The ancient world.

Nameless mountains.

The forests are lush and green.

The springs in the mountains meander down.

The springs accumulate into a lake.

By the lake, women wrapped in animal skins are showing off their beauty, but they are not shy.

They wash the wild fruits and raspberries they have just picked.

Everyone has a happy expression on their faces.

A cave in the rock wall in the distance.

Ye Chen stared at the people by the lake, or more precisely, the women. Most of these women have slim waists and fat hips, graceful figures, and beautiful eyebrows.

Ye Chen, who was like a wild man, squatted beside the cave with his pupils wide open.

These women have really good figures, and their figures are almost the same as those of supermodels in his previous life.

Ye Chen felt bitter and shocked, with mixed feelings.

Just now, he traveled through time.

After the fusion of his memories, he found that he had traveled to the ancient world. He also became a human race.

And where he is now is a small tribe among the human race.

The nearby mountain is higher than the highest Mount Everest in his previous life.

Further away, there are towering mountains that pierce the sky, and the tops of the mountains cannot be seen at a glance.

Ten minutes ago, Ye Chen saw a huge bird with a body of a hundred feet long flying over his head. It flew, and it was still ferocious and murderous, with a red light all over its body. The momentum of it flying over made it difficult for him to breathe.

At that moment, he knew that he was not dreaming.

Before crossing over, he was a student who had just graduated and was looking for a job.

In his memory, he had a date with a girl, fought all night, and then crossed over to the prehistoric world in a daze.

After trying hard to recall, Ye Chen felt that the biggest possibility was that the mobile phone was placed on the bedside for charging.

This was his last memory.

But people are here.

No matter what the reason, he did cross over to the prehistoric world.

""System, are you there?"

Ye Chen tried to ask again.

He was also an old bookworm and knew that time travelers must hang on the wall.

This was the key to whether time travelers could reach the pinnacle of life.

Still no response, Ye Chen was so angry that he wanted to roar to the sky.

This was too tragic!

This is the prehistoric era!

There were demons, witches, and even the era of all races.

Today, witches and liches are still the masters of this world. He had read prehistoric novels in his previous life.

The two races of witches and liches still exist and have fought once, but this also means that the witch-lich decisive battle has not yet begun.

This is uncomfortable.

After all, the demon race Donghuang Taiyi wants to eradicate the witch race and refine the witch-killing sword with the essence, blood and soul of the human race.

Millions of human blood will flow into rivers, and he might become one of them.

The human race has no magic power and cannot...

The Wu clan has natural powers and innate magical powers.

In such an era where there are as many Golden Immortals as dogs and Daluo everywhere, he is like an ant and can be crushed to death at any time.

This is not the most tragic thing.

The original owner's parents were hunting and were killed by monsters.

This body died because of a common cold and fever.

That's why he traveled through time and space, and now his body is very weak.

In this barbaric era, weakness is the original sin.

Even the tribesmen in the tribe avoided him.

In this era when knowledge is not popular

, getting sick rashly is a punishment from the gods.

He is not welcomed by the tribesmen.

Fortunately, thanks to the merits of his parents' hunting, drinking water and food are still supplied.

He didn't starve to death.

"Eating raw meat and drinking blood, it would be strange if he didn't get sick."

The bloody and smelly venison and berries in front of him made

Ye Chen feel sick.

Nowadays, humans don't even know how to use fire.

These animals carry bacteria and microorganisms.

Eating them will definitely make you sick.

If you continue to build your body like this, you will definitely die.

At this moment, his stomach is rumbling with hunger, and he must replenish nutrition as soon as possible.

As for berries, Ye Chen didn't dare to touch them.

Now that there is nothing in his stomach, eating these berries will definitely cause diarrhea.

He sighed and knew that he had to get well as soon as possible, and try to find a way to get into the Saint Sect in the future.

Now the lich is flourishing, it is the protagonist of heaven and earth, and the luck is great. Chimelong.

But it is not the only one, other innate gods and demons have also been born and occupied the blessed land.

For example, the Three Pure Ones of the Chan Sect, the Human Sect, and the Jie Sect have already become saints and founded their own sects.

