"Artillery team! Shoot once at a distance of 2.2 kilometers

in the direction I am pointing to! The second time it is adjusted to 2 kilometers, fire again!" "

With a range of 2.2 kilometers, the hand-held rune cannon can ensure an accuracy of more than ninety percent, which is a compromise distance decided by Chen Mu.


, boom, boom,


Soon, in the distance, a powerful aura rose into the sky and rushed towards the location of the Guardian Sword Battalion.

"Haha, there is only one Demon King-level coming,

the artillery team, adjust the distance to 1.5 kilometers, and fire another cannon!" After

Chen Mu finished speaking, he turned his head and arched his hand to Elder Qingxue, who had been silently following him.

"Elder Qingxue, that demon king-level powerhouse will be handed over to you. "


Bo Zhu is the logistics commander stationed in the alien camp this time, and he is full of confidence in this attack on Absolute Sword City.

He was still conscientiously directing the workers to improve the construction of the barracks, waiting for the good news from the main forces.

Unexpectedly, dozens of strange balls suddenly flew in the sky, blowing up dozens of transport vehicles around him.

The transport trucks were full of materials for this war, as well as food for the soldiers, which was crucial to this war.

Although the alien demons also have space storage technology similar to the Na Ring, how much food can be stored in a few cubic meters of food for hundreds of thousands of soldiers, and what can be stored in the Na Ring are the most important batch of materials.

There are also transporters who are good at construction next to them, and now hundreds of them have also been killed.

Enraged, he immediately flew up and called for nearby troops and himself to besiege the attackers.

As soon as he gathered his troops, another wave of balls flew in the air, and he tried desperately to intercept them, but only a few of them were stopped, and finally the balls blew up another batch of supplies.

His face turned red, thinking that he would definitely be held accountable by his superiors this time, and he didn't care about waiting for the army, so he rushed in the direction where the ball was flying.

This time, in order to take the Absolute Sword City in one fell swoop, four of the five demon kings of the alien demon army had already set off with the army, pressing the team attacking the Absolute Sword City, leaving Bozhu alone in the military camp.

Before the departure of the army, they had already sent the winged demons to patrol the surroundings, and there was absolutely no possibility of a large-scale army hiding, so they dared to send the main force of the army, leaving only 50,000 troops stationed in the rear.

It's not that they didn't think that the human race would send an elite team to attack, but even if it was an elite team of thousands of people, with Bozhu and 50,000 soldiers, it was reasonable that it would not be able to pose any threat to them.

It's just that they didn't expect that there would be a weapon such as a hand-held rune cannon, which could bring them so much damage from a long distance.

As Bozhu flew towards the location of the Guardian Camp Camp, another round of rune bombs exploded behind Bozhu.

This round of bombs organized Bozhu to pursue the alien infantry of the Sword Guard Battalion blew up a man on his back, and Bozhu was so angry that he lost hundreds of soldiers without even seeing anyone.


When Bo Zhu appeared above the Weijian Camp, Elder Qingxue immediately greeted him, and the two began to fight.

Bozhu's cultivation was very strong, but he couldn't help Elder Qingxue, and the two entered a state of entanglement.

Bang, bang, bang!

The alien army also rushed into the forest to besiege the Sword Guards, and the spear team opened fire one after another to kill the enemy.

There are a large number of alien demons, and once a siege is formed against the Weijian Battalion, even if the individual strength of the Weijian Battalion is strong, there is only one way to die in battle, so Chen Mu began to command everyone to run while fighting.

In the forest, the running speed of the alien army is not as fast as that of the masters of the Weijian battalion, and the people of the spear team and the artillery team are not in a hurry to run, killing the alien demons while retreating, and the few faster alien demons are handed over to the mobile team to kill.

In this case, the Wei Jian Battalion was completely at ease, and even some cultivators were reluctant to leave.

Bo Zhu, who was fighting with Elder Qingxue in the air, was furious and let out a loud roar into the air.


