Gu Huo shook the mountain-splitting axe.

Instantly, the void trembled.

Like lightning, he slashed at Ye Chen.

This witch clan was equivalent to the late Xuanxian stage, and attacked in anger.

The sky and the earth changed color, and the murderous aura swept across the world.

He was crushed by the boundless killing intent.

"There are indeed countless powerful people in the prehistoric world."

Ye Chen immediately shot out a brilliant sword light from the Qingyun Sword.

When the two touched, the air wave swept and impacted.

The rolling air wave crushed all the matter it touched, and immediately turned the area of 10,000 feet into powder.

A giant pit with a depth of 100 meters appeared below, and the battle between the Xuanxian was so terrifying.


Ye Chen retreated to 10,000 meters before stopping.

His eyelids couldn't stop trembling.

This witch clan is very powerful, and he is the strongest person he has met so far.

He actually made him retreat 10,000 meters. Not only is his magic power powerful, but his strength is also comparable to his.

"You actually cultivated your physical body, you human race has some background!"

Compared to Ye Chen, the witches were more shocked.

The human race is weak, and everyone in the prehistoric world knows it.

Even if they have cultivated successfully, their strength is far inferior to that of the witches.

If it weren't for the support of magic weapons and magic, those of the same realm under the hands of the witches would have been crushed.

But Ye Chen took his attack, and under the premise that his realm was lower than his, he actually made him retreat ten thousand meters.

Do such human beings really exist?

But all this is not important.

If he saw it right, the stone tablet was written as Shouyang Cave Heaven.

There is an infinite blessed land in Shouyang Mountain in the prehistoric world, which can be a cave heaven blessed treasure formed by heaven and earth.

It contains opportunities since the beginning of the world, and he must take it!

"Boy, you are unlucky to meet me. I deserve this opportunity, but even if I show some real skills, I may not be able to defeat you. You have cultivated your physical body to this point as a human, so there must be a big secret. Wait until I kill you and search your soul to see what secret you have hidden!"

Gu Huo showed a ferocious look.

He immediately swayed his body with a weird posture.

Then he shouted:"Dharma of Heaven and Earth!"


With a loud shout from the witch clan, his body grew in the wind and continued to expand.

It visibly swelled to a size of a thousand feet. Like a giant holding up the sky.

Ye Chen was so weak in front of him that he was unrecognizable!

He was like a giant who opened the sky, with a monstrous power.

At the same time, his body was wrapped in thunder and lightning, and his blood was surging like the roaring waves of the sea. Ye Chen was like a small boat that was in danger of capsizing at any time.

As the opponent's eyes locked on Ye Chen, a murderous intent anchored him, and the surrounding laws surged, imprisoning the surrounding void!

The opponent actually comprehended the power of the law, comprehended the most powerful advantage of the witch clan, the law of the physical body, and comprehended the magical power of the Dharma of the World.

"Even if this person is from the Wu Clan, he must be a genius!!

" Ye Chen was chilled.

It was effortless for him to deal with the Wu Clan's first-class earthly immortal that day , but this person was indeed extremely powerful.

He was a world apart from the Wu Clan he had met before.

His understanding of the law was so terrifying!

Looking at the Wu Clan master who was like a giant, Ye Chen felt that if he didn't use his full strength today, he would be in danger of life and death.

He immediately sacrificed the acquired merit spirit fire.

He used all his magic power to drive it, and in an instant, the sea of fire was surging.

The thousand-foot sea of fire blocked in front of him, and the void seemed to be burning.

This fire has become more powerful as Ye Chen's cultivation level has improved.

Now it has a range of a thousand feet when it is used with full strength.

"Good, good, there is indeed a treasure to protect the body, no wonder he is so arrogant."

Gu Huo looked up and felt depressed. This fire was not condensed by the law, and he could not find its source with his knowledge.

This made him alert and he did not dare to be careless.

However, he could not see the origin of this fire, but Ye Chen could see it.

These two-legged sheep did not understand the wonderful use of the law.

They had treasures but could not exert the power of this treasure.

If the other party understood the law of fire, he would not dare to say that he could take him down today.

He sneered and locked his consciousness on Ye Chen's body.

The mountain-splitting axe was swung down with tremendous power!

The axe seemed to fall slowly.

But Ye Chen's hair stood up.

It seemed that he could not hide anywhere.

At this moment, he subconsciously drove the spiritual fire to burn towards the witch clan.

But when the spiritual fire touched the axe, it split into two in an instant.

The axe still attacked Ye Chen!

""Oops, I haven't comprehended the law yet, fire can't overcome gold!"

Seeing the huge axe coming with the power of destruction.

He had no time to think, so he had to use all his strength to use the Qingyun Sword to send out a thousand-foot sword light to chop at the axe.

But just a touch, a force of law swept over, like millions of mountains crushing down.

Ye Chen's muscles and bones made a crisp sound, almost shattered!


In the face of a life-and-death crisis, it was the first time that death was so close.

Ye Chen burst out with tremendous power, peeled off the giant axe, and dodged to the side!


The giant axe that opened the sky appeared on the ground, and instantly struck out a long, terrifying gully that was too deep to be recognized.

In the distance, wherever the giant axe was destroying the path, there was a complete silence.

"Hey, why is this person's physical power similar to my clan's witchcraft? If not, this person would have died in my hands."Gu Huo looked strange, amazed, and his eyes showed a greedy look. This human race can cultivate the soul and drive the spirit fire. Maybe there is really a big secret. He is even more curious about Ye Chen.

"To avoid any more nightmares, this place is the territory of the demon clan, so it is better to kill this man quickly."

Gu Huo's mind turned, and he immediately gathered the power of the Dharma image again, and crushed Ye Chen again!

But the next second...

Gu Huo showed an unbelievable look!

Ye Chen's pupils shot out a ray of destructive light.

It shot directly towards him, destroying the void with boundless power!

"They actually have supernatural powers. There must be something fishy about this human race!"

This magical power implies the law of destruction, even he dare not underestimate it.

He immediately struck out a blood-colored giant palm, and the palm pattern law surged and was clearly visible.

At the moment of contact, the witch showed sarcasm, and his palm was slightly injured.

If their cultivation is equal, this kid completely controls the law of destruction.

It's really difficult to deal with him, but this kid is also tricky.

Even if he is injured, he must take him down.

At this moment, Ye Chen is a walking treasure house in his eyes.

But the next second, Gu Huo's eyes almost popped out!

Because Ye Chen saw that the mysterious light of destruction could not kill this person.

Instantly sacrificed twelve Dinghai Shenzhu!


I saw the Dinghai Shenzhu, as bright as a galaxy, surrounding Ye Chen.

The void around each Dinghai Shenzhu is blurred, and the innate runes in the beads are annihilated and born, and flowers, birds, fish and insects emerge. It's like a world of disillusionment, exuding the power of the innate upper-grade spiritual treasure. Just by exuding a breath, it dispels the power of the Dharma image that oppresses Ye Chen around!

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