Wuyan Bazaar, inside Hanhai Bookstore.

"Haha... Brother Chen, I haven't seen you for a long time, but you haven't been here for more than two months!~ If you don't come again, I'm going to look for you in the mountains. "

In the past two years, Chen Mu has sold some rune paper to Hu Sailei every month on average, especially this year, at least a few hundred rune papers are sold each time, and they are all more than five patterns, and Hou Sailei has also made a lot of money because of this, and he is naturally more and more attentive to Chen Mu.

"Hehe, Boss Hou, it's not in vain to let you wait for these two months, this time I have a big business to introduce to you.

Chen Mu looked around the bookstore, meaning something.

Hu Sailei's mind was delicate, and he immediately understood what Chen Mu meant.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please come in, come to the private room, and we'll talk slowly. Every

time Chen Mu came, he traded directly in the store, but this time he took the initiative to ask to come into the house to talk, and then listening to what Chen Mu said, Hu Sailei had some expectations in his heart.

Chen Mu only brought Ah Huo out this time, Ah Huo stayed outside the door and guarded, and in the house, only Hou Sailei and Chen Mu were left.

"Brother Chen, this battle of yours makes me a little nervous! How many runes did you bring this time? There won't be thousands, right?"

Hu Sailei made Chen Mu a cup of tea, then sat down on the other side of the tea table, and said with a smile.

Chen Mu was not in a hurry, he took a sip of tea first, sorted out the wording, and then spoke leisurely.

"Boss Hou, I want to know, if I increase the supply of rune paper, how much can you collect at most?"


Hou Sailei was a little confused, and then he smiled with relief and patted his chest.

"I don't dare to say much, but for rune paper with nine patterns and below, it's absolutely no problem for me to collect one or two thousand pieces a month!" Chen

Mu listened, a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

He thought for a moment and asked, "What about more, do you dare to accept more?"

"No matter what? Brother Chen, you're not joking with me, are you

? Two thousand rune papers a month, even if ten rune masters make them day and night, they may not be able to make two thousand pieces in a month.

Unless they all make low-grade rune paper, but presumably Brother Chen won't make a few lines or two to fool me. "

At present, the total number of talismans in the entire Wuyan Mountain Range should be less than ten, and he doesn't believe that Chen Mu can supply two thousand pieces a month.

In the past three years of trading with Chen Mu, they have cooperated very happily, so he is not willing to say too ugly words, if it is someone else, he is likely to be blown out directly.

"You don't care how I got it! Anyway, I promise you, at least more than six lines, and a little later, you should be able to do most of them are nine lines.

Chen Mu's tone was indifferent, but what he said was earth-shattering.

Hussere was so frightened that he couldn't speak, and it was a while before he came to his senses.

"Are you serious?, you're not kidding me?" he

stared into Chen Mu's eyes, and had to confirm again.

"No!" Chen

Mu's expression did not change in the slightest.

Inexplicably, he actually began to believe what Chen Mu said, and he felt his heart pounding.

"Okay, if that's the case, I can report it to my family, and they're probably going to open a separate shipping route here for you, and they're going to transport your rune paper out for sale.

Husseret paused, and then said: "However, you must ensure a stable supply of goods, if you say it but can't do

it, the consequences will be very serious!" Chen Mu nodded, looking very confident: "That's for sure, but you also have to promise me that our transaction must be kept absolutely confidential, and if you leak it, then I will cut off the transaction with you in the future."

"That's for sure! You may not have heard of our Hanhai Bookstore in other places, but if you go to Middle-earth to inquire about the Octagon Chamber of Commerce, it is definitely an existence that can make the entire business world tremble, and behind my family is the Octagon Chamber of Commerce!"

"Okay, then I'll not talk nonsense. Brother Chen, then I'll confirm with you, how many rune papers with more than six patterns can you supply to me every month?"

Chen Mu hesitated for a moment and stretched out a hand.

"Five thousand, currently it is five thousand, if the cooperation goes smoothly in the future, I do not rule out that it can be increased.


Hou Sailei gasped, he thought that Chen Mu said that two thousand was already the top of the sky, but he didn't expect it to be so much more than he imagined.

"Okay, then I'll send a letter to the family now. As long as you can supply according to the quantity, I can make the decision now, and I will increase your purchase price by another 10%!" "

No problem! Today is the 14th, then from today onwards, on the 14th of every month in the future, I will have people come to trade with you!"

Husselei pondered for a long time, gritted his teeth, and said: "Then I will not procrastinate! Now I will draw up a cooperation contract with the details of our cooperation, and we will sign it together." "

Hu Sailei can't wait for the family's reply now, after all, with the strength of the family, this business will definitely be eaten.

Rune paper, a strategic substance, is a tight seller no matter where it is, and the big business of five thousand six-pattern rune paper every month will definitely make his status in the family a big step.


Chen Mu had nothing to do, he came this time to prepare to sign a cooperation contract with Hu Sailei.

Commercial contracts are very binding, and if you are treated unfairly, you can report it to some of the big chambers of commerce, and they will generally help to uphold justice, after all, they do not want the business atmosphere in the market to deteriorate.

Half an hour later, Chen Mu and Hu Sailei signed the cooperation contract, and the whole thing was considered a complete merit.

By the way, Chen Mu sold all the more than 1,000 rune papers he brought this time to Hou Sailei, and harvested a large number of spirit stones.

After leaving Hanhai Bookstore, Chen Mu also went to other stores to purchase some supplies, and then rode a dragon horneed horse and left Wuyan Market.


After Chen Mu left the Hanhai Bookstore, Hu Sailei immediately returned to the house and found the old man who had often read books in the bookstore in the courtyard behind the bookstore.

"Old Guo, it seems that I am going to trouble you this time. "

Hu Sailei is actually a member of the main line in the Hou family, and the reason why he opened a bookstore in the wilderness was his own initiative.

Although the wilderness is primitive, there are also many opportunities, just like this rune paper business, he just changes hands, and he makes more than double the money, which is impossible to do in Middle-earth.

Three years ago, he just came to the wilderness, and the bookstore had just opened, and he was forced to go to the stall to attract more business, but he had no regrets, and he had grown a lot in these days.

Guo Lao used to be his father's retinue, and he was the only person he brought out of the family.

He knew that Guo Lao's strength was unfathomable, so he had always treated him politely, and this was the first time in the past three years that he took the initiative to ask him for help.

Guo Lao was originally squinting in the sun on the recliner, but after hearing Hu Sailei's words, he opened his eyes.

"Little chubby monkey, you know, I don't like to kill.

Husseley smiled and waved his hand and explained.

"No need to kill! Yes, you must have seen the kid in his early teens who usually sold us talisman paper.

He told me today that in the future, he could supply me with more than 5,000 pieces of rune paper with more than six patterns every month, such a big business, I really don't feel at ease if I don't find out his origin!"

"Five thousand?"

Hussere nodded, and continued, "yes! That's why I'm coming to you."

My purpose is for you to follow him and find out which tribe he is, and I can collect the rest of the information myself.

If I let someone else do this, I'm worried that he will find out, then there will be a gap between my cooperation with him, and I can only rest assured if you go, Guo Lao!"

"Hehe, that little guy is quite interesting."

Guo Lao stood up with interest and stretched his muscles.

"Well, anyway, I haven't been out for a long time, and it's not good to eat and drink for nothing every day, so I'll go over and take a look..."

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