth, the rope broke.

Shaoan's whole body shook suddenly, causing the spoon to fall into the bowl.

He only felt that he had taken a mouthful of hot gelatin, and the gelatin instantly covered every corner of his mouth, and his tongue was tightly wrapped in some kind of deformed mud, making him unable to move.

As if suffocated, Shaoan opened his mouth to the maximum and breathed fiercely.

"It's ordinary, right?" A voice with an elusive smile said suddenly.

Shaoan's eyes regained some clarity and he was about to comment.

Gluten sticks got into the throat.


If you search carefully, you will find something slippery in your stomach.


Shaoan's eyes widened.

On that ocean-going fishing boat, a crew member was on board, clinging to the railing. Tentacles filled with sticky liquid suddenly emerged from the deep sea, binding his hands and feet, and then his neck was also stuck. The face of this Shao An-incarnated crew member turned purple, and in his eyes widened due to fear, another tentacle spitting out rich ocean juice was reflected.

The tentacle, with a swish, got into his mouth that was opened to breathe.

Pass through the mouth, along the throat and reach deep into the stomach pouch.

"Welcome to……"

"Tentacle Ocean Park!"

There was a faint sound coming from the stomach pouch.

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