Asking the Heavenly Pavilion has stood on the Panhuang Continent for thousands of years, and has never charged tuition fees to its disciples, how can they support such a huge consumption?

On the one hand, they are sheltering the people and getting donations from all sides. On the other hand, it is to let the disciples come out to do the task.

All the disciples, except for the first year when they were just admitted to the Wentian Pavilion, were not allowed to leave, and they had to participate in a collective training mission every year in the future, and there were many kinds of training tasks, but most of them were to deal with foreign demons.

In addition to the collective training tasks, the disciples are also encouraged to form groups to take on other adventure tasks, of course, these can only be taken by disciples who have been in the Wentian Pavilion for more than a year.

The completion of these tasks directly affects the importance that Wentian Pavilion attaches to its disciples, and there will also be a large number of contribution value rewards, so aspiring Wentian Pavilion disciples will work hard to express themselves in the tasks.

Three days later, the huge spaceship that Chen Mu and the four of them were sitting in landed and stopped in a city.

The city is called Sword City, and legend has it that there was a peerless swordsman who died here with hundreds of thousands of alien demon armies and saved countless Terran compatriots, and later built the city in honor of him.

The disciples on the boat disembarked one after another, and outside the boat was a wide meadow.

After Chen Mu got off the boat, he saw a man with several guards coming to greet everyone, and warmly greeted Elder Qingxue, who was the leader of the team this time.

"Elder Qing, thank you for your hard work.

The house has prepared a banquet for you, please don't be polite to me. "

Elder Qingxue looks like a woman about thirty years old, with a beautiful appearance and a gentle temperament.

"City Lord, you don't have to be polite, our group of disciples are here to practice, not to enjoy.

There is no need for this banquet, just arrange a place for us to stay. "

The city lord of Absolute Sword City is named Bai Jinglong, he has a white face, a handsome appearance, a moderate figure, a long sword at his waist, and a wisp of nobility in his elegant temperament, at first glance, he is from a family.

"Okay! That being the case, Elder Qing, please come with me here. The

disciples spontaneously formed a queue, and under the leadership of Bai Jinglong, they stopped at an inn.

"Elder Qing, this inn is the property of the imperial court, you can let the disciples choose the room at will. Elder

Qingxue nodded, turned to the disciples behind him, and commanded.

"You each go upstairs and choose a room, get a good night's rest today, and start going out tomorrow to sweep the demons. "

There are nearly two hundred disciples in this group who follow Elder Qingxue, most of them are freshmen from the previous year, this is also a special arrangement of the sect, after all, the disciples of the same class are more familiar with each other and cooperate better.


the disciples dispersed and went upstairs.

The disciples of Wentian Pavilion are not very old, they are young in nature, and they laughed and laughed along the way, and the whole inn immediately became lively, attracting the attention of many ordinary people.

Chen Mu also went upstairs with the flow of people to choose a room, this inn was very large, there were dozens of five or six storey houses in it, which was completely enough for these disciples to live.

"Brother Chen, I haven't seen you for a long time!" On

the way, Chen Mu also met Zheng Fengdao, that is, the sloppy Taoist in the ranking competition.

Although he was still dressed loosely this time, he was a lot neater, and it didn't seem that he didn't care about his image at all.

"yes! long time no see.

Chen Mu also greeted Zheng Fengdao with a smile.

"I'm going out to kill demons tomorrow, and to be honest, I'm still a little scared.

If we meet outside, I hope Brother Chen will take care

of it!" "Where, where!" Brother Feng's reputation as a mad Taoist priest, I am like thunder in the academy, and it is said that you have already entered the reserve list of the [Hidden Dragon List]. I'm going to ask you to take care of me!" Although

Chen Mu was concentrating on cultivation and research in the academy, he still knew about some of the more popular news.

Zheng Fengdao, Yin Zhan, Ji Ci, Zhuang Linyi, Niu Buqu and other freshmen performed extremely dazzling in the college this year.

Among them, the most famous are Zheng Fengdao, Yin Zhan, and Niu Buqu, who fought in the academy and received the attention of Tianji Tower, and they all entered the reserve list of the [Hidden Dragon List].

There are 10,000 reserve lists in the [Hidden Dragon List], and the rankings are in no particular order, and the actual combat power is not weaker than the people at the bottom of the Hidden Dragon List, but often because they do not have outstanding records, they cannot really enter the Hidden Dragon List.

Some people may think that the reserve list of the Qianlong List is nothing, but it can only be said that they are too short-sighted.

There are tens of billions of people in the Panhuang Continent, and Tianjiao doesn't know how many people there are, and the people who can enter the reserve list of the [Hidden Dragon List] among all living beings are all peerless geniuses, which shows how talented Zheng Fengdao and the others are.

"It's just a false name! others don't know, I don't know about you...!" Zheng

Fengdao looked at Chen Mu with deep meaning and smiled.

"Then I won't bother you! Anyway, you know that I treat you as a friend, and we can help each other in the future.

"It must be!" Chen

Mu sent Zheng Fengdao away, picked a room for himself, and stayed there.

Styx, Ah Huo, and Chen Duo all lived next to Chen Mu, and after three days of spaceship, everyone was tired and rested in their rooms.

In the evening, Chen Mu had dinner with everyone and planned to go out for a walk.

Although the conditions in the Wentian Pavilion are superior, it is an academy after all, and the exchange of goods in it, except for the disciples and elders who produce their own products will be cheaper than the outside world, the price of other goods is not advantageous.

In particular, some special spiritual power materials are often much cheaper if they are near the production area, and some are even difficult to leave the production area.

Therefore, Chen Mu planned to take a walk on the commercial street of Absolute Sword City, and it was best to buy some materials suitable for his usual research.

"Brother, I'll go with you!" Seeing

that Chen Mu was going shopping, Chen Duo immediately followed.

"Duoduo, you can come along. But I don't have much spirit stone left on my body now, don't think that I will pay for you, I can't afford to support you. "

The spirit stones on Chen Mu's body now are still earned by selling rune paper in Chen Village back then, and they all use contribution points in Wentian Pavilion, and he still has a lot of contribution points, but there are indeed not many spirit stones left.

Chen Duo is a big stomach, and he also likes to buy those useless accessories and clothes, and he never uses them to throw them aside when he buys them, no matter how rich Chen Mu is, he can't afford to let her spend like this, so he reminded her euphemistically.

"Hmph! It's really boring!" Seeing

Chen Mu crying poor, Chen Duo was embarrassed to follow again, so he had to walk back to the room stupidly.

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