Everyone had no doubts about what Jiang Chen said.

Since Jiang Chen had thought of a way to make the Bat Thief confess, everyone naturally had no worries and felt much more relaxed.

Coupled with the tempting aroma of the elbow, everyone's eyes lit up, full of expectation, and their eyes fell on the pressure cooker of the elbow, unable to move their eyes away for a long time.

Everyone breathed hard, greedily capturing the fragrance in the air.

They worked hard outside every day, collecting information, looking for evidence, and supporting their greatest belief was Jiang Chen's food.

No matter how tired they were, as long as they could have a good meal after coming back, they felt that all the hard work was worth it.

When the pressure cooker was opened, the strong aroma of the elbow captured everyone in an instant, and the members of the three groups couldn't help but move their bodies.

Wanting to get closer to Jiang Chen, he didn't even turn his head and said,"Wait a minute, I'll take the elbow out first."

He took out a funnel and took out the soft and fragrant elbow and put it in the basin next to it. The skin of the elbow was crystal red and lay quietly.���In the basin.

When it touched the bottom of the basin, the layer of meat on the surface seemed to be swaying slightly, and it was very elastic, like jelly.

At a glance, you can tell that this elbow has been cooked to perfection, and the meat and bones have been completely separated. Just gently scrape it with your hands, and the meat on it will be separated from the bones. It doesn't take any effort at all!

It smells so good!

"Come one by one and have a taste!"

Everyone rushed forward.

They were not afraid of the heat, and without saying a word, they held the elbow and started to chew it directly.

After being stewed in the pressure cooker, the elbow was completely soft and rotten. With a light bite, it could be torn off.

The rich meat aroma quickly bloomed in the mouth. The elbow was particularly soft and sticky. With a light touch, the bone and the skin of the meat were separated.

Although the meat was completely stewed, it would not melt in the mouth. It could be savored in the mouth for a while. The thick soup had completely soaked into the meat, and it tasted long and fragrant.

Eating a delicious meal at this time is simply the greatest enjoyment in the world.

Today they caught The Bat Thief who had lived at large for many years finally got to eat delicious pork elbow from Jiang Chen. Is there anything happier in the world?

After eating, everyone was still not satisfied. They each got a big bowl of the meal that Jiang Chen prepared for the prisoners in the prison, and started to feast on it.

When everyone had filled their stomachs, they consciously came to the sink, helped Jiang Chen wash the dishes, and wiped the stove.

Jiang Chen is now a treasure of their police station!

Not only does he cook delicious food, but most importantly, he can help them solve cases!

If it weren't for Jiang Chen's help, they probably would never have caught the Bat Thief.

""Little Chef Jiang!"

Captain Wang patted Jiang Chen's shoulder hard, his words full of emotion. He sighed and said,"To be honest, you have saved our Criminal Team 3 twice."

"You helped us the first time, and you helped us again this time. I tell you that the current case, whether in real life or on the Internet, has attracted a lot of attention."

"When they find out the truth, Chef Jiang will definitely become famous. The food you cook can even help solve the case."

Jiang Chen showed a wry smile.

He knew that he was a great cook.

However, it was purely a coincidence that he could help them solve the problem.

He took a sip of tea and replied,"It was just luck."

"You can't say that."

Xiao Ma shook his head and said,"Even if ordinary people have such luck, they don't have the ability! Think about it, if the food you cook is not delicious, Lao Qiang doesn't want to increase the sentence, how can he make meritorious service!"

"But to be honest, I've been a police officer for five or six years, and this is the first time I've met someone who actively asked for a longer sentence for meritorious service and wanted to spend more time in prison."

Jiang Xue walked to Jiang Chen and patted her chest again, with a proud look on her beautiful face.

"How about it? I have good taste, right?"

""I knew that our old classmate's cooking was very delicious, so I called him over to cook for the prisoners in our prison!"

Captain Wang had always hoped that Jiang Chen could go to the police station to cook for them. With such amazing cooking skills, it was really a waste of talent for him to stay in prison.

The most important thing was that the prisoners were not worthy!

Although the people in Prison No. 2 were all committing some petty crimes, they had not done anything particularly harmful to the world.

But they made a mistake after all!

Aren't they sent to prison for reform?

Let them have the opportunity to enjoy Jiang Chen's three meals a day, what's the difference between that and coming here for vacation?

But after these two incidents, Captain Wang's idea was very different.

Let Jiang Chen cook for the people in the prison in the future, maybe there will be great potential, maybe there will be two more situations similar to Lao Qiang.

Let them take the initiative to report and help to make meritorious deeds, then... who knows how many thieves can be caught.

