After a while of teasing Bai Ziyu, Kuraki Yuriko suddenly looked pleading:"Master, Yuriko has something to ask of you."

Bai Ziyu raised his eyebrows slightly:"You want me to rescue Mizuna from the cave!" Hearing this

, Kuraki Yuriko was stunned:"Master, how did you know?"

But soon, she reacted and a hint of deep resentment appeared in her beautiful eyes:"Master, did you also rescue Mizuna ?"..."

In response, Bai Ziyu admitted very straightforwardly:"That's right! Mizuna is also my woman. This is great, it can prevent her and Lingcai from becoming enemies in the future for the family property!"

After saying this, Kuraki Yuriko said faintly:"I didn't expect that in the end, the three of us couldn't escape the clutches of the master." Bai

Ziyu, who had just picked up the teacup and took a sip, almost spit out a mouthful of tea when he heard this.

Mizuna and the other two admitted it, but I didn't do anything good to you, right?

"Yuriko, how can you accuse someone of being innocent out of thin air?!"

"How did I falsely accuse you? Isn't it true that the master was with Lingcai and Mizuna?".

"I admit that they are both 363, but you..."

"What? Master, you put me in that book and let me serve you from now on. What's wrong with me falling into your clutches?"

Bai Ziyu: What you said makes a lot of sense, and I can't even refute it.

At this time, it seemed that she had just reacted. Kuraki Yuriko lightly covered her cherry lips, and her pretty face was full of astonishment:"Master, you didn't think I was saying..."

Looking at Kuraki Yuriko, who seemed to be possessed by an Oscar-winning actress and was performing so well, Bai Ziyu couldn't help but have a black line on his forehead.

It was confirmed that Kuraki Reina's eccentric energy was learned from the other party.

But this is probably the real Kuraki Yuriko, and the previous one was just a puppet controlled by a demon spirit!

Seeing that the other party was getting more and more excited, Bai Ziyu simply waved his hand and put it into the"Hundred Demons Record".

In an instant, the world was quiet!

Slowly getting up, Bai Ziyu came to the pond in the back mountain.

Passing through the waterfall that looked like a silk thread, walking through the dark and damp corridor, and finally coming to the wooden temple.

Through the window coffin, you can just see Kuraki Mizuna, who is lying on the tatami, holding a hydrangea and sleeping quietly.

Slowly pushing open the door, Bai Ziyu walked to her side and stretched out his hand to help her tidy up the messy hair on her forehead.

But just as his hand reached halfway into the air, the sleeping girl suddenly opened her eyes.

Seeing Bai Ziyu, her eyes slowly curved into a crescent moon, and a sweet smile appeared on the corners of her mouth.

The next moment, she rubbed the warm big hand gently with her little head like a kitten.

At the same time, in the bedroom, Yamato Liuli slowly woke up.

As soon as Pu regained consciousness, she felt a pain in various parts of her body, which made her brows tightly frowned.

Then, the memory of the death came flooding back crazily, and the girl's body trembled constantly when she recalled the scene that happened before.

At this moment, she suddenly felt a warm embrace:"Don't be afraid! Don't be afraid, I'm here!"

The girl, who was originally terrified, heard the gentle voice and miraculously calmed down.

After a moment, Yamato Liuli said in a slightly hoarse voice:"Where is this place, and the man from before..."

Patting the soft and fragrant back gently, Chunchuan Zhimei said softly to the questioner:"This is the Kuraki family. Our master sent you back. By the way, the master also asked me to say sorry to him after you wake up."

"Sorry? Can an apology just pretend that nothing happened? I want to call the police and sue him...."

As her emotions became more and more agitated, Chunchuan Zhina's tone became more and more gentle:"You are Yamato Ruri, right?"

Yamato Ruri was stunned when she heard this:"You know me?"

But then, as if she thought of something, the girl suddenly realized:"You know me from my TV commercials! Yes, I am indeed an actor, but if you think I will swallow my anger for the sake of my acting career, you are wrong."

"Even if my future life will be tarnished by this, I will definitely send that bastard to jail!"

Looking at the other party's clenched teeth, Chunchuan Zhimei felt it necessary to let him know the truth.

"I know what I'm going to say may sound like a farce to you, but it's all true...."

As Chunchuan Zhimei explained, the anger in Yamato Ruri's beautiful eyes was suddenly replaced by deep fear.

She had originally sneered at such supernatural things, but when she recalled the scene where Bai Ziyu chopped a living person into charcoal with a wave of his hand, she had to accept this fact.

"You, you mean this was a complete conspiracy from the beginning, just to trick me in, and then..."

"That's right! I, like you, was a sacrifice in this sacrifice, but fortunately, the master was there, which prevented the tragedy from happening."

"If you don't believe it, you can look out the window!"

Hearing this, Yamato Ruri subconsciously turned her head to the window.

Then, her pink lips couldn't help but open into an O shape.

What came into view was the devastation all over the ground, which was simply beyond human power.

Seeing that the other party was already convinced of this matter, Chunchuan Zhimei began to defend Bai Ziyu again:"The previous incident was just an accident. The master wanted to save you, but unexpectedly, he was plotted against by Chunchuan Yiping, which led to his loss of reason...."

Hearing this, Yamato Liuli instantly recalled that Bai Ziyu seemed to ask her to leave, but she did not obey because she wanted to save people.

"Could it be that this matter is really just a misunderstanding? But the price of this misunderstanding is too high!"

Recalling that she had lost the most precious thing inexplicably, the girl felt annoyed.

At this time, in the cave, Bai Ziyu had already proposed to Kuraki Mizuna that he wanted to take her away.

The girl was still very worried about this, but facing the loving eyes of her lover, she finally nodded her cute little head gently.

Then, without any surprise, Bai Ziyu used a sword to cut off the ribbon that had been binding the girl and secretly absorbing the power of Kuraki in her body.

Then, he held her and slowly walked out of the cave. Nestled in that hot chest, holding the hydrangea tightly in her arms, Kuraki

Mizuna's smile became sweeter.

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