As soon as Bozhu's roar fell, thousands of winged demons flew up in the distance and rushed towards the Sword Guard.

"Let's go, go up to Broken Blade Mountain!" Chen

Mu immediately made a decision, ordering everyone not to stay and go up the mountain immediately.

Whoosh, with everyone rushing with all their might, they all rushed to the foot of Broken Blade Mountain in less than a stick of incense.

"The guncorps went up first, and then we covered after going up. "

This arrangement has been trained before, so except for the gun team, everyone else tacitly stayed where they were to intercept the pursuers.

Boom, boom, boom!

The artillery team continued to fire cannonballs to bombard the alien army besieging in the distance.

As soon as the alien infantry approached Broken Blade Mountain, the fifty Fu Shi No. 1 above the top of the mountain began to exert their might to provide cover for the Sword Guard Battalion.


After the Winged Demon chased after him, he was suppressed by the fire of Fu Shame No. 1, and Chen Mu and the others mainly dealt with the alien infantry that came one after another.

The army fights, different from individuals, although their individual combat strength is not strong, but they cooperate tacitly, and they are led by strong people, when the number of alien infantry is increasing, the pressure on Chen Mu and others is also increasing.

More than 200 soldiers of the Sword Guard Battalion each used their own ability to press the bottom of the box, and they could resist it.

Soon, gunshots came from Broken Blade Mountain one after another, helping everyone to kill the pursuers, and the pressure on everyone under the mountain was much less.

"Artillery team, go up!" As

soon as Chen Mu's order was issued, the artillery team had already run up the mountain, and the speed was very fast.

As time passed, many of the slower demons had caught up, and the pressure on the remaining mobile team at the foot of the mountain had increased again.

biu... biu... biu...

Boom, boom, boom!

As the hand-held rune cannon on the mountain began to roar, Chen Mu and the others did not hesitate and rushed towards the mountain.

In the end, the dark night was in charge of the break, only to see the colorful light on her body flowing, her hands raised, and several colorful light curtains rose from the narrow mountain path of Broken Blade Mountain.


demons were corroded as soon as they touched the light curtain, and they melted into air in a moment.

The light curtain lasted for seven or eight breaths on the mountain road, and dozens of alien infantry did not believe in evil and wanted to rush hard, but they were all dissolved into invisibility by the light curtain.

Bo Zhu, who was fighting with Elder Qingxue in the air, noticed the colorful light curtain, and glanced at the dark night that quickly fled, and a ray of jealousy flashed in his eyes.

When the light curtain disappeared, the men of the Sword Guard Battalion had already run halfway up the mountain, and the alien infantry did not receive the order to retreat, so they had to continue to chase up the mountain road.

Although the Winged Aliens also wanted to chase and kill, they didn't dare to blindly rush forward with the powerful firepower of Fu Shame No. 1 and the gun team on it.

In just this time, more than 300 Winged Aliens had died, which was not a small loss for a race with a small number of Winged Aliens.

Unless they are sure enough, they will not be taken lightly.

Although the mountain path to Broken Blade Mountain is narrow, the number of alien infantry is huge, and they continue to ascend the mountain, and the momentum is huge.

Many of the people in the mobile group have been injured, and the demon generals can see that they are already at the end of their crossbows, so their morale is very high.

But when the alien infantry came to the top of the mountain, dozens of energetic garrison soldiers were already waiting for them.

With the help of the gun team and the powerful firepower of Fu Shame No. 1, the mountain road of Broken Blade Peak became a meat grinder, turning a steady stream of alien soldiers into corpses.

"Is it the defensive formation of the human race?" Bo

Zhu could feel that there was a powerful guardian force on the top of the Broken Blade Mountain, and at this time he finally figured out that all this was premeditated, and there was a stronghold established by the human here.


In desperation, Bo Zhu could only give this order, and used the special contact method of the alien demon to notify the main general of this attack on Absolute Sword City, Bo Mu.

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