Stay calm.

Tian Bingbing, you have to stay calm.

You have been professionally trained, and you can maintain basic composure no matter what kind of weird interviewer you face.

Unless you can't help it.

This little scene is nothing.

Although it is a little outrageous, you, Tian Bingbing, can definitely bear it.

She still forced a smile and asked:"Officer Guo, you have been very hard in the past month. In order to solve this case, you have spent a lot of time and energy. Don't you have anything else to say?"

"You must……"

"Reporter Tian."

At this moment, Xiao Ma, who had been standing behind him, couldn't bear to listen any more.

They started eating at twelve o'clock, and it was already eight minutes past twelve.

In seven or eight minutes, they could finish several bowls of rice.

Pushing aside the crowd, Xiao Ma came to the reporter and said very sincerely:"What they both said is right, and what they both said is wrong. In fact, those two dishes are not important at all."

"The important thing is, if there is no one, how can the case be solved?"

"Miss Tian, are you sure?���?"

Tian Bingbing actually felt a little touched. It was not easy to meet a normal person among such a large group of weirdos.

She was so scared just now that the other party would mention a dish in front of her.

That would be really boring.

Fortunately, Xiao Ma did not do that.

Tian Bingbing handed the microphone to Xiao Ma and asked,"Who do you think played the most obvious and biggest role in this case?"

"I heard that you arrested one of the prisoners and interrogated him for more than a month, but you never got any definite and effective clues. The truth was revealed only at the last moment when the case was about to be closed."

"I wonder what method you used to make a stubborn person……"

"Our chef."

Xiao Ma said impatiently,"Miss Tian, I won't talk to you anymore. We are going to have dinner. Let's end the interview here.""

"I feel like we've said everything we need to say. Goodbye, Miss Tian..!"

Without giving Tian Bingbing a chance to react, Xiao Ma pushed the door open and rushed out quickly, followed by the others.

Tian Bingbing and the photographer were the only ones left in the room, staring at each other, their faces full of confusion.

They were both very dumbfounded.

What happened to the world today?

Is there anyone who can tell her?

Tian Bingbing has been a reporter for a long time, but this is the first time she has encountered such a weird thing.

It was not easy to get news last time.

Especially this kind of positive news.

As long as it is broadcast on TV, it will help their reputation. The most important thing is that the theft of cultural relics has attracted a lot of social attention.

Everyone is discussing this matter extensively and heatedly.

If anyone is the key hero, he will definitely be praised and recognized by everyone.

But they actually shirked each other and just wanted to eat.

When asked who the hero is, either they will say the dishes or the cooks in the prison.


They have made a name for themselves by making dark dishes.

Tian Bingbing had previously done a special column on prison meals, but he had never seen any prisoner think that the food in the prison was edible.

Their demands are not high, as long as they stay in prison and don't starve to death.

"Sister Bingbing."

The photographer hesitated for a moment and said,"Could it be possible that what they said is true?"

"How about we go over and take a look? I think there is something fishy going on. It's fine if one or two people say so. Look at what they all say."

"Then I think we need to pay attention to it. Even if we go there and find out that the news is not true, at least we have figured out what is going on, right?"

"Today's interview task has not been completed yet, and each of them has said a few words. How are you going to write the manuscript after you go back?"

Tian Bingbing's face was full of dejection.

Before coming here, she was full of confidence, and she was very sure that this interview would definitely be able to make an excellent column.

At that time, there were many people competing for it, and Tian Bingbing performed well in her daily life.

In addition, she was conscientious and responsible, so the leader directly decided to let her come.

On the way here, she had already prepared a draft in her mind. After all, she had done similar interviews more than once before, and what everyone said was similar.

After returning, she simply used a pen to write an interview report.

But... none of these people played by common sense. Everyone was only interested in eating, which made her dumbfounded.

If it was another report, they were unwilling to be interviewed, and Tian Bingbing could just let it go, but this matter was different.

The leaders above were still waiting.

""Okay, let's go."

Tian Bingbing asked along the way, and after about fifteen minutes they arrived at Prison No. 2.

When Tian Bingbing passed the free activity area in the prison, she subconsciously took a look. The scene that came into her eyes once again stunned and shocked this experienced reporter.

To be honest, she didn't know how many surprises she had today, and she was about to be full! (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Generally, prisoners in other prisons do whatever they want in the free activity area, sometimes they will quarrel, or even fight directly.

But the prisoners in the No. 2 prison area are reading books in the free activity area, can you believe it?……

"Sister Bingbing."

The photographer asked,"Why do I feel so strange? This is the first time I've seen a prisoner reading a book in prison."

"Me, me too."

Tian Bingbing was getting more and more confused about what was going on. Even if the prison officers were strict with them and treated them harshly, they wouldn't be like this, right?

Moreover, sometimes things go to extremes and the stricter the requirements from above, the more rebellious the prisoners become. They often talk back to the officers and even get into physical conflicts.

She had never dared to think of a situation like Prison No. 2 before.

The two gradually approached the cafeteria, and when they walked for a while, they were completely stunned there.

The photographer took a deep breath and couldn't help but his eyes lit up. His abdomen also made a gurgling sound in an instant.

The air was filled with a very strong and very fragrant aroma!

It can instantly stimulate people's appetite.

Appetite is greatly opened.

They had obviously eaten before coming here, but the moment they smelled the fragrance, both of them could hardly walk.

Tian Bingbing stood there, a little overwhelmed.

It smells so good... so good, Song!

What smells so good?!

Tian Bingbing's body seemed to be out of control, and she walked towards the prison kitchen driven by instinct.

The photographer followed closely behind. The two of them started walking slowly, but after a while they sped up, and as they got closer to the kitchen, their speed also got faster and faster.

In the end, they simply ran at full speed, and the photographer almost dropped the camera.

Why do I feel like they are not lying?

Not long after, the two rushed to the kitchen door, and the scene that came into view surprised Tian Bingbing again.


I'm a big shot:

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