"By the way, Chef Xiao Jiang."

Xiao Ma asked,"Didn't you just say that you have a way to make the Bat Thief confess within two hours? What is the method?""

"Wait a minute."

He smiled mysteriously.

"The prison cafeteria will be open for dinner in a while. You should know who Lao Qiang is, right?"

Everyone was even more confused after hearing this.

Wasn't he asked to interrogate the Bat Thief?

What does this have to do with Lao Qiang?

"Good, but……"

"That's all."

Jiang Chen said calmly,"When you get food later, tell me who Lao Qiang is, and I'll give him extra food."

Everyone looked at each other, confused as hell.

Extra food for Lao Qiang?!

Is it just because the Bat Thief was caught?

But they had already promised Lao Qiang that they would increase his sentence and transfer him directly to Prison No. 2. They also wanted to give him some extra food. Wasn't that a bit too good a treatment?

But seeing that Jiang Chen had no intention of explaining, everyone didn't ask any more questions. He must have his reasons for doing so.


After packing up his things, Lao Qiang stood at the door of the dormitory, looking at his brothers who were reluctant to leave him, his face full of excitement.

"Why are you all so sad?"

Lao Qiang said very seriously:"My sentence has been extended by three years. I can still enjoy another two or three years in prison. You should be happy!"

"You don't know that I racked my brains, endured hardships, and betrayed my boss in order to be sent to Prison No. 2."

"Now that I finally got this opportunity, you should be happy for me!"

"I tell you, the food in Prison No. 2 is simply amazing. I will find a way to get you over there and enjoy life with me in the future!"

No one spoke.

The dormitory was quite quiet.

Their boss was absolutely insane!

Ever since he went to Prison No. 2 last time, he couldn't eat or sleep.

Even his favorite dish, beef noodles with pickled cabbage, ham and eggs, he had no interest in!

You know, such an ultimate delicacy is hard currency in prison!

No one can resist it, right?!


Lao Qiang just wasn't interested.

He only wanted to increase his sentence, and he wouldn't listen to anyone's advice to go to Prison No. 2.

He was working day and night, working tirelessly, concentrating, and working hard to make himself stay in prison for two more years!

It was impossible to stop him!

"Brother Qiang."

The fat man came to Lao Qiang, hesitant for a moment and said,"Are you sure... you don't want to think about it again?"

"What is there to consider?"

Lao Qiang said firmly:"You don't know how much effort I put in to get the people above to agree to my request."

"Now that I have finally succeeded, why am I still hesitating?!"

"I won't tell you anymore. Dinner will be served in Prison No. 2 soon. I have to go over and have some delicious food."

He carried his daily necessities, smiling and excited, and jumped out of the prison dormitory.

People stood at the door, looking at his back in the corridor, and were all stunned!

They couldn't speak!


The fat man couldn't help asking,"Do you think Brother Qiang will regret it?"

"This is a high probability event."

One of the one-eyed men said,"I think he will regret his decision after staying in there for three to five days.""

"No matter how good the food in prison is, it probably tastes just so-so. He will get tired of it after two or three days."

"But freedom is different, it is something that people will yearn for all their lives." (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The fat man raised a thumb, obviously agreeing with the one-eyed man's analysis.

"He only had six months to be released from prison, but why did he have to stay in prison for two and a half more years?"

"It's really incomprehensible!"


When Lao Qiang put the things in the dormitory of Prison No. 2 and rushed to the canteen quickly, a happy and satisfied look appeared on his face.

The team in the kitchen was in order. Everyone was silent, holding their heads high and quietly queuing up for food.

He closed his eyes, then opened his hands, feeling the aroma of food in the air! He was so happy in his heart!

This was the feeling he wanted!

It was so cool, so cool!

I don’t know what kind of food Prison No. 2 prepared for them today.

He seemed to smell the aroma of shredded pork with green peppers, stir-fried cabbage, and what the other dish was. He couldn’t tell yet.

But he was sure that it would taste great!

In the past few days in Prison No. 3, he didn’t eat good food. He was in a state of half-hunger every day. Even the instant noodles that he was most interested in on weekdays, he didn’t have any appetite at all.

Now the aroma of food in the canteen completely aroused his appetite, making him impatient. Looking at the team in front of him moving slowly, he felt very uncomfortable.

I really want to urge them to hurry up?


I didn’t dare to speak.

Everyone was keeping quiet. If I spoke, I would be criticized.

After waiting for seven or eight minutes, it was finally his turn.

Looking at the green pepper and pork in the bowl, Lao Qiang was so moved that tears fell from his mouth. He kept swallowing his saliva. He couldn't help it.

