Meng Haiyang didn't say anything.

Luo Yong's laughter echoed in the room. His face was a little gloomy, and he stared at him motionlessly.


You don't believe a word he just said?

Do you think I'm a big idiot?

The Bat Thief has not been caught for so many years?

In the end, it only took you two or three days to successfully catch him?

Do you think I will believe it?

Are you sure it's not an international joke?

However, Luo Yong had no intention of restraining himself. The more he thought about it, the more excited he became. The sound of his laughter became louder and louder, and he almost danced in front of him.

There was no way.

He really couldn't help it!

That person was not an ordinary person. He was a Bat Thief who was very famous in both the black and white worlds.

He stole valuables worth hundreds of millions in half a month and left things at the scene to provoke the police.

Other police stations spent a long time and failed to catch him, but they solved the case easily.

How could he not be happy?!

How could he not be excited?

"We solved the case. Tonight, let Jiang Xue buy some delicious food and let Chef Jiang���Make something delicious and reward us!"

"Life is so beautiful just thinking about it!"


He slapped the table and said coldly:"Luo Yong, are you crazy? You are in a hurry now, I have to go to investigate the case quickly, and you still have the mood to chat with me here, are you kidding?"

"The above only gives you half a month, you have to think it over carefully."

"If you can't figure it out within half a month, the leaders will never forgive you."

Luo Yong's laughter stopped immediately.

He could sense the anger in Meng Haiyang's words, and looking at his gloomy expression, he couldn't help laughing again.

"You are still laughing, what are you laughing at?"

Meng Haiyang was in a bad mood to begin with, and now he was even more excited. He said,"I tell you that if you fail to complete the task assigned by the superiors, no matter you or I, we will suffer."

"Director Meng."

Luo"327" Yong said:"I know you don't believe it, don't you think this kind of thing is particularly unbelievable?"

"Like are you kidding?"

"Makes people doubt life!"

"I tell you, I didn't believe it at first. When Captain Wang told me the news last night, I slapped myself twice."

"It felt extremely painful, and then I confirmed that this was real and not a dream!"

"We have caught the bat thief who has been at large for decades."

Director Meng saw Luo Yong's serious words, with curiosity in his eyes, and he said with some doubt:"Are you talking nonsense?"

"You should still remember what the Bat Thief has stolen in the past half month, right?"

Director Meng nodded.

Of course he remembered.

He made a list of the lost items and checked them day and night. Now he knows them by heart.

"Since you remember, just wait for me for a while."

Luo Yong turned and left the room. Meng Haiyang was even more curious when he saw this.

What on earth was he doing?

After a while, a large black box was pushed in by Luo Yong from outside.

""Would you like to open it and have a look?"

Luo Yong said with a smile on his face,"The box contains a surprise I prepared for you."

He walked forward and opened the box. What he saw made his body stiffen.

Meng Haiyang rubbed his eyes and even pinched his thigh with his right hand.

Pain came from it.

Damn, I'm not dreaming!


Seeing Meng Haiyang didn't say anything, Luo Yong shouted, but the other party was still stiff and didn't say a word.


He slapped him on the head and cursed:"Director, what's wrong with you?"

Covering his head with his hands, Meng Haiyang said unhappily:"Why did you hit me?"

"I asked you several questions, but you didn't answer them. Do you feel any pain?"

"Nonsense, does it hurt if I hit you?"

Luo Yong said with a grin,"If you feel pain now, that's right, take out the list of items and compare them one by one to see if what's in it is what they lost."

"No need."

Meng Haiyang waved his hand and said,"I will never forget it even in my dreams. These are indeed the items that the rich people are looking for."

There was a deep shock in his eyes. He couldn't say a word for a long time. His body was stiff there, feeling extremely incredible!

He really couldn't understand it. It's been less than five days, and they caught the man?

It's too outrageous! It would be fine if they caught just an ordinary thief, but the key is that it was the Bat Thief!

At first, he was also wondering whether Lao Luo and the others were just making up the numbers and just found a thief to replace them.

But... even if people can fake these things, they will definitely not fake them.

He can guarantee that these are indeed the valuables lost by the rich.

In other words... the Bat Thief was caught!

He was really caught!

