The original order fell through, and he had been working hard recently and staying up late frequently.

He was also injured.

Jiang Tiankuo had no appetite at all. Even though the chicken soup prepared by his wife tasted really good, he was not interested at all. But the strange fragrance that suddenly wafted in the air made Jiang Tiankuo feel much better. He shuddered and sat up straight.

A rich man like him would naturally stay in a single room in the hospital, and there were no other patients in the room.

His wife, who was holding the chicken soup, smelled the rich aroma of mixed noodles. Both of them stared at the door blankly. They breathed hard, and every wisp of fragrance that came could not escape their palms.

It smells so good, so good!

Jiang Tiankuo subconsciously lifted the quilt and immediately felt that his appetite was restored.

Who cooked this noodle?

Jiang Tiankuo didn't like eating noodles with soybean sauce before. He always felt that the meat sauce inside had an indescribable strange smell, and he was not particularly interested.

But the fragrance he smelled today made Jiang Tiankuo want to make an exception.

He couldn't help but walk forward, and his wife followed closely behind him. The two subconsciously held each other's hands and moved closer to the door.


The wife said,"Do you want to eat noodles with soybean paste?"

"Yes, yes, yes, who is the owner of this noodle shop? I must find out clearly, and then you can buy me a bowl."


Of course, buying one bowl is not enough, at least two bowls must be bought, and she must have one bowl too.

No, no, no!

It smells so good, I must eat three bowls!

Anyway, she is not on a diet!

Just as she walked to the door, before she had time to push the door open, a hand stretched out from the crack of the door, holding a bag in the hand, and the bag contained two bowls of noodles. The fragrance came from the bag.

The two of them were stunned. They stared blankly at the two bowls of noodles, without saying a word, just staring at them, and the rumbling sound in their stomachs was particularly clear, strong and obvious.

The two moved their feet and subconsciously stretched out their right hands, ready to take the noodles. After a moment, the door was pushed open, and Jiang Xue, wearing a white dress, appeared in front of them.

"How is it, Dad?"

Jiang Xue said with a smile:"The noodles with soybean paste smell delicious, right?"

Jiang Tiankuo didn't say anything. He couldn't wait to snatch the noodles from the other party, and quickly sat down next to the bed and set the table.

He didn't expect it to be sent by his daughter.

Just now Jiang Tiankuo was planning to find out where to buy noodles and ask his wife to get a bowl.

It turned out to be a surprise prepared by Jiang Xue.

Now his appetite has increased greatly. He didn't eat well in the past few days, and now he feels even hungrier. He quickly opened the bag and put two bowls of noodles on the table.

The sauce is rich and fragrant, the color is bright red, and the aroma of meat and mushrooms is perfectly blended together. The thick sauce evenly wraps each noodle, and it looks like an exquisite work of art.

Jiang Tiankuo closed his eyes and slowly picked up a chopstick of noodles and put it in his mouth.

The noodles are cooked very chewy and taste chewy. The fried sauce of the noodles is even and delicate. It doesn't taste greasy at all, and there is no smell of meat at all.

There is only a strong aroma of meat and mushrooms.

Although ordinary mixed noodles are good It is delicious, but you will probably get tired of it after a few bites. The strong flavor of meat sauce will make people feel salty, but if the flavor is too light, the noodles will seem bland and tasteless, and it will be boring to eat.

Is fried noodles with soybean sauce good? The most critical step to determine whether it is authentic is the cooking of the mixed sauce. The mixed sauce made by Jiang Chen is not only fresh, fragrant and beautiful, but most importantly, it has a very rich taste, with more than one flavor, which can fully mobilize people's taste buds.

He immediately felt a lot better.

It's delicious.

Jiang Tiankuo made a very satisfied sound.

The taste is simply amazing.

It looks like a very ordinary fried noodles with soybean sauce, and there is nothing special about it. Why does it feel so different?

What kind of cook can make the simplest fried noodles with soybean sauce so delicious.

A large bowl of fried noodles with soybean sauce was finished in less than three minutes.

