Jiang Chen was not going to go over, but Jiang Xue thought the next scene would be very interesting, so she grabbed his sleeve and said,"Old classmate, what are you still standing there for? Let's go and watch the fun together?""

"You don't know how arrogant Wu Qiang was before. He was so arrogant in front of us."

"I've disliked him for a long time. Now I've starved him for a day or two to see if he still has the energy to scold us."

"I tell you, when the case is settled, lock him up. Don't let a thing like him eat your food. It's a waste of food."

Thinking about what Jiang Xue said, he had never seen food used as a tool for torture. Anyway, there was still more than an hour before the canteen opened.

It would be okay to follow him and take a look.

""Okay, let's go."

On the way to the detention room, Lao Wang put several lunch boxes filled with delicious food in his arms, and wrapped them in several plastic bags.

Otherwise, the rich and tempting aroma would definitely attract many policemen, and they might be caught halfway before they arrived at the detention room.���Even though they had eaten their fill before, they still felt unsatisfied when they recalled the deliciousness of Jiang Chen's food. It was easy to imagine how deadly these dishes were for those who were experiencing such delicious food for the first time.

When they were about to reach the confinement room, Lao Wang ran into an acquaintance, Lao Zhou from the Criminal Police Team.

Seeing him sneakily putting his hands in front of his chest, Lao Zhou was a little curious and pulled him over.

"Lao Wang, there are only two or three hours left. Why are you hanging around here instead of working on the case 407?"

There was sympathy on his face, but... there was also a fleeting gloating in his eyes.

No matter what, the two of them were colleagues, and solving the case would benefit their entire police station. Of course, he hoped that the truth would come out as soon as possible.

But on the other hand, the two of them were competitors. At that time, Group One and Group Three were competing for the case at the same time, and the superiors gave him to Captain Wang.

This made Lao Zhou feel a little unhappy.

Recently, Lao Zhou's observation of the progress of the case is no less than Lao Wang. He is inquiring about the latest intelligence every day.

It can be said that he knows the case like the back of his hand!

Now they haven't found any clues, which makes Lao Zhou feel more or less happy.

Once the case is solved, it is estimated that Lao Wang will be promoted again and climb all the way.

He is still one or two years younger than himself, and he really became his boss again. He feels really bad!

Of course, there are not many such emotions, and more of them are sympathy for Lao Wang.

After all, the case was not completed, and the people above will definitely hold him accountable.

Captain Wang said confidently:"Don't worry, it won't be long before he confesses"

"I prepared some delicious food for him."???"

What the hell?!

You didn't even think about trying to get him to talk properly at the last minute, and even prepared some delicious food for him?

Are you a police officer or a charity worker? Are you sane (ccag)?

What are you thinking?

"Lao Wang, now is not the time to joke. Today, my superior called me over to question me and asked me what I have been doing recently."

"I haven't seen you interrogating prisoners yet.……"

"Stop talking, let's talk later."

Captain Wang interrupted Lao Zhou and said,"If we don't send him the food quickly, it will probably be cold."

After saying this, he led the members of the team and hurriedly ran towards the confinement room.


Lao Zhou was stunned and confused when he saw this scene.

What's wrong with Lao Wang?

Is there something wrong with his brain because of being anxious?

He remembered that the other party was quite simple before? Why is the operation now more and more shrewd!

In the past two days, he did nothing but locked Wu Qiang in the confinement room, but at the last minute, he ran over to send him delicious food?!

He was getting more and more confused about Lao Wang's train of thought.

"No matter what, do whatever you want!"


In the confinement room.

Wu Qiang, lying on the iron bed, had a sore back. He was now starving, his abdomen twitched from time to time, he felt dizzy and everything was blurry.

Everyone's physique is different, and the time they can endure hunger will also be different. The more you eat on weekdays, the weaker your ability to endure hunger.

If you only eat two fruits a day, you can fill your stomach and starve for two or three days. Although you will feel dizzy, it will not reach the level of Wu Qiang.

Now he wants to break off the bricks and take a bite.

These bastards are too much!

They are simply abusing the prisoners!

Didn't they agree not to torture and extract confessions? (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Why did they do this!

After a while, the door outside was pushed open, and the bright light seemed a little dazzling. Wu Qiang subconsciously turned his head to the side.

Captain Wang appeared in front of him.

He held his hands in front of his chest, and his clothes looked bulging, as if he was holding something important.

Seeing Captain Wang appear, Wu Qiang sat up with difficulty and couldn't help cursing:"You bastards, you are a bunch of despicable and shameless things?"

"Aren’t you afraid of retribution?"

"What's the point of using such despicable means?"

"I’m telling you, don’t think that if you starve me for two days, I will betray my brothers!"

"I’m telling you there’s no way!"

"Impossible, absolutely not!"

He tried his best to pretend to be fierce, but he was so hungry that he was dizzy and didn't even have the strength to speak. The sound he shouted with all his strength was very weak.

There was no momentum at all.

"Don't be so excited!"

Captain Wang pulled a chair over and sat opposite him. He crossed his legs and said,"You must have been starving these two days, right?"

"Do you want to eat something to fill your stomach?"

"As long as you tell us who your accomplices are, rest assured, I will definitely give you a good meal."

Wu Qiang sneered

"Who do you think I am? Am I the kind of person who would betray my brothers just for a meal?"

"Just close the case and don't waste your time on me. I won't tell you."

"I did steal those cultural relics by myself, but I don't know where they are."

Captain Wang sighed in disappointment.

"That's good."

He held his forehead and said,"I hope you can remember what I just said."

"Xiao Ma, Xiao Gao, handcuff him first"


The two of them took out two handcuffs and pinned Wu Qiang's left and right hands against the wall. He was so hungry that he had no strength left and could only let them do whatever they wanted.

"I want to see what other tricks you can come up with?"

"What? Are you going to use torture to extract a confession? Don't forget that a confession obtained through torture is useless."

"The court will never admit it."

Everyone secretly shook their heads and sighed, looking at Wang Qiang with some sympathy.

Seeing that he was so hungry and haggard, his lips were pale, he must be feeling bad now.

Thinking about the next scene, they felt cruel and exciting!

I didn't expect to see such a scene, it was really refreshing!

The eyes and gazes of the crowd made Wu Qiang feel that things might not be that simple.

Obviously they didn't do anything, but for some reason, he just felt a chill.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Wu Qiang coughed twice and said,"I'm telling you, don't do anything rash!"

"I told you not to get excited!"

Captain Wang came to Wu Qiang, with a very gentle look on his face, and said with a smile:"Don't worry, we are conscientious people's police, we must abide by the law and cannot violate the rules."

"We admit that you have suffered a lot in the past two days and have been hungry all the time. Are those days very difficult?"

"We came here today to confess our sins. We thought we shouldn't let you go hungry, so we prepared some delicious food for you."

"Don't worry, I'll get it to you right away!"

Then Captain Wang unzipped his clothes, and several lunch boxes hidden inside his clothes appeared in Wu Qiang's sight. Even though there were several plastic bags between them, he could tell that they were filled with delicious food.

Almost in an instant, his body had some kind of instinctive reaction, his abdomen twitched, made a gurgling sound, and his stomach began to gradually churn.

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