The next morning, Bai Ziyu was suddenly awakened by a rustling sound in his ears. He turned his head subconsciously and asked,"Zhi Mei, what are you doing?"


Hearing this, she quickly made a gesture to silence him, signaling him not to wake up Kuraki Reina, and then Chunchuan Zhimei said in a tender voice:"Zhimei is a little hungry, but there is no food in the kitchen, so Zhimei can only look for it in the lady's room!"

""Oh, I found it!"

As she was speaking, the little maid suddenly curved her eyebrows and looked at the hot dog in her hand. A hint of joy appeared on her pretty face. She knew that there must be food in the lady's room.

"Master, please don't tell the young lady, otherwise if the young lady knows, she will definitely not let Zhimei off easily."

As she said this, the little maid looked at Bai Ziyu with a pitiful look.

Seeing the beauty's expression, Bai Ziyu couldn't bear to refuse, and immediately nodded and agreed:"Okay! I will never tell Lingcai, you can eat slowly, no rush! 13"

""Thank you, Master!"

Hearing this, Chunchuan Zhimei had a sweet smile on her lips, and then lowered her head to enjoy her breakfast.

She was really hungry, so she almost choked because she ate too quickly.

It was Bai Ziyu who handed her a glass of milk in time, which made her swallow it.

After a while, the little maid, who was completely full, patted her round belly, said"Thank you, Master" sweetly, and left slowly. Not long after she left, the sleeping Kuraki Reina slowly opened her eyes.

Seeing Bai Ziyu, who was staring at the white ceiling in a daze, a happy smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

She leaned forward and pecked him lightly, and said softly:"Good morning, Yuiichi-kun!"...

At noon, Bai Ziyu took Kuraki Reina's phone and asked for leave for her, then left the room.

When he came to the living room, he looked at the empty dining table and frowned slightly.

Now he remembered that there was no food at home!

At this moment, Chunchuan Zhimei suddenly walked over with small steps:"Master, I have notified the servants to go shopping, but it will take some time."

"I made two meat buns with the remaining ingredients at home...."

Looking at the big round meat bun in the maid's hand that exudes a rich fragrance, Bai Ziyu's appetite was successfully aroused.

He reached out to take it and began to devour it.

While eating, he did not forget to praise the other party's craftsmanship:"Zhimei, your meat bun is so delicious, I like it very much!"

Hearing this, Chunchuan Zhimei's eyebrows slowly curved into a crescent:"As long as the master likes it, Zhimei is willing to make it for the master forever!"

After taking another bite, feeling the delicious taste bursting on the taste buds, Bai Ziyu smiled lightly and said:"Okay! It's settled then, you will always stay by my side and help me make meat buns~"


As the little maid nodded heavily, a faint white light suddenly appeared from above her head and shot into Bai Ziyu's body.

In an instant, two pleasant system prompts suddenly rang in his ears:

【Congratulations to the host for successfully accepting the sixteenth goddess, Chunchuan Zhimei."Goddess Record" feedback reward: rescue points: 2000, skills: Six-storey Immortal Thief (purple), Demon-suppressing Sword (blue), space marker】

【Congratulations to the host for successfully completing the mission: Rescue Chunchuan Zhimei and prevent her from falling. Obtained mission rewards: rescue points +500, length of a certain place +1. 】

As the prompt fell, Bai Ziyu's movements in his hands paused slightly.

But then, he continued to eat with relish.

Now the top priority is to fill his stomach, and the rest will come later.

At this time, Sawaguchi Chiyoko, who was also awakened by hunger, slowly came to the living room.

Seeing Bai Ziyu's wolfing appearance, the snow-white earlobes turned a little red, and after a light spit, he hurried away.

Finally, after the two meat buns were completely eaten, Bai Ziyu, who felt satisfied, looked at Chunchuan Zhimei who was leaning over the table and cleaning quietly, and smiled:"Zhimei, the meat buns you made are very delicious. I hope I can eat them every day in the future."

Hearing this, he turned his head and gently wiped the sweat on his forehead. Chunchuan Zhimei smiled with her eyes and eyebrows:"As long as the master likes it, Zhimei will make it for the master every day!"

"I like it! Of course I like it. I never get tired of eating Zhimei's meat buns."......

After talking to the maid for a while, Bai Ziyu slowly walked towards the courtyard.

The courtyard, which was originally in ruins, had been completely restored by his ability yesterday, except for the withered camellia tree by the pond.

At this time, Kuraki Mizuna, who was playing in the water with Yamato Ruri, was delighted when she saw Bai Ziyu. He immediately shook off the slightly warm water on his hands, and hurried over with his straight legs.

But because his steps were too hurried, he did not notice a small stone in front of him, and then......

Although her body fell down, the girl was not panicked at all, because she knew that person would catch her.

Sure enough, the other party did not let her down!

He opened his arms and caught her steadily. Bai Ziyu's eyes were doting, but his tone was slightly reproachful. He gently scratched the straight nose and said,"You little careless boy, I've told you several times, don't walk so fast."..."

Facing the nagging like an old father, Kuraki Mizuna just listened quietly, smiling without saying a word.

Facing the light brown eyes that were as clear as a spring in the forest, Bai Ziyu, knowing that the other party still didn't listen, sighed softly and rubbed the cute little head hard.

Not far away, seeing this scene, Yamato Liuli felt a little envious for no reason.

But soon, she reacted and shook her head.

Damn, the effect of that bottle of medicine is still there now, what a bastard!

Bai Ziyu:...

At this time, the girl held Bai Ziyu's hand and slowly walked towards the pool with him.

Seeing this, Yamato Liuli couldn't help but feel flustered.

But then, when she thought of Kuraki Mizuna was still there, she suddenly felt certain.

Your girlfriend is still there���, you won't dare to do anything to me again, right?!

And things were just as she expected. After seeing her, Bai Ziyu just smiled and said hello, and then turned into a doting maniac.

After watching for a long time, she felt bloated and got up and said goodbye!

I can't eat anymore! I really can't eat anymore!

This dog food is more than what she has eaten in the past 18 years. It's outrageous!.

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