Jiang Tiankuo was still a little unsatisfied. He wiped the corners of his mouth with a tissue, and then he noticed that Jiang Xue next to him hurriedly asked:"Daughter, come here quickly"

"Isn't it delicious?"

Jiang Xue had a smile on her face, and her words showed obvious pride.

"It's really delicious."

He couldn't help asking,"Tell me where is this noodle shop? Who is the owner?""

"I must go there often in the future!"

Jiang Xue deliberately sighed, as if helpless, and said:"Dad, I think it's better to forget it. You won't be interested in the food he cooks."

Jiang Tiankuo didn't understand what his daughter was talking about?

Didn't you see that I ate a big bowl of noodles with soybean sauce cleanly, and I wanted to eat the bowl?

I'm not interested.

What is interest?

Jiang Tiankuo was not full and wanted to have two more bowls, so he urged his daughter:"My dear girl, now is not the time to talk nonsense. Your dad hasn't had a good meal these days."

"Tell me where did you buy it? And you got me two bowls. How can I be full with just one bowl?"

"He doesn't run a noodle shop."

Jiang Xue took a sip of water and said,"Besides, I told you before, but you think the food he cooks is not delicious, and you think my idea is wrong."

What does that mean?

From the tone of his daughter's words just now, it seems that they still know the person who runs the noodle shop.

Jiang Tiankuo thought about it carefully. It seems that there has never been anyone around him who cooks delicious food?

Who is Jiang Xue talking about?

"My dear daughter, please stop keeping me in suspense, okay? I was working all the time these past few days and didn’t have a good meal, and in the end the order was cancelled?"

"Now that I finally have a delicious noodle shop, can you go and cook me two more bowls?"


Jiang Xue stood up and approached Jiang Tiankuo and said,"The noodles are out now, but the chef is just outside the door."

"He is my colleague and old classmate. He came to our police station about half a month ago and is responsible for cooking for the prisoners in the prison!"

"It's the chef in our prison whom I told you about before."


Jiang Tiankuo's eyes were as big as copper bells.

He stared at his daughter blankly, his body suddenly stiffened on the bed, he couldn't speak, and even almost forgot to breathe.


What the hell?!

You, this... is really unbelievable!

It was actually made by the chef in the prison? Is being a chef so competitive now?

How can the chef in the prison be so good?

He had an endless aftertaste for a bowl of noodles with soybean paste, which was better than the level of the chefs in five-star hotels.

I thought that the chef of the Empire Hotel was okay during the day, but now compared with Jiang Chen, it was simply a world of difference.

The gap between the two is too big!

Jiang Tiankuo's wife, who was still eating, also put down her chopsticks, obviously shocked by the answer her daughter just gave.

"Old classmate."

Jiang Xue said to the outside of the door:"Come in quickly, my parents want to see you."

After a while, the door was pushed open again. Jiang Tiankuo and his wife stared at the door. When Jiang Chen came in, they were shocked again. The young man is really handsome!

Whether it is his height, appearance or the overall temperament, he is better than many celebrities who make a living in the entertainment industry.

The most important thing is that he cooks so deliciously. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Jiang Chen smiled and put the prepared fruits and gifts on the bedside table next to him.

""Uncle and aunt, hello!"

He stood beside Jiang Xue. The old couple looked each other up and down, and nodded at the same time, obviously very satisfied with him.

The two of them looked very good together.

Jiang Xue, who came from a wealthy family, was also very beautiful. Naturally, there were many suitors around her, but none of them really pleased the old couple.

Apart from other appearances, there were very few people who could match Jiang Xue. Jiang Chen was the most satisfactory person they had seen so far.

"Young man."

Jiang Tiankuo quickly asked:"What's your name? How old are you this year? How many people are there in your family? What do you do? Do you have a girlfriend?"


Before Jiang Chen could answer, Jiang Xue spoke first.

"Others come to see you, why are you checking their household registration here? If he keeps talking, I will take him away immediately."

Jiang Tiankuo was still not satisfied and wanted to taste Jiang Chen's cooking. Of course, he couldn't let him leave. He quickly said,"I was thinking that he is your colleague, so I should care about him more. I don't mean anything else. Why are you so excited?"