Preaching and educating in accordance with the cause and effect of heaven.

If you want to survive in this prehistoric world, you still have to choose a team to stand on.

This is Ye Chen's spiritual victory method, giving himself some comfort.

In fact, he knows that the prehistoric world is boundless and can easily be billions of miles away.

He doesn't even know where he is now, so how can he become a saint's disciple. Even if he finds a saint's disciple, according to his current human background. The saint may not accept him.

But people always have to have some dreams.

"Forget it, let's fill our stomachs first."

Looking around, this cave is a natural cave. There are only a few traces of artificial excavation. This is the living condition of primitive people.

Animal skins are used as beds, a few stones are used as stools, a few stone axes, and a sharp stone spear.

There is not a single decent piece of furniture.

Fortunately, there are stone tools with venison, as big as a pot.

Ye Chen decided to go out and find some firewood, cook some cooked food now, and drink some broth to fill his stomach.

So he walked out of the cave with a stone axe, bathed in the sun, and felt very warm and comfortable.

There are still some residual innate spiritual energy in the prehistoric world, and the fragrance of plants and trees, inhaled into the body, feels a lot more relaxed. There are dead branches of trees around, and there is no need to go far. Ye Chen walked around the surrounding trees with a stone axe, picking up some dead branches and thatch.

Prepare For making fire, Ye Chen walked out of the cave to pick up dry firewood and straw, and was soon discovered by the tribesmen. Some people saw Ye Chen picking up dead branches and straw.

Showing a surprised look, one of the tribesmen saw Ye Chen who had returned to normal.

After thinking about it, he went to find the patriarch.

There is also a strict hierarchy in the tribe.

Men are responsible for hunting and dealing with attacks by monsters.

Responsible for the safety of the entire tribe, women are responsible for taking care of young children, picking fruits, washing and tidying up the house.

Among them, those with strong physique and mature mind become leaders, responsible for leading the tribe to hunt, and the most powerful human leader becomes the chief of the human race, and the retired respected people become the chief elders of the tribe, responsible for dispatching, allocating, and mastering the future of the tribe.

"Alive." The elder was surprised. In his opinion, nine out of ten sick tribesmen would die, but there were exceptions. Thinking of the recent hunting of the tribe, a lot of manpower was lost and the tribe was dying. This made him very worried. Without men going out to hunt, even if the tribe was not eaten by monsters, it would disappear on its own.

The elder nodded:"Take me to see him."

Soon, the subordinates and the elders went to the stone cave where Ye Chen was.

Ye Chen was collecting firewood and preparing to drill wood to make fire to eat something hot. He saw an old man with a frosted face and several tribesmen coming.

Although the old man's skin was severely shrunk and wrinkled, he was very energetic.

He didn't look like an old man in his twilight years.

According to Ye Chen's memory, the old man was 150 years old.

150 years old, this is still the longest-lived human.

According to legend, some of the first batch of people created by Nuwa lived for tens of thousands of years.

And without practicing

"Elder."Ye Chen was stunned for a moment, then nodded and greeted him.

Although he didn't know what the elder was doing here, he still lived in this tribe.

This person was of high status, so he should be respected. The elder glanced at Ye Chen's complexion, and it was indeed back to normal.

As the tribe members said, he had recovered.

He originally thought that the kid would not survive the illness.

It seems that he is not destined to die, so he can continue to contribute to the tribe.

The elder asked,"Are you well now?"

"Yes, I just recovered, but I am still a little weak."

Ye Chen told the truth. The elder's intention of coming here was unclear. Maybe he wanted him to go out hunting. He had just turned eighteen. In the tribe, eighteen-year-olds had to go out hunting. He could not escape this obligation. After all, they lived in groups. He did not want to escape, but his body was too weak now, so he should not show too strong.

"It's good to recover." The elder cleared his throat and said to Ye Chen seriously:"I remember that you are already eighteen years old. It's time to get married. The tribe will hold a marriage party tonight. At that time, the tribe will give you a wife to continue the tribe's offspring. After you get married, report to the hunting team."

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