The time given by the higher-ups was half a month, but they didn't even use half a month. It only took two or three days to successfully catch the Bat Thief!

It's really refreshing to think about it!

Meng Haiyang still felt a little unreal. He stretched out his right hand and pinched it hard, increasing the strength.

"What's going on?"

Meng Haiyang was a little puzzled:"Why don't I feel any pain? Yes, yes, it must be a dream!"

"Director...hiss...I'm sure it won't hurt if you pinch me!"

Meng Haiyang was a little embarrassed and quickly pulled his right hand back.

He finally accepted this shocking fact.

They successfully caught the Bat Thief!

The notorious thief who did all kinds of bad things and stole many valuables was finally caught.

"Lao Luo!"

Meng Haiyang gave a thumbs up. He was very happy and excited.

"It's really awesome!"

He sighed and said,"I really didn't expect that everyone in your group is so awesome."

"In such a short time, the bat thief was caught."

"It is such a blessing for us to have such outstanding people like you in our police station!"

"Very good, very good!"

Meng Haiyang is so excited that he doesn't know what to say.

When the superiors gave the task to their police station, many people were not optimistic and even acted like they were just waiting for the show. Other police stations shirked responsibility and were unwilling to take on the case. After all, his influence was too great and too bad.

The attention on the Internet is also very high. If it is not completed, it is very likely that the official hat will be lost.

Even if they are lucky enough not to be held accountable, they will be under tremendous psychological pressure.

When the superiors gave everything to Meng Haiyang, everyone felt that they would definitely suffer a big loss this time!

Even Meng Haiyang himself was not optimistic.

But... who would have thought that they really did it!


Luo Yong smiled and said,"In fact, we didn't play a big role in the case."

"We searched for a long time at first, but didn't find any useful clues."

"The one who deserves the greatest credit is the cook in our prison!"

"If the prison food he cooked wasn't delicious, we wouldn't be able to find out who the Bat Thief was even in half a month, let alone half a year."

"That guy is really good at hiding!"

"You, what did you say?"

The smile on Meng Haiyang's face disappeared. He stared blankly at Luo Yong standing in front of him, and couldn't help but put his right hand on his forehead.

This guy... doesn't have a fever?

Why do you always say such confusing things? Are you kidding me? You attribute all the credit to a prison cook? He has nothing to do with the case? Why should we reward him for making the prison food unpalatable? He successfully abused the criminals? Are you kidding me?

"Luo Yong.

Meng Haiyang said seriously,"Such a serious matter, don't joke about it. I know you won't let me down."


Luo Yong said with a smile:"Of course I would like to take all the credit for myself, but if I do so, my conscience will be uneasy."

"The key point's really not because of me that he solved the case."

"Do you still remember the last case of cultural relics theft? The reason why that case was solved had nothing to do with us directly."

"Everything is thanks to the chef in our prison."

Then he told Meng Haiyang the whole story of the interrogation of Wu Qiang last time. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Meng Haiyang had a clear and stupid look on his face after listening to it.


He didn't know there was such a trick behind this matter.

Is it really that delicious?

It can make people so greedy.

"I really don't know how to describe Chef Xiao Jiang's cooking skills to you. Every dish he makes is great. Of course, my favorite dish so far is the spicy grilled fish."

"But it's a pity that he hasn't made spicy grilled fish recently."

"They only serve some other home-cooked dishes, but they taste great! You must try them if you have a chance."

"I originally thought it was a waste of talent for him to stay in prison and cook, but after helping us solve two cases in a row, I think differently."

When Luo Yong mentioned Jiang Chen, he started spitting and talking excitedly, with no sign of stopping at all.

"No...can you please get to the point?"

The director couldn't help but interrupt him, and at the same time he became very curious about Jiang Chen.

He had to go and see if the other party's cooking skills were really as good as he said.

Luo Yong smiled awkwardly, feeling a little embarrassed.

He touched his head and said,"I'm so sorry, Director. Now I have to praise our chef Jiang to everyone I meet. His cooking skills are really amazing!"

"Then can you tell me how he helped in the case?"

Luo Yong replied:"That's even more outrageous. Let me tell you, we have reviewed all the information and surveillance footage left at the scene."

