Late Yuan Wu, that is not late Jin Xian.

It seems that the strength of the Wu clan should not be underestimated, and such a remote territory is also a place for masters to practice in secret.

This has eliminated a lot of the arrogance that Ye Chen had just broken through.

As the Black Tiger King said, joining the Demon Kingdom established by the Demon Clan is indeed a good choice.

But he is now in the late Jin Xian, and he has nothing to fear from the masters of the Wu clan in the same realm.

Joining the Demon Clan means being tainted with cause and effect, so he disdains it.

So he returned the gift:"You're welcome, no merit, no reward.

" The Black Tiger King's face trembled when he saw that Ye Chen did not accept it.

Although he was indignant in his heart, it was related to the authority of the Lord of the Demon Kingdom.

He still suppressed his emotions and took back the gift awkwardly

"In this case, I will visit you another day."

After saying that, the Black Tiger King glanced at the woman beside him, snorted coldly, broke through the void and escaped.

Now there is only a stunning woman left at the scene.

An extremely charming woman, his wife Yue'er is already stunning.

But a woman who has achieved success in cultivation, nourished by the creation of heaven and earth, has the charm of Taoism on the surface.

Every move is exciting, and such a woman is extraordinary.

There is also a treasure light to protect her body, her magic power is unfathomable, and she is also in the middle stage of the Golden Immortal.

It seems that she is definitely not ordinary. Ye Chen subconsciously opened the Eye of Delusion to look at this woman.

But he could only see that the other party was from the demon clan, and she actually had a treasure that isolated the Eye of Delusion to cover her body.

"If you want to persuade me to join the demon tribe, forget it."

Ye Chen knew that she was a demon creature, and her relationship with the Black Tiger King was subtle and did not seem to be harmonious.

From beginning to end, the two of them had not communicated, so he inferred

"Daoist friend, you are so polite. I am Liu Mei. I would like to congratulate you on achieving the Golden Immortal status and hope that you will have a boundless path to immortality."

Unlike the Black Tiger King, Liu Mei's voice is like the sound of a mountain spring.

It is very pleasant to hear, and coupled with her peerless beauty, Ye Chen was also shocked when he saw her.

There are really women who are breathtakingly beautiful.

This woman who practices Taoism is like a BUFF filter.

Ye Chen also slowed down his attitude:"Daoist friend, you are too polite.

" Those who have reached this level are all very intelligent.

The other party who has been waiting for a long time is probably the most difficult one to deal with.

Sure enough, Liu Mei smiled lightly:"Daoist friend, there is no need to worry.

I have only respect for you.

You have just broken through the Golden Immortal and can seriously injure Gu Yang with one punch.

You are really a darling of the immortal way.

I am just trying to make a good relationship with you.

" After hearing this, Ye Chen felt that it was okay.

He admitted that he was a beauty lover, and the Black Tiger King had a stinky face that was self-centered.

His smile was uglier than crying, and he was too lazy to pay attention to him.

But this beauty, appearance is justice

"Fairy, you are too kind, but I have just broken through the realm and need to stabilize it."

Ye Chen said very coldly. This is a woman from the demon clan, she has a lot of tricks in her mind.

She retreated to advance from the beginning. As an old man, she knew not to give these top beauties a good face.

The more you don't look down on her, the more excited she is, and he can feel that this woman must have some plan for him. Otherwise, what's the point of waiting here for half a day.

Sure enough, the willow brow smiled:"Daoyou, what are you talking about? I should come to discuss Taoism with you. In this case, I will visit you another day."

So she nodded and said,"Okay."

The willow brows and peach blossom eyes showed infinite tenderness, and she smiled at Ye Chen like a soul.

Kill with eyes, a real seductive demon.

Fortunately, Ye Chen's Tao heart is now firm, and he doesn't look away from the abyss.

Is there really such a terrifying figure in the world? It's outrageous

"By the way, I don’t know your name yet." Liu Mei was about to leave, but suddenly her red lips opened slightly.

Ye Chen had not yet taken a Dharma name since he came to this prehistoric world.

He didn’t want to reveal his real name either, as there were all kinds of strange Dharmas in this prehistoric world.

Who knows, someone might figure out something.

So he thought for a moment and said,"Xuan Yuan"

"Xuanyuan, write it down. I'm leaving." Liu Mei bowed and saluted. I don't know if it was intentional. The breeze blew, making the flowing cloud veil flutter, and the charming figure could be vaguely seen. Ye Chen said a polite word, and then saw Liu Mei break through the air and fly away.

After everyone left, Ye Chen pondered.

He didn't want to reveal his traces, and he would do it if he could.

Anyway, as long as he married a wife, took concubines and had children, he would become stronger.

But this thunder tribulation was unexpected, and he was known by the powerful people around him.

It seems that it will not be so easy to develop in a low-key manner in the future.

But there is no need to be so low-key in protecting the human race next time.

As long as these people don't provoke me, it's best.

After figuring out the connection, Ye Chen slowly flew down the wind and returned to the tribe


Ye Chen had just arrived at the tribe's residence when he saw a group of tribesmen gathered.

Chief Yunhe and elder Shaogu were standing outside, looking worried.

The sky had just been thundering, and the tribesmen were frightened.

Yue'er, who was pregnant, was about to give birth.

Seeing Ye Chen coming,

""Sir, Yue'er is about to give birth, but it's been an hour since she gave birth." Yunhe, as a father, hurriedly said to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen was happy at first, but when he heard that Yue'er was having a difficult birth, he immediately nodded.

"Don't worry, I'm here and nothing will happen to Yue'er."

So he walked into the tree house. At this moment, the two sisters Qingxi and Qingyun held Yue'er's hands and kept encouraging her.

At this moment, Yue'er was sweating, her hair was wet, and her face was haggard and pale.


Ye Chen's heart trembled when he saw this scene.

Seeing Ye Chen coming, Qingxi and Qingyun were surprised.

"My husband, you are here."

"Great, sister Yue'er is saved."

Yue'er, who was lying on the bed, saw Ye Chen and smiled with difficulty.

"Husband, Yue'er made you worried."

Ye Chen felt bitter in his heart. He practiced all day and closed himself off to break through. Endless years passed. He didn't have much time to accompany his wife. As a human being, he couldn't be heartless. When his wife was about to give birth, he couldn't be by her side. Fortunately, he came back in time.

He walked forward and held Yue'er's hand:"Yue'er is fine. Your husband will take good care of you."

"Well, I believe in my husband."Yue'er smiled sweetly.

Without further ado, Ye Chen immediately sent out a stream of immortal energy.

It directly replenished Yue'er's lost energy and connected her meridians.

Finally, it protected the fetus. The surging immortal energy nourished Yue'er's weak body.

Her face instantly became ruddy. Under the nourishment of the immortal energy,


A cry was heard.

Yue'er gave birth smoothly.

Qingxi carefully picked up the baby and wrapped it in animal skin.

She said to Ye Chen happily:"Congratulations, husband, it's a boy."

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