"The person who just used the hidden weapon is hiding here, you guys look carefully, you must find him!" In

the dim night, more than a dozen figures with weapons in their hands searched around under the house where Chen Mu had just shot.

The person at the head was a big man in black, his eyes were shining, his blood was extremely strong, and his strength was obviously extremely powerful.

In the corner of the dim eaves, Chen Mu pulled out the short knife at his waist and shuttled around like a ghost.


A figure fell silently.


the man in black immediately rushed over when he heard the strange noise.

The man lying on the ground had a huge cut in his throat, and the blood was dripping, and it was obvious that he could not be saved.

He looked around, but there was no one, and his brow furrowed in annoyance.

"Come out! Don't pretend to be a ghost!" After

a while, he heard the sound of his men who were searching separately around him falling to the ground one after another.

He finally couldn't help it.

"Assemble all here!"

but it was too late, and his men fell faster than before.

For a moment, he was the only one left around the house.

He has a lot of combat experience, and he knows that the more this time comes, the more he can't panic.

He took a deep breath and stayed where he was.

Suddenly, a sound of breaking wind sounded behind him.

Unfazed, he was slightly shortened, turned abruptly, and swept his right foot across the ground and swept backwards.

With a snap, Chen Mu was kicked in the calf by this sweeping leg, and the whole person stumbled and fell forward.

"Haha, little thief, look where you are running this time!" The

black-clothed man raised his elbow and slammed into Chen Mu's head, with the strength of his fourth-stage martial artist, even an iron plate could be broken, and if he hit it this time, Chen Mu's head would burst open like a watermelon.

At the critical moment, Chen Mu threw out the rune paper in his other hand and let out a loud shout.

"Fixed!" The

man in black suddenly stopped and didn't move, as if he had been frozen in a movie.

Chen Mu didn't dare to delay, turned over, and slashed upwards with the short knife in his hand.

"You... You...!"

As soon as the short knife slashed the throat of the big man in black, he regained his mobility.

Unfortunately, it was too late, the blood in his throat gushed out like a spring, and he desperately covered his neck, but it was useless, and finally let out a few weak cries and collapsed.

Chen Mu wiped the cold sweat from his head, and his heart palpitated.

Using the concealment runes on his clothes, he easily killed the men of the man in black, so he underestimated the man in black a little.

Unexpectedly, when he attacked just now, the big man in black easily avoided his attack as if he had expected it.

It seems that this is the fighting instinct, the fighting instinct that has been tempered after experiencing countless life and death crises, and it is faster than the speed of the brain's thinking.

In terms of fighting, Chen Mu was obviously far from reaching this realm.

However, the Fu Master's methods are strange, and Chen Mu is fully prepared to have such a good result.

Originally, Chen Mu could use the rune gun to deal with the black-clothed man from a distance.

However, the sound of the rune gun was too loud, and Chen Mu could not make a silence device at present, so in order to avoid alarming the others, he had to choose a melee method to deal with them.

It's still too dangerous this time, after all, the rune master is not good at melee combat, so it's better to avoid melee combat as much as possible in the future.

Chen Mu rested for a moment, his spirit recovered a little, and then climbed up to the roof of another nearby room.


"Tucha! Hu Yanqing! You have died so many people tonight, even if you destroy my Chen Village, it will be more than worth the loss, my Chen Village will not lose!haha~" Chen

Shanyu was hit by several fatal wounds on his body, his breath was decayed, and he was obviously dying for a short time.

Beside him, there were several corpses of martial artists, one was the white-haired old man Amuduo of the Black Water Ministry, and the rest were also from the White Rock Department and the Black Water Ministry.

"This old thief is too difficult to kill!How can he not die until now!"

Tu Cha regretted in his heart, he found that in addition to Chen Shanyu's treasure weapon, there were several other martial artists in Chen Village who also had similar weapons, although they were not as powerful as Chen Shanyu's hand, but they were equally powerful.

Half of his people have died, and although more people have died in Chen Village, it is completely a lose-lose situation to continue fighting like this.

Now he is also difficult to ride a tiger, what Hu Yanqing said is not unreasonable, Chen Village's methods are endless, if he can't destroy them tonight, he is only afraid that he will have trouble sleeping and eating in the future.

"Hu Yanqing, that old thief Chen is dying, wait for the treasure in his hand and I want it! You can't rob me!" Hu

Yanqing narrowed his eyes and let out a sneer: "Okay! It's yours!"

The two of them were also scarred, but they were much better than Chen Shanyu.

"Patriarch, hold on, I'll help you!"

Chen Mu's third uncle, Chen Hongjie, was covered in scars, carrying an iron spear, and rushed to Chen Shanyu's side.

He was also followed by a slightly chubby old man, who was holding a long bone knife, blocking in front of Tucha and Hu Yanqing.

The slightly chubby old man's name is Chen Jianfeng, he is an old man in the village, older than the patriarch Chen Shanyu, and his strength is extremely strong, not inferior to Chen Shanyu in the slightest.

"Hong Jie, take this bone staff! From now on, you will be the new patriarch of my Chen Village!"

Chen Shanyu handed the bone staff in his hand to Chen Hongjie, his tone weak.

The inheritance of the patriarch naturally cannot be decided temporarily, Chen Hongjie is already a fifth-stage martial artist at a young age, and he has long been designated as the next patriarch in the village, so Chen Jianfeng will always stay by his side.

"Patriarch, you..."

Chen Hongjie trembled and took the bone staff, his eyes were red, and his tiger eyes were full of tears.

"Promise me! I must take everyone to live! Definitely!" Chen

Shanyu grabbed Chen Hongjie excitedly, and after saying this, he fell to the ground weakly, completely lifeless.

"Patriarch, patriarch!" Chen

Hongjie cried out in a sad voice, heartbroken.

"Hand over the bone staff!" Tucha

saw that the boiled duck was about to fly, and he was furious, and the meteor hammer in his hand smashed frantically towards Chen Hongjie.

"Hong Jie! the enemy is now, don't slack off!" Chen

Jianfeng reminded sharply, swinging the bone knife to the side, and pushed away Tucha's meteor hammer with skill.

Chen Hongjie endured his grief, lifted the bone staff, and blocked Hu Yanqing, who was slaughtered from behind.

That's when it happened.


, boom, boom!

The piercing roar of guns began to resound in the night again.


"What's the matter? What about Wodago? He didn't even kill the person who used the hidden weapon?" Hu

Yanqing really panicked this time, just now he specially sent a team to chase and kill Chen Mu, seeing that the gunfire didn't sound again for so long, he thought that he had successfully solved Chen Mu, but he didn't expect it to fail.

He looked around, just now they surrounded and killed three more martial artists Chen Shanyu, the number of martial artists was not much more than Chen Village, and now under Chen Mu's hidden weapon, they began to fall down one after another.

"The hidden weapon is coming! They are dead! Kill! Don't let them run!" As Chen Mu's

gunfire rang out, the morale of the villagers of Chen Village was greatly boosted, and the originally tired bodies seemed to suddenly have strength again, and began to frantically counterattack the invading tribesmen.

The power and speed of the rune spear are extremely strong, coupled with the protracted battle, the warriors present are already very tired, and the casualties caused this time are even more than in the previous round.

When the gunfire stopped, almost everyone who remained in the White Rock and Black Water Warriors was seriously injured.

Hu Yanqing was also shot, but he was extremely fast, and he dodged it.

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