The address of Chen Village is located under a deep valley, surrounded by cliffs and rocks, which bring natural protection to the village.

There are more than 100 households in Chen Village, and each house is connected to each other, and from a distance, it looks like a whole.

On the outskirts of the village, a hard fence about a foot high was built with huge wooden stakes, which was protected by a fence so that wild beasts could not attack the villagers wantonly.

Near noon, Chen Mu and the hunter team finally rushed back to the entrance of Chen Village.

There was a huge fence wooden gate at the entrance of the village, and there was someone on duty next to the wooden gate, so he recognized Chen Shanxiong from a distance and immediately notified the people in the village to come out to respond.

The villagers were shocked to see so many hunters injured, but fortunately there were no dead this time, and they were still within the tolerance of the villagers.

The residence of the patriarch Chen Shanyu.

Chen Shanxiong reported in detail the process of today's conflict with the Heishui Department to Chen Shanyu, while Chen Zihu and Chen Mu listened on the side.

"Mountain Bear, although your actions this time are a little inappropriate, fortunately, the result is not bad!"

Chen Shanyu sighed: "I only hope that the Black Water Department can't find out that it was our Chen Village, otherwise a third-stage martial artist will die, and they may not give up."

Patriarch, I don't understand, although the Black Water Department is stronger than us, it is also limited in strength, why you keep asking us to put up with it. Chen Zihu couldn't help but interject.

Chen Shanyu glanced at Chen Zihu, and then looked at Chen Mu next to him.

"Xiao Mu, listening to the mountain bear, you seem to have learned a magical spell, can you tell me what's going on?"

Chen Mu had already thought of the wording before returning to the village, and said it to everyone half-truthfully.

Naturally, he would not expose the white turtle, but said that he met a Taoist with a strange personality on the mountain, and the Taoist said that he was destined for him, so he taught himself the method of cultivating the talisman, and the rune gun in his hand was also made by him casually, and then he left, and he couldn't find where the Taoist went.

Thanks to the film and television novels he had read in his previous life, he spoke eloquently, and many of the processes of cultivation were also true.

No one could have imagined that a nine-year-old village boy could tell the fabricated story in such detail, so everyone present was convinced.

"Good! Very good!" Chen

Shanyu had been to the mountains to practice when he was young, so he had heard of the profession of a talisman master, although he didn't know much about it, but he also knew that it was a cultivation path that was no less than that of a martial artist, and he was greatly relieved and praised.

Then, Chen Shanyu sighed leisurely: "You are all the future pillars of the village!

Why have we tolerated other tribes all these years? Four years ago, our village had a grudge against a person from

a high-level tribe!" "High-level tribe, we don't seem to have a high-level tribe within a radius of a hundred miles, right?" Chen Zihu couldn't help but exclaim.

Chen Shanyu nodded, and then said, "Yes, that high-level tribe is extremely far away from us, so that high-level tribe has not sent anyone to trouble us in the past few years.

But they threatened outside that if anyone helped us in Chen Village, they would be enemies of him, and they would be liquidated by him in the future.

Therefore, in the past few years, no tribe has been willing to intersect with our Chen Village, and even Tiemu Village, which has been friendly with us for generations, has drawn a clear line with us.

In today's isolated situation, as the saying goes, more is better than less, and if we easily clash with other villages, and without support, we will definitely suffer in the end.

I said this, do you understand?"

Chen Zihu was silent, he was not stupid, he understood the stakes, and suddenly felt a headache.

Chen Mu was also thinking seriously, but suddenly stood up.

"Four years ago? My parents disappeared four years ago, could it—"

He stared at Chen Shanyu as if he wanted to see something on his face.

Feeling Chen Mu's gaze, Chen Shanyu closed his eyes and nodded sadly.

"Yes! Your parents were also taken away by the High Tribe at that time.

At that time, although there were only seven or eight of them, all of them were powerful warriors, and I tried my best to fight them, but I couldn't shake them at all.

When I returned, in order to avoid panic among the villagers, I had to declare that your parents had disappeared while hunting. "

Patriarch, who are they, what is the name of that high tribe?"

Chen Shanyu looked at Chen Mu worriedly.

"Xiao Mu, don't be impulsive..."

Chen Mu took a deep breath and stabilized his emotions.

"Don't worry, patriarch, I just want to know who they are, I won't mess around until I don't have enough strength.

Chen Shanyu saw Chen Mu's calm eyes, felt a lot more relieved, and thought about it.

"The one who has a grudge against us is the Tuoba Ziying of the Yanzhu tribe. It is said that his father is an elder of the Yanzhu tribe, and he is extremely powerful in the Yanzhu tribe, so if you meet someone from the Yanzhu tribe in the future, you must be careful. "

Tuoba Ziying!" Chen

Mu silently wrote down the name.

One day, he will go to the Yanzhu tribe to find this person.

But now, it's more important to do what is in front of you.

"Patriarch, I still have something to ask for!"

"Oh, you helped kill a third-stage martial artist today, which can be regarded as a meritorious service. If you say, I will promise you whatever I can. Chen

Mu became a talisman master, and his status in the village was greatly improved, and Chen Shanyu naturally did not hesitate to reward him.

"I want to beg the patriarch to let my sister Chen Duo go back to the village to live.

After hearing this, Chen Shanyu's brows furrowed.

"Xiaomu, sacrificing to the gods of heaven is a tradition in our village for thousands of years, although it is indeed a little impersonal, but this is for the continuation of the tribe, no matter which family must abide by it, even if it is my own son, I must also abide by it in the same situation.

So I can't promise you this condition, you better change

it!" Chen Mu's face fell, and he pleaded: "Patriarch, isn't there any way? Duoduo is only six years old! She still has a long life to go, I beg you, you can be accommodating!" "Xiaomu, it's not that I don't

agree to you. Think about it! If Duoduo comes back, how can I explain to those people who were sent to the Heavenly God Cave in previous years? This custom has been passed down for hundreds of years, and it is absolutely impossible for you to change it because of you!"

Chen Shanyu shook his head although he couldn't bear it.

"If you want to let the person who was given to the god come back, unless it is the god who manifests himself and cures the disease that is impossible to cure..."

The speaker was unintentional, and the listener was intentional, Chen Mu's eyes lit up when he heard the latter sentence.

"Patriarch, are you saying that as long as Duoduo's illness can be cured, you can come back, right?"

Chen Shanyu was stunned for a moment and nodded.

"That's right, but it's impossible, the doctor said, Duoduo is suffering from an incurable disease, and there has never been a precedent for a cure since ancient times..."

Chen Mu interrupted Chen Shanyu's words with a smile: "Patriarch, if there is nothing else, I will leave first." "


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