After leaving the Vientiane Building, Chen Mu went directly to the enclosure where the demon beasts were hosted, and left the Wuyan Market on a dragon wildebeest.

Nan Huaiyuan's news made him a little uneasy, and he decided to go back to the village early and let Chen Hongjie pay attention to vigilance.

"Xiaobai, there is something to do today, run faster.

After Chen Mu's urging, the speed of the dragon wildebeest was a little faster.

The dragon wildebeest is a wild alien species, and he is extremely talented in speed, and when he runs at full speed, ordinary martial artists can't catch up with him.

Therefore, Chen Mu is very relieved every time he comes to the market, even if someone is following, there are few who can catch up with him.

As he crossed a ravine, he suddenly noticed a figure flashing by the mountain wall in front of him.

He secretly screamed that something was wrong, and immediately grabbed the dragon hornebeest, intending to turn around and flee.

Unfortunately, it was too late, the figure was extremely fast, and it pounced on him in an instant.

Chen Mu was in danger, and waved his hand and threw out two runes.

The two rune papers burst in the air, setting off a huge wave of qi, and Chen Mu took the opportunity to pull the dragon horneed horse and rush forward.


The dragon wildebeest suddenly neighed, his body was weightless, and he fell to the side.

Chen Mu had no choice but to jump up, roll around on the ground, and turn his head to see that the front foot of the dragon horneed horse had been cut with a huge wound.

"Don't move!" a

cold female voice sounded in her ears.

Chen Mu showed a wry smile, he didn't expect to be held to his neck by a woman with a knife again, could it be that he was restrained by a woman in his life?

But this time he is not completely without room for resistance, after having money, how can he not care about his own safety.

The inner armor in his clothes was a defensive treasure that he had purchased from Hu Sailei at a great price, and Chen Mu had also optimized it and added his strongest defensive talisman array.

He was confident that even if he was a peak master of the Qi Cultivation Realm, it would be impossible for him to kill him with one blow.

"Who are you, why are you arresting me?"

The other party ambushed here in advance, but did not kill himself directly, it seems that the other party's target is not himself.

"Take me to see your master!" The

woman in black who came to arrest Chen Mu was the night when Tuoba Ziying was sent to kill Master Chen Mu.

The dark night has been squatting around Chen Village for several days, and even questioned several Chen Village villagers with the Ecstasy Secret Technique, but no one has ever seen Chen Mu's master.

This gave her a lot of headaches, she didn't dare to touch the villagers of Chen Village, otherwise no one knew if Chen Haoran would go crazy, but if it continued like this, she didn't know that Chen Mu's master would not appear until the Year of the Monkey.

It was also a helpless move to arrest Chen Mu, after all, the most likely person in the entire Chen Village to know where her target was Chen Mu.

Chen Mu almost rolled his eyes when he heard what the woman in black said.

As the saying goes, a lie needs countless lies to cover up, he finally understood what it meant to be cocooned, where would he find a master for her now?

Chen Mu racked his brains and finally came up with an idea.

"My master is in retreat, if you have something to do with him, you can just tell me, and I can convey it to you next time Master comes to me.

"No, I want to meet him in person. "

The purpose of the dark night is to kill his master, so naturally he will not let him convey it.

"But my master is in the Valley of Leaving the Soul, which is very dangerous, and even I don't know his exact location. "

Soul Valley?" Styx

frowned, she hadn't heard of this place in Soul Valley, but there were so many wild and dangerous places, except for the most famous ones, it was not surprising that she hadn't heard of anything else.

"You'd better not play tricks, or I'll kill you right away!" Styx

said in a cold tone.

Chen Mu knew that the other party was not easy to mess with, but now he had no other way but to hold on.

"I didn't lie to you! You let me go, I'll take you right now.

Styx snorted coldly, let go of the dagger around Chen Mu's neck, and stood aside.

The dragon wildebeest injured its front leg, although it was not serious, but it was no longer able to carry people, so Chen Mu had to walk on his own.

"Go this way.

Chen Mu didn't procrastinate, and ran directly.

The wild mountain roads were particularly difficult to walk, and without the dragon horneed horses, the speed of progress was much slower.

However, the dark night did not urge, and followed behind Chen Mu step by step.

After walking for more than an hour, the two finally arrived at their destination, a valley shrouded in a thick white mist.

"This is the Valley of Leaving the Soul, my master mentioned it to me before. He will stay here to meditate, and if he encounters a problem that cannot be solved, he can come here to find him.

Naturally, Styx would not believe what Chen Mu said, and put a knife against his back.

"You go ahead!" Chen

Mu smiled wryly.

"Sister, I just know that Master is here, this valley is so big, I don't know where to start?"

"Then go around the valley and look for it slowly, it's okay, I'll accompany you."

But if you can't find it in the whole valley, then you can stay in the valley forever!"

The voice of the dark night was crisp and pleasant, but in Chen Mu's ears, there was a piercing chill.

He didn't dare to say anything more, and walked into the valley.

"Master!!Master, where are you, Master, the apprentice is coming to you!"

As the so-called drama is complete, Chen Mu shouted at the top of his voice as he walked, scaring the birds and beasts in the valley into running around.

After a while, Chen Mu came across a leopard demon beast, and the demon beast did not run away, but roared and pounced on Chen Mu.


I saw a flash of silver light, and the leopard-like demon beast had no power to resist, and was split in half by the silver light and fell from the sky.

Chen Mu also wanted to take advantage of the chaos to escape, but after seeing this blow, his pupils shrank in fright.

How could this be the strength of the Qi Cultivation Realm? How could it be so powerful!

He had to re-evaluate the strength of the Stygian Night, the Stygian Night was definitely not an ordinary Qi Cultivation Realm, at least it had the strength of the middle stage of the Qi Cultivation Realm, or even the late stage.

Styx beckoned, and the silver light that had just been thrown out returned to her hand, and Chen Mu glanced at it, it was a small silver flying knife.


Chen Mu knew that what could automatically fly back to his master's hand was definitely a treasured weapon that had been cast.

Treasures are the same as spirit stones, from low to high, they are divided into one grade to nine grades, and the treasures in the hands of the dark night are at least three grades or more.

"Don't play tricks, keep walking!" Chen

Mu didn't dare to act rashly, and continued to move forward in an orderly manner.

There are many more demon beasts in the Soul Valley than in the outside world, but the strength of the dark night is too strong, and there are no demon beasts on the road that can dodge her blow.

The wisdom of the demon beast is not low, as the smell of blood on her body becomes stronger and stronger, Chen Mu can encounter fewer and fewer demon beasts, until later, Chen Mu walked for most of the hour without encountering any demon beasts.

Seeing that the valley was almost halfway through, Chen Mu was about to despair.

At this time, an opportunity finally ushered in.

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