At first, Tang Heping was a little reluctant and always doubted what Yaoyao said. They had dated before and had eaten a lot of delicacies. The last Internet celebrity restaurant was well marketed. There were rumors on the Internet about how great the taste was. But after tasting it, he found that it was just so-so.

How delicious could the food in prison be?

But when he smelled the rich fragrance, all his previous doubts disappeared, and he ran even faster than Yaoyao.

Yaoyao, who had a petite figure, was almost dragged to the ground.

Yaoyao was stunned and had no time to react. She didn't expect Tang Heping to run faster than him?

What about the uninterested?

What's the matter, why did he change his face so quickly?

Sure enough, no one in the world can escape the legendary law of true fragrance!

Slapping in the face is always the main theme!

"You, slow down.……"""610" Yaoyao said loudly:"You are too fast, I can't stand it!"

Tang Heping didn't take Yaoyao's words to heart. His eyes were almost straight, and he ran faster and faster.

When he finally rushed to the cafeteria in one breath, the scene he saw surprised him even more.

The prisoners in the prison held their heads high, stood in a very upright military posture, and they stayed in front of the window, quietly, without saying a word, with serious expressions.

In the face of such a fragrant thing, he can also try his best to restrain himself. This ability is really not easy!


Is this really a prison?!

Tang Heping couldn't believe it!

Today I really learned a lot.


As soon as he opened his mouth, his saliva started to flow. He was a gentleman, and seemed very embarrassed. Without even turning his head, he said to Yaoyao:"The food here looks really good!"

"How did you find this place?!"

"Prison is really a good place for a date...ah!"

He said several sentences in a row, but he didn't hear Yaoyao's reply, which made him a little confused.

What happened?

Is Yaoyao angry?

He clenched his right hand hard, and was surprised to find that...

Yaoyao's hand was gone!


He turned around and saw that Yaoyao was nowhere to be found. He ran too fast just now and didn't notice this at all.

Yaoyao was lost while running!


This is terrible.

It was all because Tang Heping was too excited just now that such a situation occurred. He was about to turn around and run out of the cafeteria when he saw Yaoyao walking in from outside with a cold face.

Tang Heping was a little embarrassed. He smiled awkwardly and said,"I'm so sorry, Yaoyao, I didn't expect……"

"Eat... slurp... eat!"

"Don't worry about anything else!"

For the sake of the food, Yaoyao didn't bother with Tang Heping for the time being. She had to fill her stomach first. As for other things, they were optional.

She stood on tiptoe and looked into the window impatiently, her eyes full of anticipation. Just smelling the rich and spicy aroma of boiled pork slices made her mouth water.

No matter when she ate Jiang Chen's meal, it felt like the ultimate enjoyment!

Ever since she ate the fish-flavored pork shreds last time, she tossed and turned, unable to sleep, and looked forward to having another meal every night.

Just like the lyrics say, just because she ate one more bite of her in the lunch box, Yaoyao began to miss him lonely.

Tang Heping also nodded. The two of them lined up anxiously, and then looked at the performance of the prisoners in the prison, which was particularly neat and orderly. Although they ate voraciously after getting their meals, everyone consciously cleaned up the plates and put them in the designated places. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

You know what... the quality of the prisoners in this prison is really good!

After about two or three minutes, it was finally Tang Heping and Yaoyao's turn.

Seeing them coming, Jiang Chen frowned slightly, and asked in confusion:"You are not prisoners in the prison, what are you doing here?"

"We were introduced by... Xiao Chen... and we have made an appointment in advance!"

Yaoyao then took out the note Xiao Chen had given him and handed it to Jiang Chen, who glanced at it, nodded and said,"Okay, got it."

Before leaving work yesterday, Xiao Chen had greeted Jiang Chen and said that he had two friends who particularly liked his cooking skills and were willing to come over for a meal at a price of 200 yuan.

Jiang Chen agreed immediately.

Although 200 yuan is a small amount of money, it is worth earning.

After serving the dishes, Tang Heping completely forgot the elegant image he had worked hard to build. In front of his colleagues and subordinates in the company, he was always a gentle and elegant gentleman.

But now he... just wants to fill his stomach quickly.

Finding a place to sit down, Tang Heping first picked up a piece of boiled pork slices. The spicy aroma came to his nose, and it was covered with a layer of delicate and ruddy soup that looked very appetizing.

Put the boiled pork slices into your mouth, and the spicy taste blooms in an instant. There is also a little aroma of vegetables on the meat slices. The aroma of the vegetables is simply the finishing touch. After careful tasting, there is a hint of indescribable sweetness.

The aroma of the vegetables and the aroma of the meat itself are actually locked up by the spicy taste. The perfect fusion of the two brings a huge impact to the taste buds.

His eyes lit up!

It’s so delicious, right?!

If the prison could invest, he would have wanted to give Jiang Chen a large sum of money so that he could open a few more restaurants in the prison!

The taste is amazing.

How can there be such delicious food?!

It’s obviously just simple boiled pork slices, But the food made by this chef is better than that of other places. Even a Michelin three-star chef can't compare with him!

It smells so good, really so good.

Then he tasted another bite of fried potato chips, which tasted equally good. The surface of the potato chips had been fried golden and crispy. He could clearly taste the crisp sound when he put it in his mouth, but the taste of the potato inside was particularly soft and mellow. It was like eating two different dishes.

It was great!

Yaoyao always tried to maintain her image in front of Tang Heping before, but now she can't bear so much. In the face of such delicious food, everything else is nothing.

Filling your stomach is the first priority!

3.4 Bite after bite, the aftertaste is long and the face is full of enjoyment!

It's a pity that such delicious food can't be eaten every day!

She even wanted to commit some crime outside and come here for two days.

Why not think carefully about whether there are any friends or classmates around her who have committed crimes, and find a way to let them turn themselves in. Maybe if she helps the police station, she can come to have a meal!

In the past, Bai Ling'er envied Yaoyao for finding a rich boyfriend, but now the situation is reversed.

Yaoyao is envious of Bai Ling'er!

It's a good thing that her boyfriend can bring her food every day!

When they were eating enthusiastically in the cafeteria, the reporter Tian Bingbing who came to interview had already arrived at Luo Yong's office.

She looked at the case report in her hand, and the whole person was quite dumbfounded.

She repeatedly confirmed it carefully, and she was a little suspicious...

Was she hallucinating?!.

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