"City Lord, I don't have any other requirements now, I just hope you can remember our efforts!" Chen

Mu was not interested in talking to Bai Jinglong now, and after discussing the battle situation with Bai Jinglong for a while, he turned off the communication jade card.

In the guerrilla battle in the afternoon, eight more people were killed and more than 20 seriously wounded.

The friendship between comrades-in-arms will be higher than that of relatives in many cases, because they are born and die with you, which many people will never experience in their lifetime.

Chen Mu now only hopes to achieve victory as soon as possible and save the Absolute Sword City at all costs, so that the sacrifices of these people in the Sword Guard Battalion will be meaningful.


The next day, in the morning.

Unsurprisingly, the camp of the demons rose from the ground, and the whole army was dispatched to launch a final general attack.

Yesterday's guerrilla attack by the Weijian battalion destroyed four of their siege ladders, and now there are only eight siege ladders left.

Eight siege ladders still have a lot of pressure on Absolute Sword City.

As the horn sounded, an army of nearly 90,000 alien demons attacked in a majestic manner, with a terrifying momentum.

"Brother, the alien army has sent an infantry force of about 10,000 people on our route to Absolute Sword City, and it seems that they want to use these people to entangle us.

Chen Duo reported what he observed to Chen Mu.

"Hehe, 10,000 people, it seems that they still attach great importance to us. "

With 10,000 against 300 of your own, it seems that yesterday's guerrilla war has cast a big shadow on them.

The last battle was over, and the people stationed in the garrison also set off with everyone this time, leaving only a few people, and there were wounded soldiers stationed in Broken Blade Mountain, and the Weijian battalion almost attacked the whole army.

Chen Duo was also left behind, and she had to use a telescope to assist Chen Mu.

Chen Mu led the Weijian battalion, which was already less than three hundred people, to the mountain pass down the mountain and turned around.

His eyes swept over the tired but high-spirited faces, and a lot of pride rose in his heart.

"For thousands of years, the demons have always wanted to dominate this world, treating us humans as pigs and dogs, and slaughtering them wantonly.

Today, we must let them know that the human race cannot be bullied! The

human city is not something they can attack!

Weijian Battalion, attack

!" "Attack!"

The three hundred people responded in unison, and the monstrous battle intent soared into the sky.


Due to the long distance of the hand-held artillery bombardment, the alien demon army did not dare to defend under the mountain road at all, and could only be stationed three kilometers away from the Broken Blade Mountain.

The two demon kings also wanted to stay at the foot of Broken Blade Mountain, but after eating a few bullets from Chen Mu and Chen Duo's rune gun No. 3, they also left silently.

They can indeed block rune bullets if they maintain their attention, but they can't always concentrate on defense.

After two days of fighting, the alien demons also found a way to observe when the Sword Guard Camp descended the mountain, but the traces of the Sword Guard Camp after descending the mountain were difficult to search.

But Chen Mu is different, he looks forward to telescopes, and telescopes can see very detailed things.

Although Chen Duo couldn't see the movements of every demon at the same time, as long as she observed carefully, she could basically guess the arrangement of the demon.

This time, the alien demons that blocked the Sword Guard Camp did not gather together, but spread out, almost completely cutting off the route of Broken Blade Mountain to Absolute Sword City.

The other party's move was extremely cunning, obviously they did not intend to destroy the Guardian Sword Battalion with these 10,000 soldiers, their purpose was only to block the Guardian Battalion, so that the Guardian Battalion could not assist the Absolute Sword City.

There is another advantage to spreading out in this way, that is, the hand-held cannon of the Guardian Sword Battalion has lost its effect.

The personnel are too scattered, and no matter how sneak the hand-held artillery of the Weijian Battalion is, it can only blow up about 100 people at a time, which is a drop in the bucket.

Chen Mu didn't bother to waste the shells, and with the help of Chen Duo, he found a route that was easiest to penetrate the alien team, and led the Weijian battalion to prepare to pass through directly.

The fact that the alien demons did not gather together also made it easier for elite cultivators like the Weijian Battalion to kill, and the alien demons did not react at all, and a large number of casualties immediately appeared.

"The gun team can use rune bullets, let go of your hands and feet, and kill me!" "

Rune Gun No. 3 consumes extremely high spirit stones, and Chen Mu is usually reluctant to use them, but now he is no longer stingy, relying on the strength of the divine soul to shoot at the strong ones among the alien demons.

After using the rune gun for so long, Chen Mu's marksmanship is becoming more and more exquisite, and the firing efficiency is extremely high.

Soon, the Demon King arrived, but there was only one.

Today's general attack on Absolute Sword City is the key, as long as Absolute Sword City is defeated, these people in the Sword Guard Camp can't make any waves at all, so this time only the Demon King Mo Xiu rushed to intercept the Sword Guard.

After Elder Qingxue secretly killed a few alien demons, when he saw Mo Xiu coming, he immediately met him, and the two fought in the air.


"Haha! Happy, it's so happy!" Guo

Tao took two blood-colored giant axes and fought at the front of the Weijian Battalion, one axe at a time, killing the alien soldiers who came to stop him to the point of blood.

Under the fire of the puppets and the spear team, the Sword Guard Battalion broke through the alien army all the way, rushing straight to the west gate of the Absolute Sword City.

After the alien army was penetrated in half, the momentum of the Guardian Sword Battalion gradually slowed down, and more and more alien demons rushed from all directions, and the pressure on the Guardian Battalion increased.


Guo Tao turned his head and saw a human monk who had been nailed to a tree with a spear thrown at a demonic demon through his chest, and died a horrible death.

"Lao Xing!!"

he jumped to his feet in anger and rushed to the side of the throwing demon, slicing it in half with an axe.

Lao Xing is his old friend for more than ten years, and the demon hunting group they formed has achieved many glorious feats in the past, but he didn't expect to die here.

He didn't have time to grieve, and there were strange demons rushing around him, and although most of them were stopped by the gun team and Fu Golem No. 1, the alien demons seemed to be endless, and they still kept coming from afar.

"Am I going to die today?" There

was not much spiritual power left in Guo Tao's body, and only instinct was left to swing the giant axe numbly.

In a trance, he recalled his childhood, where he watched the alien eat his mother alive, then tied himself up and roasted on a campfire.

He struggled desperately, and although he was finally rescued, he was left with lifelong scars that are difficult to heal.

"Death is death! Being able to kill so many alien demons is worth it in this life!" he

turned his head and looked at Chen Mu, who was shooting with a rune gun, and a ray of reluctance rose in his heart.

"If we humans can have such a little guy, sooner or later we will be able to drive out the demons, right?

Unfortunately, I won't see that day!" Although

he still has an endless attachment to this world, he resolutely used his last hole card.


skin on his body suddenly lit up with a strange red light, and in an instant, his body rose half a meter high, and a bloody and violent aura erupted from his body.

"Terran Yongchang!The Guardian Sword Battalion will win!" With

the change in his body, his strength increased by three or four times, which was even stronger than the ordinary late stage of the True Spirit Realm, and with him opening the way in front, the advance speed of the Guardian Sword Battalion accelerated again.

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