Eternal food paradise

Chapter 99 Caution

Compared with last night's tea party task, today's make-up exam task is obviously much more difficult.

For Xia Yan, a single index/trait that meets the requirement of 'high' concentration is an easy difficulty.

But with dual traits and dual indices, without a suitable recipe, the difficulty suddenly escalated to difficult!

Xia Yan used his brain.

Is there any recipe for cooking beef in the "Chinese Ichiban" system? He recalled carefully, and it seemed that there were no recipes that simply used beef, so he picked the glowing recipe of 'Flame Roasted Suckling Pig' and said that the big buffalo was just a cover to provide beef-flavored accessories, not the main course.

As for the 'Great Universe Shaomai', the fillings are made from pig legs, shoulders, hooves, stomachs, tenderloins, etc. It would be no problem if these ingredients were replaced with a series of beef niu bao, but in the face of Is it necessary to engage in such a frivolous operation for a small entrance exam?

Thinking of this, Xia Yan glanced at Nakiri Erina, who was looking at this place intently.


It is always right to be cautious, and there is nothing wrong with being a cautious warrior.

Besides, this is the first time I’ve seen the ingredients and used them for the first time, so there’s no need for any fussy handling, just take a safe and cautious approach.

"In this case, we can only use the 'secret spice bag' to ensure the existence and concentration of a characteristic first?"

Xia Yan thought to himself.

The spice bag is guaranteed to have ‘dark qualities’.

What about another trait? Glow or drug?

outside the door.

Xingping Chuangzhen saw Xia Yan carrying a large, complete cow leg with both hands and walked towards the workbench.

This leg of beef was skinned when it was delivered.

And if you want to pursue the meat quality and taste, some muscles and bones must be removed.

However, he found that Xia Yan had only cleaned the corbel, so he took a sharp knife and carved and painted around the corbel, performing detailed "knife modifications".

"Isn't he going to cut out those 'tendons' that affect the taste?" Xingping Soma was confused.

"In this case, wouldn't it be the same as not handling it?"

Nakiri Senzaemon, who brought Soma Yukihira to the venue, just laughed when he heard this and said:

"It seems that he has grasped the easiest advantage of this 'corbel'!"


The commander-in-chief Totsuki explained: "Actually, this is a mutant Kobe Wagyu beef. It is different from ordinary cows. The staff discovered significant differences when this mutant cow was raised in the pasture."

"We have been observing and studying until this morning, when the research project came to an end, I issued the order for slaughter and dissection. Except for this leg of beef, other parts were packaged separately and sent to some famous chefs who had signed an agreement with Yuanyue In hand."

“We provide the ingredients, they provide the ideas and creativity.”

"The recipes we have worked out are shared by both parties."

Yukihira Soma was stunned for a while.

He was muttering loudly in his heart.

This old man is not simple!

Of course, it is one thing to secretly speculate on Senzaemon's identity, but Soma Kohei is more concerned about the "mutated Kobe Wagyu" the old man calls it.

"Why do you say it's a mutant?"

The smile on the corner of Nakiri Senzaemon's mouth seemed meaningful: "In addition to what is visible to the eyes, such as the obvious oil, there are also some 'mysterious substances' in the meat that cannot be analyzed by sophisticated scientific instruments!"

On the other side, the top ten members were also discussing in low voices.

"It's just a matter of changing the knife. What's the cost of cutting the knife?" Xiaolin Gentian was confused.

"It seems that he is really planning to cook the complete beef leg directly. Don't you plan to cut the beef leg further?" Si Yingshi, the chief, lowered his head and thought about it seriously, then shook his head and said: "If it is an ordinary beef There are many leg preparation recipes, and you can make a multiple choice question among the styles of every country and region in the world."

"But if it's unusual ingredients, I think cutting the beef shank from the leg bone into thin slices of meat is the most prudent and reasonable way to handle it!"

It was rare for Si Yingshi to express his opinion, but the other members of the Ten Elites did not refute or question him.

Nakiri Erina nodded, mentally agreeing with Siyingshi's words.

That's right.

Imagine a complete leg of beef turned into a plate of slices of beef leg meat.

The operational space that originally seemed tricky suddenly became clear!

"If it's beef shank slices, I can just use my "spicy" and "spicy" ingredients to make a plate of 'spicy beef shank cubes'! "Kuga Teruki said confidently here.

Isekhui smiled.


He cleared his throat and spoke, asking the other ten heroes to turn their attention to him: "No one seems to be very optimistic about Xia Yanjun's 'answer sheet' results, right?"

Ise Hui's childhood sweetheart, Ning Ning from the Kingdom of Ji, pushed up the frames of his glasses and spoke calmly:

"Faced with questions about ingredients that are extremely unfamiliar and have never been seen before, if I were the candidate, I would not be optimistic about my results."

"Yes, if you cross the 'passing line' for the first time, it can be considered an excellent performance, right?"

All the ten heroes also agreed.


At this time, a staff member from Yuanyue knocked on the door and brought the spices that Xia Yan had asked for by name.

It just so happened that Xia Yan also had the entire leg reshaped.

There is naturally no problem with his sword skills.

It sounds strange.

When modifying the knife on the uncooked raw beef leg, the "Arhat Crystal Slash" points to the expert level of proficiency, or something called muscle memory, which is vaguely attached to Xia Yan's every knife.

Therefore, Xia Yan is aware of every cut and the depth of the blade, as if there is a video recorder next to him as a reference, always recording his own process from the perspective of the audience.

"Such meticulous knife skills are so necessary."

While Xia Yan imitated the 'universal stew spice package' in his mind and mixed the comprehensive spice formula, he secretly thought about the details that need to be paid attention to when cooking a whole beef leg.

"Time is limited. Changing the knife will not only allow the spices to penetrate into the deep layers of the beef leg, but also greatly increase the heat, making the beef leg cooked faster, and it will be delicious enough in 2 hours!"

"As for the spice formula, it's very good. I also got the grass fruit, star anise and coriander seeds..."

The workbench is equipped with equipment for grinding spices. You can just use a machine to crush the spices and grind them into dust. There is no need to manually grind them with a pestle, which is time-consuming and troublesome.

Soon, everyone saw Xia Yan put the entire leg of beef into a large stainless steel basin, and then poured the spice powder he had just ground on the leg.

Sprinkle a little here and a little there.


Not only did they spread the spices, but when they saw Xia Yan, they also used their hands to scratch and pinch the sides of the beef leg.

It's like giving a serious massage to a cow's leg.

However, the effect of this massage technique is extremely significant.

The originally full bowl of spice powder was reduced visibly to the naked eye, and was all kneaded into the cuts on the four sides of the beef leg!

"The spices are all gone!"

Yukihira Soma shouted in surprise.

The ten heroes were also silent, staring closely at the beef leg being "marinated" in the basin.

The originally bloody raw leg suddenly underwent a magic transformation, and its surface was covered with a shining layer of curry color. At first glance, it looked very beautiful!

Half an hour later.

Xia Yan just threw the marinated beef leg into a large steamer, and poured a shallow layer of clear soup on the bottom of the pot.


The stove flames rose.

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