After tasting these two dishes, Team Leader Wang turned his attention to the fresh and fragrant grilled fish next to him. The outer layer of the skin had been completely burnt, golden and crispy, and the red oil in the baking tray kept bubbling. There were various side dishes on it, potatoes, cucumbers, green peppers, red peppers, and various colors intertwined with each other, and with the bright soup, it was appetizing.

He first picked up a piece of grilled fish. The fish meat was golden and crispy on the outside, but the meat inside was still very tender, white and smooth. He put the fish meat into his mouth.

With a gentle bite, he could clearly feel the sound of a crackling in his mouth, and after a while, the soft and tender taste of the fish meat came clearly.

The fish meat was roasted for a long time, and the meat inside was fully flavored. There would not be a situation where only the skin was rich in seasoning, but the inside was bland.

The most important thing is that the meat is very tender. Although the outside tastes rich in layers, the fish meat inside, you only need to sip it gently, and it can completely reach the point where it melts in your mouth.

It is better than the other two dishes!

After eating a bite of fish, I put a piece of the fried golden potato in the bowl and ate it with rice. It was a real treat.

The potatoes were well seasoned and fried golden on the outside. You could clearly hear the crunchy sound when you ate them.

"Team Leader Wang, isn't it delicious?"

Jiang Xue stood beside Team Leader Wang, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. Seeing others enjoy the dishes cooked by Jiang Chen, she felt a great sense of accomplishment.


Team leader Wang praised as he ate:"The people in our team... are just unlucky. They don't know how to eat such delicious food."

"They actually think... the food in the police station cafeteria... tastes better!"

He ate while occasionally making sounds of praise and satisfaction.

"Forget it, I'll go call them over."

Jiang Xue wanted to eat all the food by herself. As a foodie, it would not be difficult for her to do this as long as she worked hard enough and made up her mind.


Jiang Xue knew very well that she couldn't do this.

The people in the team worked very hard. Recently, in order to investigate the case, everyone was busy and exhausted every day. They hadn't had a good meal!

The food in the police station cafeteria tasted okay, but it was definitely not comparable to Jiang Chen's cooking skills.


When Jiang Xue was about to go to the office, Xiao Ma was on his way to the prison cafeteria.

Thinking of the series of abnormal behaviors of Team Leader Wang during this period, Xiao Ma found it incredible.

As a well-known workaholic, Team Leader Wang has always worked very hard, but facing this major case, his performance is really incomprehensible.

Wu Qiang was locked up a few days ago.

Although he was not allowed to eat for thirty or forty hours, he would be very hungry, but Wu Qiang's willpower was very strong.

It would be difficult to make him confess simply by this method!

It can even be said to be completely impossible.

But Captain Wang's character is more stubborn and stubborn. No one can change what he is determined to do.

Xiao Ma didn't know what to say.

But today...

He actually kept thinking about coming to Prison No. 2 to eat prison food.

This is really out of the ordinary!

Xiao Ma didn't know what to say. I must follow him today to see what he is doing?

As soon as he stepped into the cafeteria corridor, Xiao Ma's body froze there.

He opened his eyes wide in confusion, staring blankly ahead, his eyes full of disbelief, even wondering if everything that just happened was an illusion?

What, what's going on?

Why does he seem to... smell a particularly strong fragrance?

No, no, no!

To be precise, it's not just one.

There are several fragrances!

Numb, spicy, and there seems to be a faint smell of wine!

Xiao Ma originally wanted to control it, but driven by his body's instinct, his tongue began to secrete saliva frantically, and almost every taste bud was beating.

His breathing became rapid!

How could something smell so good?!

It smells absolutely amazing!

It smells much better than the smell in the police station cafeteria.

No, he can't control himself. He must go and see!

Xiao Ma rushed to the door of the prison cafeteria at a brisk pace and almost bumped into Jiang Xue.

"Xiao Ma, you scared me to death."

Xiao Ma didn't take Jiang Xue's words to heart at all. He just stared blankly at the several large bowls of food.

This, this, this...

Is he dreaming?

The chef in the prison cafeteria can actually have such skills?!

Crayfish, grilled fish, stir-fried beef, Huadiao drunken chicken, the aroma and color of each dish are enough to drive people crazy.

He rubbed his eyes and pinched his thigh hard.

The pain from above made him know that the scene in front of him was not an illusion.

It's real!

Everything is real?!

Their police station cafeteria actually has such an awesome chef?

It's outrageous! It's outrageous to the extreme. It's so delicious!

No wonder their team leader Wang was always distracted at work, thinking about going to jail.

No wonder he drools from time to time?!

How many people can resist such an extreme delicacy?

He rushed to the spicy crayfish, picked up a shrimp, peeled it, and quickly put it into his mouth without saying a word.

The shrimp meat is tender and chewy, with a light numbing taste that has already completely blended with the shrimp meat. The spicy taste is also very strong, refreshing and extremely appetizing!

Xiao Ma used to eat crayfish outside often, but compared with Jiang Chen's cooking skills, it is a world of difference!

They are obviously the same ingredients, why is the taste so different?

"Chef... so delicious... how come your cooking skills are so great?!"

Oh my god, this is really the chef in the prison, not some top five-star chef?!

No no no!

Maybe calling him a five-star hotel chef is an insult to his cooking skills. With such skills, it's no exaggeration to call him a ten-star chef.

"Xiao Ma, why didn’t the others come?"

Captain Wang next to him asked while eating,"Xiao Crayfish, eat less and leave some for me!"

"They asked me to come over and take a look first, and if it tastes okay, I’ll come back later!"

"Then you should call them right away. Also, I told you to eat less crayfish! Didn't you hear me?"


In the office.

Guo Mengmeng rubbed her forehead, put the documents in her hand on the desk, and stretched her body tiredly.

She looked at the time and it was almost five o'clock. She didn't eat much at noon because of the case. If she didn't eat something at night, she would definitely be too hungry.

"Brothers and sisters, let's go to the cafeteria to eat? Let's come back after dinner!"

Someone expressed a different opinion and said,"There are only three or four hours left. Eating will take an hour. We can save every minute

, right?" Guo Mengmeng said helplessly,"Health is the most important thing. Don't rush for this moment, right?"

"Didn't our team leader go to eat too?"

When Captain Wang was mentioned, everyone couldn't help but show a strange look on their faces.

Now they racked their brains and couldn't figure out why Captain Wang, who was usually vigorous and resolute, would suddenly be so interested in prison food?!

Even when he was at work, he drooled because of the thought of eating prison food?

Can you believe this?

"Mengmeng is right, let's go eat first."

Seeing the team leader also said so, everyone stood up.

Then Guo Mengmeng asked:"By the way, should we bring a portion for the team leader as well?"

"Didn't he eat it? No need to bring him"


Before Guo Mengmeng could finish her words, her cell phone rang, interrupting her. Guo Mengmeng answered the call and heard Xiao Ma's voice.

"Come on, come on!"

Guo Mengmeng frowned slightly and was about to ask, Xiao Ma continued:"Brothers, come and eat prison food, enjoy it, it's really a great enjoyment!"

"Don't miss it if you don't come... We will finish eating it."

"Awesome, this tastes really good!"

"Our team leader didn't lie to us, it's really delicious!!"

"If you don't come quickly, it will be gone!!!"

PS: It will be available at 12 noon, and 10,000 words have been updated today! Thank you all for your support! Have fun reading on May Day! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP points!

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