After Hou Tian finished speaking, he took out a bunch of spirit stones from the ring and handed them to Chen Mu.

"There are so many?" Chen

Mu was a little surprised, the sales of these two quarters were worth more than a dozen fifth-grade spirit stones, and he accounted for fifty percent, which was almost eight fifth-grade spirit stones.

Thinking that he had made great contributions in the Absolute Sword City back then, the six princes only gave him ten five-grade spirit stones in order to requisition his own talismans, and now he is just selling some entertainment supplies, and he can make so much money.

"Haha, Master Mu, you may not know, now your set of floating glimpse discs is very popular in all capitals across the country, and the fans are still rising, especially in your next two episodes, the picture quality has obviously improved again.

I still have a batch of peripheral puppets for sale..."

Hou Tianmei danced as he told Chen Mu about his marketing strategy, looking very excited.

Chen Mu listened and was also very excited, he didn't expect the Floating Light Glimpse Disk to be so profitable, it seems that he will have to spend more time on it in the future.

They chatted for a long time, and it wasn't until sunset that Hou Tian said goodbye to Chen Mu.


Every disciple who enters the cabinet will be arranged to enter the small world of Wentian Pavilion to focus on cultivation, it is said that there is abundant spiritual power inside, and there are countless martial arts perceptions left by the predecessors of Wentian Pavilion, which is a holy place for cultivation.

The space in the small world is isolated, so now Chen Mu can't use the communication jade card to contact Styx and Chen Duo.

However, every week or two, Styx and Chen Duo would leave the small world and take the initiative to contact Chen Mu, so Chen Mu was not worried about their safety.

Now that Chen Mu is free, he is ready to go back to Chen Village, and by the way, he will carry out something that he has planned for a long time.

Because the teleportation fee of Wentian Pavilion was too expensive, Chen Mu didn't want to be the boss of this wrong, so he left Wentian Pavilion and went to the nearest capital city by spaceship alone.

In the Haotian Empire, cities were divided into three major levels, namely the county seat (town), the prefecture city, and the capital city.

Even with the vastness of the Haotian Empire, there are only more than a hundred capitals, and these capitals basically have public teleportation arrays, which can be used as long as they are paid.

There was a spaceship, and Chen Mu only flew for an hour or so, and then came to a very prosperous capital, Shaking Light City.

Compared with the barbarian border city that Chen Mu has visited, it is indeed much more prosperous here, the people coming in and out of the city gate are bustling, and many people are holding playful utensils in their hands, unlike the barbarian border city, there is a sense of slaughter.

After Chen Mu entered the city, he found that the use of runes here was much more common than those places in the Barbarian Border City, and he could see that there were phonetic transmission devices in the shops on the side of the street, and there were also many mechanical vehicles engraved with runes on the main road, using spirit stones as energy to drive.

He even saw a huge Shadow Talisman in a plaza with a clip from a glimpse of the Shadow episode playing on it.


Chen Mu was a little surprised, because the floating light film segment played above turned out to be the "Legend of Sword and Fairy" produced by himself.

However, after thinking about it, he felt that it was very reasonable, Hou Tian had started to promote it from Wentian Pavilion, and the Shaking Light City, which was closest to Wentian Pavilion, was undoubtedly the first stop.

Seeing the publicity of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" here, this is undoubtedly the handiwork of the Octagon Chamber of Commerce.

He continued on his way, occasionally asking the people on the road how to get through the city's public teleportation array, and the responses he received were often enthusiastic, and even a lively little girl offered to take him there.

It can be seen that the city is well run, the people here can live and work in peace and contentment, the citizens are of high quality, and they are willing to help those who do not know each other.

On the way, Chen Mu and the little girl walked together, and the two chatted with each other.

The little girl is about thirteen or fourteen years old, and although her clothes are not luxurious, they are also of high-quality materials, and she should be from a well-off family.

After the conversation, Chen Mu knew that her name was Guo Xiaohan, a native of Shaking Light City, and she was still studying in the academy and would not graduate until next year.

"Brother Chen, I heard that using the teleportation array is very expensive, where are you going?"

"I'm going to the wilderness.

"Wilderness? That's not very far, Brother Chen, are you going to run a business?" In

the case of a short distance, the cost of the teleportation array will not be particularly high, so in some cases, some people with better families will also use the teleportation array.

In addition, many merchants who go to the Wild Run Merchant often use the teleportation array, because the business opportunity is fleeting, which is the cost they have to pay.

The little girl has obviously seen the world, so there is such a speculation.

"No, it's my hometown in the wilderness.


"It's okay! Actually, as long as you are careful, it is not so scary.

Chen Mu said indifferently.

Soon, they saw the teleportation array square in the distance.

"Ahead is the teleportation array square of Shaking Light City, Brother Chen, then I'll go!"

Guo Xiaohan beckoned to Chen Mu and turned to leave.

Chen Mu felt warm in his heart for the little girl's enthusiasm, and he happily walked into the teleportation array square, took out the coordinate stone, paid the teleportation fee, and walked into the teleportation array.

As the world whirled, he was in the same situation as the last time he teleported, and he stopped trying to struggle, so it became much more comfortable.

When he opened his eyes again, there was a closed room in front of him, and Lando was already waiting for Chen Mu at the door at this time.

When the teleportation array is passively activated, there will be a lot of movement, and the talisman room cannot be felt outside due to the formation shield, but Lando in the talisman room can feel it, so he immediately put down what he was doing and waited here.

"Welcome back to the village!" Lando


Chen Mu responded with a smile, exchanged a few words with Lando, and left the talisman room.

When he came back this time, he didn't inform Chen Hongjie and the others, because he was going to leave again soon, and he didn't want to work hard to mobilize the people.

He went straight to Chen Hongjie's house, and happened to meet Chen Hongjie in a meeting with a group of people.

"Amu, why are you back?"

Chen Mu's sudden appearance surprised Chen Hongjie.

"Haha, I'm sorry, I just came to see you, and I'm going to leave soon.

Chen Mu found that the people in the meeting had many new faces, and it seemed that they were all the new tribe leaders that Chen Hongjie had conquered and contained in the past six months.

Among these newcomers, he also saw a familiar face, that is, Nan Huaiyuan.

Nan Huaiyuan would appear here, obviously having already joined Chen Village, Chen Mu was very happy, smiled at him, and said hello.

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