"In our generation, there is no one in the entire Wentian Pavilion who does not know him. Elder

Qingxue sighed faintly, with a hint of loneliness in his eyes.

Chen Mu's spirit was shocked, it seems that there is a story...

The monks of the Jiedan Realm all had a lifespan of about three hundred years, and it was impossible to know Elder Qingxue's true age from their appearances alone, nor did they know which generation Elder Qingxue was talking about.

"He has a new invention, and it seems that he really values you. Elder

Qingxue fiddled with a hand-held rune cannon placed next to him, as if he was recalling something.

"Study well with Senior Brother Ming, he is really a very good, very good senior.

After speaking, Elder Qingxue turned around and left.

"Senior?" Chen

Mu savored the last sentence and seemed to understand something.


It took one night for the people of the Sword Guard Battalion to take turns working, digging out all the alien demon cores that they had killed around Broken Blade Peak yesterday, as well as cutting off the alien demon's ears and piling them up in the corners.

Although even if they don't cut off their ears, as long as the Absolute Sword City is defended, Bai Jinglong will definitely give each of them a battle record, but this is unfounded, and it is easy to be deducted, so it is more practical to hand over the ears to the military department.

"Duoduo, what is the action of the Alien Demon Camp today?" asked

Chen Duo, who was in charge of observing the movements of the Alien Demon.

Chen Duo let go of the binoculars and thought for a while before speaking.

"They seem to be about the same as yesterday, the main forces are already preparing to leave, and it should be time to start the siege again. "

Oh, it's about the same as yesterday.

Chen Mu frowned and asked.

"Isn't there anything else special?" Chen

Duo thought for a moment before adding.

"There seem to be fewer winged demons patrolling around the camp, but the winged demons are too scattered and often enter the forest, so I'm not sure.

Chen Duo's words made Chen Mu have an ominous premonition.

"Help me focus on the Winged Demons, especially when they return to the barracks.

After Chen Mu finished speaking, he ignored Chen Duo's puzzled expression and went straight to the Wei Jian Camp.

"How's everyone's rest, are you recovering?"

"It's good morning.

"It's a little meaning, it's not stressful.

Ah Huo, Yin Zhan, Zheng Fengdao and others replied one after another.

"Yesterday's battle went very well, and of course we owe it to everyone, but more importantly, the demons didn't know we existed.

But in our next attack, the demons must be on guard, and may even have a trap waiting for us.

Therefore, we must be cautious in our next attack, and now we don't need to rush into battle, just wait and see what happens.

After Chen Mu finished speaking, he sat on the chair in front of the Weijian camp and waited quietly.

After half an hour, Chen Duo hurriedly came to find Chen Mu.

"Brother, I saw that the Winged Demon captured a lot of humans and came back..."

Chen Duo was stunned, not knowing how to continue.

"Hmph! as I expected!" Chen

Mu patted the pillar beside him angrily, and the murderous intent rose in his eyes.

"The alien demons are taking local materials to supplement the military rations, which is really a good plan!" I

have to say that Chen Mu missed this time, he forgot that the alien demons can eat people, and this is not a war between humans and humans.

However, it is also very troublesome for them to go around to capture humans, which will definitely affect the distribution of troops, and the destruction of supplies still causes them great inconvenience.

Chen Duo's news gradually spread in the Weijian Battalion, and many people were extremely angry and couldn't wait to ask to fight.

"Okay! If you are willing to fight, stand on the right, and if you choose to stay, you don't have to move.

Chen Mu proposed.

The crowd swelled, and most of them stood to the right in an instant, and then the few remaining people looked at each other, and soon stood to the right.

Chen Mu saw that the morale was available, and he no longer hesitated.

"Okay! Let's go now, target, the camp of the Winged Aliens. "


When Chen Mu approached the Alien Demon Barracks, the battle of the main army of the Alien Demons on the city wall had also entered a fever pitch.

The Winged Demons were able to fly, and approaching their camp was more dangerous than the others, but it couldn't shake the fiery fighting spirit of the people of the Sword Guards.

Everyone tiptoed and slowly advanced in the forest, and Chen Mu even used invisibility charms for some people with poor light skills to ensure that the action was foolproof.

"Artillery team, get ready, 1.5 km, 2 km, 2.3 km ahead, three bombardments.

According to the location information given by Chen Duo, Chen Mu was ready to launch a surprise attack.

With such a bombardment, it is very likely that the group of humans who were caught by the alien demons in the barracks will be injured by mistake, but Chen Mu can't manage so much, anyway, they will die if they fall into the hands of the aliens.

The members of the artillery team set up their guns, and each of them had a member of the mobile team behind them to help them hold the cannonballs, so that they could change them immediately, which would speed up their attack frequency.

"Ready... Launch!!"

Biu... biu... The

neat shelling of the artillery shot into the sky, and soon a roar sounded in the distance, and the men of the mobile team quickly assisted the artillery team in loading, and the proficiency of the artillery team in adjusting the scale also increased.

biu... biu... In

less than seven seconds, the second volley was launched.

Chen Mu let go of his soul and had been closely observing the movements around him, but he had never seen the strange demons rushing over, which gave him a hint of foreboding.

biu... biu... After

the third round of salvo fire, Chen Mu did not hesitate and ordered all the staff to retreat.

As soon as the Wei Jian Battalion ran back a few hundred meters, Chen Mu felt through his divine soul that strange figures appeared in all directions of the forest.

"There is an ambush! The mobile team opened the way, and we rushed through.

Although Chen Mu was not shocked, although he didn't know how the alien demon evaded his surveillance and appeared on the way back to Broken Blade Mountain, he was still full of fighting spirit and confidence.

Whoosh, whoosh!

Demon king-level powerhouses appeared, and this time there were actually two of them, which made Chen Mu's heart tremble.

However, after Chen Mu carefully sensed it, he found that one of the demon kings had a sluggish aura, and it was very likely that he was the one he injured last night, so in this way, he felt that the pressure was reduced a lot.


Qingxue flew into the air, releasing his breath and colliding with the two demon kings.

"Kill!" The

people of the Sword Guard Battalion quickly met head-on with the alien demons who came to intercept them, these alien demons were obviously elite, and their combat power was not weak, and there were hundreds of throwing alien demons in it, which could also attack from a distance.

Bang, bang,

bang, the gunners began to strafe, and under the cover of powerful firepower, the intercepted aliens immediately suffered heavy casualties.

"Ah Huo, Yin Zhan, you open the way in front, don't fall in love, fight quickly!" Although

I don't know how this batch of elite demons appeared in the rear, the number is definitely not too much, and we can't let the other party entangle themselves and let the alien army form an encirclement around them.


fire took the lead and rushed into the group of alien demons, the sword light was awe-inspiring, and he blocked a hundred.

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