Jiang Xue never thought that Jiang Chen would ask her to buy so many ingredients.

Chicken, duck, fish, meat, and beef... all these things had to be prepared.

Jiang Xue admitted that she was indeed greedy, but one person couldn't eat so much, right?

Wasn't Jiang Chen exaggerating a bit!

She could only eat a part of it, and most of the food was for the prisoners in the prison.

But she was the one who paid for it.

She admitted that she was indeed rich, but that didn't mean she was willing to be a sucker.

"There's no need to buy so much, right?"

Jiang Chen opened the car door and got out.

"Did you forget something?"

"What do you mean?"

Jiang Chen continued,"Aren't we going to interrogate the prisoner the day after tomorrow?"

Jiang Xue patted her pink forehead and suddenly realized what had happened. She had almost forgotten about it, and she quickly jumped out of the car.

"I've said before that if I want him to confess, I must prepare my best dishes. Making home-cooked meals in prison is not enough to attract him."

Jiang Xue's eyes lit up.

She couldn't wait to let Jiang Chen show off his skills.

From the tone of Jiang Chen's words just now, it seemed that he was not very satisfied with the taste of the home-cooked meals in prison.

You know, in Jiang Xue's opinion, that cooking skill is comparable to that of an eight-star hotel chef!

If he made his best dishes, who knows how delicious it would taste. Not to mention Wu Qiang who had been hungry for two days, it is estimated that even Team Leader Wang who was full would not be able to resist the temptation of such delicious food, right?

She wanted to go to the vegetable market right now, buy the ingredients there, and let Jiang Chen cook her a meal tonight.

"My old classmate!"

Jiang Xue quickly moved closer to Jiang Chen, raised her head and looked up at his handsome face. She said with a smile:"Then when you cook the day after tomorrow, can you cook a little more?!"

"I want to eat, too?"

"No problem."

Jiang Chen thought for a moment and said,"Everyone in your group can come over. I've heard about this case, it has a huge impact and is particularly bad. You've all been working overtime recently. Thank you for your hard work except for you."

"Just treat it as a treat for them?"

Jiang Xue's face was full of black lines,"What do you mean everyone else is working hard except me? I'm working hard too, okay?"

But when she thought of having something delicious, she suddenly felt better, smiled and said,"But no matter what, I'm still very happy."

"You are willing to add extra food for us. I don’t know how to thank you properly?"

"Transfer the money!"

"No problem, how much do you want?"

Jiang Chen was stunned.

Is the girl so honest?

He just said it casually, but he didn't expect Jiang Xue to agree so readily. He looked down and saw her beautiful face full of excitement. She blinked her bright eyes and looked at him expectantly.

When she thought about having so many delicious foods the day after tomorrow, Jiang Xue was so happy that she couldn't sleep. Now no matter what Jiang Chen asked, she didn't mind agreeing to it.

"It’s up to you to give it."

Jiang Chen didn’t want to ask for too much, so the girl took out her phone and entered the password. A moment later, the money was directly deposited into her account: eight thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight!

Wow! Wow!

It was really great to have such a rich woman as a friend.

Tonight, Jiang Chen made noodles with soybean sauce for Jiang Xue. He was a great cook and always had the ability to turn ordinary things into something magical.

Even an ordinary bowl of noodles with soybean sauce could make Jiang Xue eat it with gusto. She ate three or four bowls in one breath before stopping with satisfaction.

It was delicious!

After eating, Jiang Xue stretched out her body and felt a little uncomfortable in her stomach. She looked at the time and said,"Old classmate, it’s still early. How about I take you for a ride on the riverside?""

"How boring is it to stay at home all day? Let's go out for a walk, just like digesting the food after dinner."

Jiang Chen was about to agree, but Jiang Xue came forward and continued,"Can I transfer money to you?""


Sister... please don't think I'm so vulgar, okay?

Am I such a money-loving person?

Money is not important, I just like to take a walk with my friends.

"How much to transfer?"

"Then you say something?"

Jiang Chen thought for a moment and made an eight!

"Eight thousand yuan is nothing!"

Jiang Chen was about to say the eight hundred words, but he swallowed them all at once.

The two of them were speeding in the car, the river breeze was gentle, the neon lights in the distance were lit, and the lights of various colors intertwined with each other, which was particularly conspicuous in the dark.

Jiang Xue was dressed in casual clothes, but even though her clothes were quite casual, she still couldn't hide her devilish figure, which was exquisite, graceful, and impeccably beautiful, with a sweet smile on her face.

When they arrived at the riverside, Jiang Xue stopped the car and jumped out directly, then took out a large bag of snacks and drinks from the trunk.

She and Jiang Chen found a relatively flat place to sit down.

The gentle evening breeze was coming towards them, and Jiang Xue's long hair like a waterfall was dancing in the wind.

The fishing boats on the opposite side were flashing lights, flowing slowly on the river, and the river reflected the lights.

Opening a can of Coke, Jiang Xue said to Jiang Chen:"Old classmate, let's toast. I hope our interrogation work will be successfully completed the day after tomorrow. Just thinking about it makes you feel happy?" How can I eat so many delicious things?"

""I've been waking up from sleep these past two nights because of my cravings!"

Looking at the potato chips, spicy noodles, and dried fruits in the bag, Jiang Chen was really stunned, shocked, and full of admiration. He had just finished a few bowls of noodles with soybean paste, and now he had another big bag of snacks!

No, sister, are you really not afraid of gaining weight?

"Eat, you're welcome!"

Jiang Chen took the Coke and took a sip. It was icy and cool, very comfortable.

The silver moonlight above his head was like flowing water, rushing down, breaking into the water, interweaving with the neon lights, and dancing on the river.

There were many couples by the river, coming for a walk. Most of them were talking and laughing, holding each other's arms with smiles on their faces, looking very sweet.

"Old classmates."

Jiang Xue tore open a bag of potato chips and said,"What dishes are you going to prepare that day? Can you tell me so that I can dream about it tonight?"

"I can't wait any longer."

PS: The data hasn't changed much! The author writes 10,000 words a day, and will definitely update more if the data is good! I beg for flowers, reviews, votes, and monthly tickets! I beg all readers! There's almost no increase today, alas... I'm so happy to read books on May Day! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP points!

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