Give it to him quickly!

"Chef Xiao Jiang is Lao Qiang."

Just as Lao Qiang was looking forward to having a good meal, he suddenly heard Captain Wang's voice. He was stunned for a moment, a little at a loss.

Did he make a mistake again?

Jiang Chen put down the spoon in his hand, pointed to the door next to him and said to Lao Qiang:"Come in, I have something to tell you!"

Although Lao Qiang was puzzled, he nodded in front of Jiang Chen, put down the plate, and came to the kitchen.

"Hello, Chef Jiang, what can I do for you?"

Now, Lao Qiang's respect for Jiang Chen has even far exceeded his awe of Captain Wang.

There is no other way, Jiang Chen holds the real power of life and death, whether he can eat delicious food depends on him.

"Do you want to eat braised pork elbow?"


Hearing this, Lao Qiang was confused.

Did Jiang Chen call him in just to add food?

The others were also dumbfounded.

What did Jiang Chen want to do?

Didn't he ask Lao Qiang to help the Bat Thief confess?

Why did he suddenly give him delicious food?

"Think about it, think about it!"

Lao Qiang nodded vigorously, like a woodpecker, wishing his head would fall off.

"I just happen to have two left here."

Jiang Chen pointed at the braised pork elbow in the pot. It was bright red and fragrant. It looked very tempting. It was soaked in the red soup and swayed slightly. The skin looked extremely tender and elastic.

One could tell at a glance that it was absolutely delicious.

"I'll give you my elbow if you do me a favor."

"What's the matter?"

Jiang Chen replied:"Although the Bat Thief was caught, he had stolen a lot of things before and no one knows where he hid them. If the stolen goods are not found, even if he can be convicted, it will not make up for the loss of the owner."

"You know our police department has a rule that torture is not allowed."

"If you really want to beat him up and make him confess the truth, we might also be punished, so there is no need to do that!"

"Why don’t you go and beat him up? If you can make him confess within two hours, I’ll give you an elbow. If you can make him confess within an hour, I’ll give you two elbows!"

"What do you think?!"

Jiang Xue and the others behind him were all stunned. They were obviously shocked by the cool operation Jiang Chen just proposed!

No matter what, they didn't expect that it could be played like this?

But if you think about it carefully... the method he just proposed doesn't seem to be impossible!

"No problem, no problem."

Anyway, he had already betrayed his boss for the sake of delicious food, so it didn't matter if he beat him up again.

He believed that his boss would understand.

Seeing how quickly Lao Qiang agreed, people were a little puzzled.

He looked like he was afraid that I would change my mind and regret it!

"That's fine."

He patted Lao Qiang on the shoulder and said,"I'll trouble you next. Of course, if you can make him confess within half an hour, I'll give you three elbows!"

Lao Qiang couldn't wait to hear this. He felt the blood boiling.

It's great to know such a boss!

There are so many benefits to betraying him!

"No problem, let's hurry up!"

Jiang Chen looked at Captain Wang and said,"Captain Wang, why don't you take him there quickly!"

Captain Wang was still confused at this moment.

Why didn't he expect that this could be done!

The higher-ups only stipulated that they were not allowed to torture and extract confessions.

But they didn't say... criminals were not allowed to do it?

This move was handled internally.

"Okay, Lao Qiang, you should perform well later."

Lao Qiang patted his chest and said confidently:"Don't worry, I will never let you down. I am a professional at beating people."


The Bat Thief who was in the interrogation room still had a rebellious and arrogant look on his face.

Looking at Xiao Ma sitting opposite him, he squinted his eyes and said,"Stupid, it's useless. Just convict me. I can't tell you where the things I stole are."

"Now that I can get him into my pocket, there is no way I can give him away!"

"Don't bother to complain to me so much!"

"No matter how you ask, I won't tell you. If you have the guts, just hit me."

"If you touch me, I will hire a lawyer at a high price! I am determined to do it to you?"

Xiao Ma sighed when he heard this, and actually laughed in front of him.

"What the hell are you laughing at?"

The Bat Thief cursed,"What's so funny? Did I say something wrong?"

"Since you want to be beaten so badly, how can I not meet your conditions?"

Then Xiao Ma opened the door and Lao Qiang walked in.

The moment he saw Lao Qiang, the Bat Thief was furious.

"You bastard! How dare you come in here?"

"I'm telling you, I'm not done with you about our relationship."

Lao Qiang smiled and looked at his boss, feeling touched and grateful.


Boss , don't you want to be beaten? I'm here to help you today!".

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