"But we didn't find any useful clues in the surveillance. We don't know where the Bat Thief is, let alone who he is."

"But there is a prisoner in prison number three who has a very good relationship with the Bat Thief and has always been loyal to him....."

"Not long ago, he sneaked into the No. 2 prison and ate a meal cooked by Chef Xiao Jiang. He was so hungry that he cried! He even didn't want to be released from prison. He hoped that our superiors could increase his sentence."

"Of course we don’t want to do that. He sold out his own boss just to get us to agree to his request?!"


Oh my god...

Isn't this too absurd?

What does it mean to look for something without any effort?

This is it?!

They sent a large number of police officers, as well as countless manpower and material resources, to investigate, collect evidence, and gather clues everywhere.

No one knows who the Bat Thief is.

But... because of a meal from their prison chef, they finally caught him.

No way.

Meng Haiyang must go and see later, is the food cooked by that chef really that awesome?!

It's just too awesome!

"Is there such a weird thing?"

Luo Yong nodded and replied:"Of course, I know you think it's weird."

"I didn't believe it before, we would solve the case in this way."

"But it’s all true!"

"How about you come with me to the cafeteria and taste the cooking of our chef Xiao Jiang?"

"Also, no matter what, this time, he must be put first. I think he is the one who has made the greatest contribution."

"If the higher-ups give us a credit, he must be credited as well."

After listening to the role Jiang Chen played in the two cases, Meng Haiyang nodded. His request was not excessive.

Jiang Chen helped so much, so he should be credited.

And the first credit!

It is estimated that in the entire history of Tianlong District, no public security bureau has solved a case with the help of the prison cook, right?

And such a big case!

"No problem, you go down first, I'll go to the kitchen later at noon"


Luo Yong said:"Remember, we must give Chef Xiao Jiang a great credit, otherwise none of us will agree."

"Don't worry, you won't forget it."

After Luo Yong left the room, Meng Haiyang took out his cell phone. He tried to control his excitement and tremblingly dialed the number of a senior leader.

If I tell them this news now, I wonder how excited they will be?

Half a month?

What a joke!

Our police department solved the case in just a few days!



Leader Huang looked at the remaining police chiefs with an unusually solemn expression.

"What is the purpose of calling you here? I'm sure you all know it without me saying it."

He sighed and said,"Originally, I was thinking of handing the case over to Meng Haiyang and the others!"

"But later I thought about it and still felt that it was not right. This case was very difficult!"

"You several branches must also coordinate the investigation!"

"I'll give Meng Haiyang half a month and you one month."

"Whoever finds out the truth first, I will award that person’s bureau with a third-class collective merit!"

Everyone’s eyes lit up when they heard this.

A third-class collective merit is no small achievement!

Director Ma stepped forward and said,"Please rest assured, we will definitely not let you down. The strength of our 360 police officers will be even greater than that of Director Meng."

"We must be strict with ourselves and solve the case within a month!"

Leader Huang said:"I know that the case has a great impact and has attracted a lot of attention in society. It is precisely because of this that we must pay attention to it."

"No matter what, the thief must be caught!"

"His behavior was too much. He stole so many things and left clues at the scene, deliberately provoking our police."

"If we can't catch him, how can we save our reputation?"

Everyone nodded.

Director Ma said:"Don't worry, I will definitely solve the case before Meng Haiyang."

"I have been researching the Bat Thief for decades, and I know his movements and methods very well."

"Now he dares to do bad things in our city. I will never forgive him."

"Of course, I don't think you need to put so much pressure on Meng Haiyang and others."

"In fact, it is not easy for them. You can tell them not to continue the investigation."

"Anyway, I have enough confidence that I will definitely catch him within a month."

"As for what other people think, I don't know."

Leader Huang nodded and said,"Xiao Ma, I am very pleased that you have such confidence."


Just as he finished speaking, the phone rang, and Leader Huang stood up and answered it.

"What did you say?!"

He deliberately raised his voice, his words full of surprise and disbelief

"You...are you telling the truth?"

Everyone looked at each other, very curious to see this scene.

Leader Huang nodded and said,"Okay, then I understand."

After hanging up the phone, he said seriously:"Everyone, the situation has changed, you don't need to take any action!"

"The case is closed."

I'm a big shot:

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