There are about 400 to 500 prisoners in the three prison areas. The 100 prisoners in Prison No. 2 are all as energetic as if they had been injected with chicken blood. They are so tired that they are sweating and panting. Many people in Prison No. 1 and Prison No. 3 have no intention of working.

They don’t eat in the same cafeteria, so they don’t understand why Prison No. 2 is crazy.

Really, this is outrageous!

The people in the remaining two prisons want to cry to death.

There are so many rolls of coins in a cell!

One roll is more powerful than the other, are they going to let people live? When

Lao Zhou saw this scene, he stood at the door with a toolbox in his hand, his mouth wide open, his eyes fixed on everything.


He must have hallucinations.

He rubbed his eyes and took a closer look, and found that it was indeed true?!

The people who were working were very hard, their faces were full of excitement, as if they were doing something particularly happy. As for the prisoners whose sewing machines had problems, you can see at a glance that they were in a heavy mood and looked sad, as if they were visiting a grave.

When they saw Lao Zhou coming in, they ran up to him, grabbed his arm and said,"Lao Zhou, you are finally here. Come and see my sewing machine."

"Why should I look at yours first? Can't I look at mine first?"

"Damn it, your work progress is ahead of mine. Let him look at my sewing machine first. Is there a problem?"

"You two are both big brothers, can you let me, the younger brother, take over? I am still waiting to work!"

Old Zhou:"(=Д=)"

Who am I? Where am I? What did I just see?

In the past, if someone's sewing machine broke, he would be so happy that he would want to eat two packs of instant noodles to celebrate. It would not delay their work progress, and they could also slack off openly.

This was the first time he encountered such a situation!

Do you have to be so proactive?!

Lao Zhou smiled awkwardly and said,"Don't worry, I will fix them one by one. Don't worry, I will definitely...……"

"Stop talking nonsense and fix it for me!"

One of the strong men dragged Lao Zhou and pressed him in front of his sewing machine. The remaining few people were full of dissatisfaction and were about to rush forward to grab him, but Xiao Zhao hurried over to stop them.

"What are you doing?"

He held the baton and said,"Pay attention, return to your posts and wait. I'm not refusing to repair it for you, am I?""

"If anyone dares to make trouble again, don't blame me for being rude to him."

The other people looked miserable and returned to their respective posts in a depressed mood. They dared not make trouble now.

Otherwise, they would probably be put in solitary confinement, which would be troublesome.

They probably wouldn't be able to eat the food cooked by Jiang Chen for a few days, and they could only eat coarse food like before. They didn't even want to live half a day like that.

Ding-- the bell rang in a blink of an eye. It was twelve o'clock. The prisoners in the No. 2 prison were very excited and stood up quickly. They rushed out of the workshop at lightning speed.

The speed at which they went to grab food was even faster than the speed of working.

Everyone else was numb.

Especially Lao Qiang from the No. 3 prison. He knew Wang Xiaolong before and had a good relationship with him. Recently, his friend's behavior was completely different from before?

"Are the people in Prison No. 2 crazy?"

Lao Qiang was confused and said,"What good food is there in the prison cafeteria? Are they in such a hurry?"

"That's right! The food in this cafeteria is totally inedible, and it's not even as good as instant noodles!"

Lao Qiang stood up and said,"It's probably something wrong with your brain. Let's go back to the dormitory. I got a few bags of old-style pickled cabbage from outside recently. Let's have one bag each."

Everyone was enthusiastic and excited, their eyes were shining, and their faces showed unconcealed joy. They felt particularly happy. It's great to have a good relationship with Brother Lao Qiang. You can also eat old-style pickled cabbage in prison!

Is this the life of a human being? It

's simply the life of a god!

Think about the group of people in Prison No. 2, what can they eat?

It's nothing more than fried dough sticks that can be used as steel bars, steamed buns that can be compared with hammers, and porridge that has two more grains of rice than mineral water.

The key problem is that they also have to scramble to grab these things.

Sometimes people in Prison No. 3 have to wonder if they are so active to rebel for food?

After all, Prison No. 2 had previously had a glorious act of breaking the window with steamed buns and escaping from prison!


With only one morning, the people in Prison No. 2 could not finish the day's work, no matter how hard they worked, so everyone had to wait until twelve o'clock.

In order to be at the front, they could be said to have used all their skills, and everyone spared no effort.

At this time, the so-called connections, face, and relationships were completely useless.

The only thing that could be used was their own two legs! If you run fast enough, you can be in the front.

When everyone rushed into the cafeteria, the strong aroma of braised pork stunned them all at once. Everyone was stunned for a while and didn't react at all. Everyone really couldn't believe that there was braised pork at noon today?!


This is not a New Year or a festival, and the people above didn't come to check. How can we eat braised pork?


It must be an illusion!

After a while, the aroma became stronger and stronger. Jiang Chen opened the window directly, and a large pot of braised pork was placed on the windowsill. People were sure that everything was true.

The braised pork piled in the basin is bright red, crystal clear and delicate, and wrapped in a light golden soup. The aroma is tempting, fresh and slightly sweet.

They have not eaten meat for more than half a year, and they are almost crazy!

They can stay in such a prison for another ten years, and even want to bring their relatives, friends and family to stay with them! We should share the happiness!

PS: Thank you for your monthly ticket support, and ask for another wave of flowers and evaluation tickets! The more data, the more chapters will be added. There should be six chapters today, and there will be seven or eight chapters if there is more data...

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