He jumped off the bed and walked to Jiang Chen's side. The more he looked at him, the more satisfied he felt.

"Hey bro, did you really make that bowl of noodles with soybean paste?"

"How come you are such a good cook? I don't understand why you are staying in a prison kitchen if you have such superb cooking skills? How about you become my personal chef? I will give you 30,000 yuan a month?"

"You don’t need to cook anything else for me, just make noodles with soybean paste."

Jiang Chen smiled gently and said,"Forget it, Uncle Jiang, I’m good at cooking in prison, and besides… it’s a bit difficult for me to just make noodles with soybean paste."

Jiang Tiankuo was a little excited.

What did he mean?

Could it be that Jiang Chen was not only good at making noodles with soybean paste, but also other dishes?

""Little brother."

Jiang Tiankuo asked gratefully,"You mean you can not only make noodles with soybean paste, but also other dishes?"

"I can cook a little bit of everything."

Jiang Chen now uses the system to exchange points for the recipes of everyday home-cooked dishes he sees, and he can make every dish taste extraordinary.

"That's great."

Jiang Tiankuo smiled.

"Let’s go home. Can you cook a meal for us two old people?"

"Just cook your best and most delicious dishes, and don't worry, I will never be short of money."

""We in the Jiang family have nothing but money."

As expected, like father, like daughter.

Both father and daughter have the same personality and have no concept of money.

If you really have such a wife and father-in-law, don't say how much it is a good thing!

"Okay, no problem."

The bowl of noodles with soybean paste was a favor, but now it's my duty to cook and charge for it.

After all, Jiang Chen is not a philanthropist, and even brothers should settle accounts.

Besides, Jiang Tiankuo doesn't need that little money.

It shouldn't be a big deal for him to charge thousands or tens of thousands for a meal.

"Then you two go home first. Jiang Xue and I will go shopping for groceries."

"Good, good, go and come back soon."

When the two of them left the room, Jiang Tiankuo suddenly felt refreshed. He returned to the bed and sat down, and couldn't help but admired:"I like this young man very much. He is handsome, well-mannered, polite, and speaks with discretion."

His wife directly exposed his thoughts and said:"You speak so nicely, isn't it just because you like other people's craftsmanship?"

"How can you say that?"

Jiang Tiankuo touched his chin and said,"To be honest, there are many people who like our daughter, but I am satisfied with this young man. The two of them are really a good match when they stand together."

"Anyway, our family is rich, so we don't need him to have much money, as long as he is good to our daughter."

"Old Jiang?"

The wife couldn't bear to hear it anymore, and she couldn't help but ask,"Didn't you hear your daughter say that they were just ordinary friends? They just met and they haven't even met yet, why are you so excited?"

"I am just giving advice to my daughter!"

Jiang Tiankuo smiled brightly.

"Look at the way they walked out just now. They walked in unison. Let's pack up and go home to see how the boy's cooking skills are."

"Doesn't it hurt anymore?"

Patting his chest, Jiang Tiankuo replied,"Don't worry, I'm still strong and healthy."

"How can I not know whether you are in good health or not?"


Jiang Tiankuo's face was full of black lines.

Can we not bring up things that are not related to the topic?

Sitting in the car on the way home, Jiang Tiankuo thought of what Jiang Xue said not long ago, and felt a little emotional.

Originally, he really didn't believe that a chef in a prison could have such superb cooking skills, and he turned a blind eye to his daughter's praise of Jiang Chen in front of him.

But until he really tasted his cooking skills, he found that... what Jiang Xue said was indeed wrong.

His words could not describe the superb cooking skills of Jiang Chen.

I just ate a bowl of noodles with soybean sauce. If it were normal, I would have been full a long time ago, but now for Jiang Tiankuo, it was just like an appetizer.

Half an hour later they arrived home. After opening the car door, Jiang Tiankuo just jumped out of the car. He slapped his forehead with his hand, his eyes shining and said:"Wife, I seem to have forgotten something important just now?"

"Why am I so stupid?"

"It’s all because I left in such a hurry just now. Why didn’t I think of it?"


What 's so important?

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