Although the people from the other two prisons could not go to the food in Prison No. 2, they were still yearning for it. At first, no one paid much attention to it. After all, how good could the chefs in the prison be?

However, seeing that the people in Prison No. 2 treated every meal of theirs so seriously and sincerely, everyone's attitude gradually changed.

Could it be that... they were really wrong?!

A cooking god came to Prison No. 2.

Even if we are not sure about his cooking skills, one thing is certain, it is definitely better than their prison area, otherwise it would not drive Wang Xiaolong and others so crazy.

Originally, no one was very interested in the food in the prison, and with the comparison of Prison No. 2, they felt even worse.

The mood of going to the table is heavier than going to the grave!


In the office.

Xiao Chen stared at his watch and kept swallowing his saliva, his eyes full of anticipation and excitement. As for Xiao Dong opposite him, he was bored and leaned on a chair playing games.

Anyway, Lao Li and Lao Zhang are willing to work for fifteen or sixteen hours in a row recently.

They don’t have to hand over their shifts at noon, and they have nothing to do. Why not play games here and then go to accompany their girlfriends.

Today he has made an appointment with his girlfriend to eat steak at a newly opened western restaurant in the city.

As long as the time comes, they can leave immediately. He glanced at Xiao Chen from the corner of his eye and found that the other party had been staring at the watch for half an hour ago, without blinking, and looked very anxious.

This made him a little puzzled. Could it be that Xiao Chen also had something urgent to do?

He remembered very clearly that the other party was single?

What could make him keep his eyes on the watch?


Xiao Dong asked,"Do you have an urgent matter today?"

Xiao Chen did not answer Xiao Dong's question. He kept swallowing his saliva. After about two minutes, his eyes lit up and his expression became excited. He suddenly stood up from his chair, grabbed him and said,"It's time, let's go hand in the shift."

"No matter what happens today, Officer Li and Officer Zhang must switch shifts with us. If they don't, I will report them to the higher-ups."

"No one can hinder my enthusiasm for work!"

"As police officers, we must work diligently and must not be passive or lazy, and we must put an end to slacking off at work."( ̄⊥ ̄)!"

No, big brother... we're just going to work?

You don't have to act so righteous, do you?

It's ok for Lao Li and Lao Zhang to be crazy, but you're a new policeman, why are you so excited?

"The two of us must take over. If they continue to work so hard, not taking care of their bodies, and not giving us young people a chance to exercise, we will report them to the higher-ups."

"They said they worked too hard and that it was not good for our future development."

Xiao Dong put his right hand on Xiao Chen's forehead. He didn't seem to have a fever.

Why did he say such nonsense?

Lao Li and Lao Zhang seemed to have said the same thing before.

What's wrong with you?!

Have you been infected by them?

"Brother, why is that? Where can you find such a good thing where you can get paid without going to work? They don't want to hand over their shifts, are you crazy?"

"I told you not to take me with you if you want to go to work, because I have to go eat steak with my girlfriend."

Xiao Chen sighed, looked at Xiao Dong with a pitiful and mentally retarded look and said,"Brother, I'm not saying anything bad about you, but you're ignoring the prison food and planning to go out and eat steak? What kind of taste do you have?"

"If I were your girlfriend, I would break up with you right now! Aren't you just mentally ill?"

"Let's go, let's go quickly!"

Xiao Dong: Who am I? Where am I? What did I hear?

Anyone with a little bit of common sense should know which one to choose between the food in the prison and the food in the western restaurant, right?

If she brings her girlfriend to the prison cafeteria, that would be like having her head kicked by a donkey, squeezed by the door, and a lot of water entering!

Eat prison food on the first day, and break up on the second day!

Just as he was about to refute, Xiao Chen didn't give Xiao Dong a chance at all and pulled him towards the prison cafeteria.

If he could go to work alone, he would not be willing to take Xiao Dong with him, but there was no way. The rules and regulations of the police station were there, and two people must go together to change shifts.

He had no choice! Xiao Chen is now much stronger than usual, and Xiao Dong can't get rid of his hand at all. Looking at the other party's indignant and passionate look at work, he is a little tearful.


Can you tell me what happened to everyone in the police station recently?

He and Xiao Zhao are college classmates. I heard that the prisoners in the prison have been working very hard recently, and now the police in the police station have also started to roll inward.

There is no need for that!

Isn't it good for everyone to live in peace?

Why do you have to be the king of rolls?

He followed Xiao Chen with an extremely heavy heart.

Really, he will consider changing his partner in the future.

Stay with the king of rolls to prepare for things.

You want to lie down, but he has to roll with you.

After about two or three minutes, they arrived at the door of the prison cafeteria, and then Xiao Dong's body suddenly froze there.

The spicy and fragrant smell floated back and forth in the air, and his internal organs were churning. Xiao Dong, who was already a little hungry, instantly secreted a lot of saliva from his mouth.

What is that?!

Why does it smell so good?!

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