Great Power Technology

Chapter 99 Completely different choices

Shang Hai, Pudong International Airport arrival hall. Liu Quan, the founder of Shuofang Company, stood in a conspicuous position in the arrival hall carrying his suitcase. He was accompanied by a young man who was his nephew and his secretary in the company. .

Liu Quan's face was calm, but his nephew Liu Xu's face had a hint of resentment.

"Uncle, why do we have to wait for that Mr. Zhu? We don't agree with each other. Their purpose of going to Huaxin this time is completely opposite to ours, so why do we still want to flatter them? "

"I really can't stand their behavior. They take advantage of the country and talk nonsense, but in fact what they do is worse than a dog!"

Liu Quan glanced at his young and energetic nephew, sighed helplessly and said:

"It's not like you don't know who Zhu Linan is. He is not only the conscientious COO, but also a direct subordinate of Liu Laoba. He is so big that he can crush us to death with one finger. Can you talk to him? A few words are already a resource in themselves.”

"What do we need this kind of resources for? How does our business overlap with theirs? They are in the computer business and we are in the security business. Is it possible that they can install surveillance cameras on computers?"

"What are you talking about!"

Liu Quan glared at Liu Xu fiercely, then remained silent for a few seconds, then softened his tone and said:

"They can't install surveillance on computers, why can't they install it in the factory? Even if they don't install it now, as long as we have a good relationship with him, they will always be useful to us in the future."

Liu Xu was a little aggrieved, but looking at his uncle's serious expression, he stopped talking back, and just said with some reluctance:

"Uncle, I know we are doing business, but listen to what he said on the plane. Businessmen have no borders, and whoever gives the money is the boss. It will blow those Yindu people to the sky. Well, didn’t he actually say what happened?”

"Do you know what's going on?"

Liu Quan asked teasingly.

"Of course I know it. I've heard it all. The Ugly Country Guy saved up that scene in Yindu for them, just to hit our market with low-priced chips. At this time, they don't support domestic production, but turn their backs on it." If Rendi cancels the contract with Huaxin, do you think he is a traitor? Just to save some chip money?"

After hearing this, Liu Quan finally couldn't help but feel the anger in his heart. He reached out and patted Liu Xu hard on the head, and then said:

"What do you mean just to save money on those chips? Do you know how much those chips are worth? What's wrong with what they say? What are the national boundaries of businessmen? Isn't it just to make money wherever it is? If I were in his position, I will make the same decision as him!"

"Then why did you go to Huaxin to sign the contract? Isn't it because of patriotism?"

Liu Xu asked unconvinced.

"...I love the Hammer Country. Patriotism is something only kids like you talk about. People of our age have long since lost this passion."

"I have already said that the reason why I went to Huaxin is because I believe that cooperation with Huaxin can bring us more benefits. In the final analysis, it is to make money for myself!"

Liu Xu made a sound and retorted:

"If you cooperate with Yindu Factory now, you can make more money. Anyway, you are backed by Chou Country, what kind of chips can't they come up with?"

"Shut up now! Children know nothing!"

Liu Quan looked at Zhu Linan walking from a distance and said angrily.

This time around the Yindu chip factory turmoil, many colleagues in the industry had the same idea and immediately turned to the other party's arms as soon as the news was confirmed, but he did not.

In his own mind, he always believed that he was a modern businessman who was flexible, able to adapt to the situation, and corrected his mistakes when he made mistakes. He believed that he no longer had the enthusiasm to serve the country in his bones, but he didn't know why. When faced with this choice, he still hesitated for a long time.

It is true that, as his nephew Liu Xu said, switching to the Yindu factory at this time can indeed save costs to the greatest extent and create the greatest profits for his company, but vaguely, he felt that things were not that good. Simple.

This is an intuition gained from years of experience in shopping malls.

He didn't know why there was no official response to his opponent's actions this time, nor why several key domestic manufacturers, including Huaxin, maintained a collective silence, but in his heart, there was a voice telling him , this time we must stand on our own side.

He doesn't think it's patriotic, he thinks it's just an instinctive choice based on interests.

It's just because he believes that standing on the side of his own people will truly allow him to gain the greatest benefits.


Is this also a kind of love?


He retracted his thoughts and turned to greet Zhu Linan who was approaching with a smile on his face.

Two hours later, two groups of people with vastly different statuses in the mall arrived at Huaxin's office in Shanghai in two cars. After getting out of the car, Liu Quan looked in the direction of Zhu Linan with some envy. .

The other party's car is a Cullinan assigned to him by Shanghai's subsidiary company. The secretary beside him is young and beautiful. His professional attire is both capable and revealing an indescribable charm. But what about his own side?

I booked a domestic business car on a ride-hailing app, and the secretary was my nephew who was not very accomplished but was full of enthusiasm all day long.

When he noticed that the other party's eyes turned towards him, Liu Quan couldn't help but feel a sense of inferiority.

However, in the blink of an eye, this inferiority suddenly disappeared.

Indeed, his current status is so high that he doesn't know where he is, but in this choice full of games, he must be the right one.

Maybe they will get amazing profits in a short period of time, but in the long run, they must be the final winner.

Because I have never chosen to miss.

Thinking of this, Liu Quan suddenly realized something.

He had always thought that he had followed the official rhythm and that was why he had been able to get to this point smoothly. But looking back, did he really understand that?


I just made the same choice every time.

On this day, when Liu Quan and Zhu Linan appeared in the headquarters office of Huaxin Shanghai for different purposes, many domestic companies also made their own choices.

As many as dozens of companies have turned to the Yindu factory, choosing cheaper, more stable, and even more advanced chip products in the short term.

No one can blame them. After all, the market is ruthless and capital is ruthless. They must be responsible for their own profits.

But at the same time, there is another group of companies that, like Liu Quan, stand firmly on the side of their own people.

At a banquet at a party, the owners of these companies laughed and scolded the government for their inaction in the face of external impact. They also complained that domestic lithography machine production was too slow and the production capacity was too low. Too slow, chips delivered too late.

People with good intentions asked them why they chose domestic companies, whether it was because of feelings, but they drunkenly denied it.

"Feelings? Feelings are a hammer! I am just a businessman, how can I be so noble!"

"I just want to make money! What I want to make is not money now, but money in the future!"

"These bitches, when they saw a few pieces of meat thrown out by others, they immediately became so happy that they didn't want it anymore. Am I such a short-sighted person?"

"These days, whether you are patriotic or not, whether you are sentimental or not are only children's opinions. I know one thing."

"It has been more than five thousand years. Reborn in this country is the biggest bet I have ever made. I have won too much!"

"Since we have won so much, why not gamble one more time!"

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