When Chen Mu entered the hall of the City Lord's Mansion, there were already more than a dozen cultivators with powerful aura sitting in the hall.

In addition to the original three powerhouses of the Jie Dan Realm that Chen Mu didn't see through, there was one more Jie Dan Realm, so that there were already four Jie Dan Realm in the Absolute Sword City.

In the middle of the hall, a man covered in blood and bound so tightly that he fainted on the ground.

And the people in the hall were all talking to each other, and their faces were all sad.

Chen Muchai, now the people gathered here should all be the real power figures of Absolute Sword City, and the reason why there were only five people last time should be that Bai Jinglong only trusted those four people.

As a junior, he bowed slightly after entering the City Lord's Mansion, did not speak, and sat silently at the end of the row.

"Everyone, now that the spy has been found

, he has just confessed, in seven days, the 150,000 alien demon army will arrive in the Absolute Sword City.

If you don't have a new opinion, let's disperse!

Go back and prepare early, if you can resist this time, the court will not forget you!" Chen

Mu seemed to come too late, after Bai Jinglong said this, everyone got up and left one after another.

"Chen Mu, you wait here, I still have something to talk to you about!" Everyone

present heard Bai Jinglong's shout, and then they glanced at Chen Mu curiously.

However, most people had no impression of Chen Mu, and after looking at it, they all left one after another.

After a while, in the entire hall, there were only three people left: Chen Mu, Bai Jinglong, and Elder Qingxue.

"Chen Mu, since the spy has been caught, I will return this 'clairvoyant' to its original owner.

Bai Jinglong returned the crosshair to Chen Mu from the inside of the ring, with a trace of reluctance in his eyes.

"City Lord Xie!" Chen

Mu took the crosshair and withdrew the ring.

"Chen Mu, regarding your plan to garrison Broken Blade Mountain, there are not many cultivators gathered so far, only more than three hundred.

Bai Jinglong sighed, with some regret in his eyes.

"The strength of this group of people is not bad, but it is still far from the number of people I expected, and a raid team should have a size of 1,000 people to bring enough lethality.

So I think your plan will probably not be implemented!" "

There are more than 300 people?" Chen

Mu was slightly surprised, not that the number of people was too small, but that there were many more than he expected.

He originally thought that it would be good to be able to gather more than a hundred people, after all, it was not those low-end martial cultivators who were summoned, but martial cultivators above the Qi cultivation realm.

It seems that as a border city, the proportion of bloody warriors in Absolute Sword City is still relatively large.

"City Lord Bai, in fact, more than three hundred people are enough!

I won't tell you, I actually have some hidden means that I haven't come up with, and if these people cooperate with me, it will be enough to support this plan!"

Hearing Chen Mu say this, Bai Jinglong showed an expression of interest.

"What kind of means is it, is it convenient to say it now?" Chen

Mu shook his head and smiled mysteriously.

"This is the invention of the family teacher, the city lord can just wait and see. "

Ever since Chen Mu proposed the battle plan for Broken Blade Mountain, Bai Jinglong sent someone to check his details, and naturally knew who Chen Mu's master was.

"Haha, 'Heavenly Ghost Fu' Yang Huiming is indeed a strange person in the talisman world.

As his disciple, I am absolutely at ease with you.

Chen Mu was secretly surprised, Ming Lao never mentioned his previous affairs, so it was the first time he heard it, it turned out that Ming Lao still had such a loud nickname.

Bai Jinglong thought for a long time and made a decision.

"Since you think it's okay, then I'll give a temporary formation of the more than 300 people gathered, give it the name 'Weijian Battalion', and hand it over to you to command.

And Elder Qingxue, as the overseer, cooperated with you in garrisoning Broken Blade Mountain, do you dare to take it?"

Chen Mu immediately stood up, his expression solemn.

"I'm willing to take my life!" Bai

Jinglong nodded with satisfaction, and his tone became more serious.

"Chen Mu, although you are not an imperial soldier, since I have summoned a team for you in the name of the imperial court, you will be subject to the control of the imperial court, so you must be responsible for your subordinates.

If you lead the troops indiscriminately and lose the troops, I will definitely hold you accountable afterwards, do you know all this?"

"It's clear below!" Seeing

Chen Mu's non-deniable expression, Bai Jinglong also breathed a sigh of relief.

Chen Mu's move was beneficial to him and harmless.

After all, there were only more than three hundred cultivators, and even if they were completely abandoned, it would not have much impact on the entire battle situation.

And once Broken Blade Mountain's plan was really successful, his pressure would be greatly reduced, which was an important reason why he agreed to Chen Mu's plan.

"Elder Qing, I wonder if you can support my decision?" Bai

Jinglong turned his head and asked Elder Qingxue.

After getting along with each other for this time, Chen Mu discovered that Elder Qingxue was a relatively unassertive person.

She likes to do things according to the rules, but other than that, she focuses on cultivation and is indifferent to other things.

Not everyone has gone through hardships to break through to the Jiedan realm, and some people have just gone smoothly and relied on their ancestor Yu Yin all the way to step on this step, so it is understandable that Elder Qingxue has this kind of character.

This war will be very dangerous for people below the Yudan realm, but for those above the Yudan realm, there will be basically no danger to their lives.

Because the cultivators of the Jiedan Realm can fly, if they want to leave, no matter how many people there are, the army will not be able to stop them.

Cultivators who have reached the level of the Jiedan Realm rarely appear desperate, after all, it is difficult to kill each other when fighting between each other.

Even if the opposite side has the advantage of numbers, if they can't beat it, there is no problem running.

Therefore, in the final analysis, the powerhouses of the Yudan Realm fight on the battlefield for their own tasks or face.

If in the end they run away, the court will not be able to punish them for this.

Among the people present, the only one who couldn't run was Bai Jinglong, because he was the lord of this city, and once he abandoned the city and fled, even if he didn't die in battle, he would be executed by the imperial court.

That's why Bai Jinglong is so attentive in this battle, after all, it is related to his net worth.

After hearing Bai Jinglong's question, Elder Qingxue shrugged his shoulders a little indifferently.

"I don't have a relationship! If the White City Lord thinks it's okay, I'll be stationed on the Broken

Blade Mountain!" "Okay, then it's decided!"

Chen Mu, you can go to the Broken Blade Mountain tomorrow to make arrangements, and I will give you a special military expense, you have to be cautious in scheduling and using it. "

As the saying goes, the three armies have not moved, and the grain and grass go first.

At this time, Bai Jinglong was also very generous, Chen Mu was working hard for the Absolute Sword City, if he didn't have any attitude, this battle would not be able to be fought.

Bai Jinglong was born in a family and knows the way of employing people.

It is understandable that the army is loose in peacetime, and he is too lazy to supervise them all day long, because the matter of training the army is really tiring.

But at the critical moment, he could tell what was right and wrong, otherwise he would not have been able to occupy the position of the city lord of Absolute Sword City for so many years.

"Xie City Lord, we will set off tomorrow morning, and we must establish a stronghold as soon as possible!"

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