Wow, I didn't win the first few times.

This time, both sisters won.

Sure enough, this thing depends on pregnancy energy.

But this time, Ye Chen deliberately grasped some time.

It seems that the aunt he calculated still increased the probability of winning.

People are in high spirits when they are happy, let alone two pregnancy energy gift packs.

Ye Chen opened the gift pack when the system was ordered

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Four Arts of Immortal Cultivation"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Brahma Demon Suppression Technique."


It turned out to be the four arts of cultivating immortals.

It is well known that there are four key techniques in cultivating immortals, namely refining equipment, refining pills, making talismans, and array formations.

As a cultivator, if you can master any of the skills, your path to immortality will be smooth.

There is no other reason, because these four skills are profound and extensive.

It takes countless years to comprehend any of them, but Ye Chen does not have this concern.

Who let him hang the wall? As long as he accepts it, he can use it.

What he lacks is practical experience.

Being able to master the four skills at the same time, he, Ye, can be said to have truly stepped into the path of immortality.

"This reward comes���"Good!"

Ye Chen was very satisfied with the reward this time.

However, the other reward was a bit tasteless.

The Brahma Demon Suppression Technique is also a profound immortal method.

But compared with the Nine Transformations Mysterious Origin Technique, it is not as good.

The Supreme True Immortal Stage can provide Ye Chen with some ideas in the application of some methods, and the application of some of these techniques is very exquisite.

However, Ye Chen cannot practice this technique, but this technique can be left to the descendants to practice, so that they can lay a good foundation for their physical body, and it will not be too late to switch to other good techniques in the future.

"Sure enough, I still have to marry a wife and take in concubines."Ye Chen thought anxiously in his heart.

Yue'er is now in a critical period of cultivation, and her spiritual heart cannot be distracted for the time being.

And the two women are now pregnant, and they need to rest assured to wait for the birth.

This wife still needs to be arranged.

And Ye Chen knows very well that if he wants to marry a wife, he must find a woman with suitable roots and good qualifications.

If there is no spiritual root, he can't marry her, otherwise he will get some useless things. During this time, Ye Chen also checked the women of marriageable age in the tribe.

They are all those who have no qualifications and are ugly. It

's really hard to do it.

""Husband, you got up so early." Qingyun rubbed his eyes and pulled Ye Chen's arm.

Qingxi also woke up at this time:"Husband, are we going to start practicing today?"

Ye Chen's thoughts were interrupted.

Looking at the exquisite bodies of his two wives.

Thinking of the next year.

So he smiled evilly and said:"There is no rush to practice, there are more important things right now."


Qingxi and Qingyun learned that she was pregnant.

They knew that cultivation could not be rushed.

Instead, they were very happy to be able to continue Ye Chen's bloodline.

This was a bigger thing than cultivation.

So they rested and took care of the baby every day.

After Ye Chen absorbed the four arts of cultivation, he gradually became addicted to it. These four arts were profound and extensive. Even though he had integrated the skills, it was still difficult to actually operate them. In the cave, Ye Chen concentrated on drawing talismans. With a ray of light, a talisman for restoring the pregnancy took shape. The runes were flying like dragons and dancing like phoenixes, which was in line with the truth of heaven.

"It’s done. With this talisman, Qingxi and Qingyun won’t have to worry about difficult childbirth anymore!"

Picked up the talisman happily, Ye Chen showed an arc.

When Yue'er had a difficult delivery, Ye Chen was really frightened.

So after getting a lot of knowledge about the four arts of cultivation.

He actually found a talisman for pregnancy protection, which can protect pregnant women from having a smooth delivery.

Ye Chen thought that he would have many wives in the future, and he would not be able to be around all the time.

If he drew more talismans, he would not have to worry so much.

And with his strength in the late Golden Immortal period, drawing such talismans is naturally easy and simple.

So he stepped up his painting and stopped after drawing more than a hundred dishes.

After that, Ye Chen drew some defensive talismans, the innate qi talisman, which was branded with the original magic power.

This talisman can resist three full-strength attacks from masters of the True Immortal period, and it can also gather spirits to ward off evil spirits.

Drawing this talisman consumes the power of the soul.

Even Ye Chen tried his best and failed hundreds of times before he drew five, which made him very tired.

And he drew these to ensure the safety of his wife and children.

Although he is powerful now, But compared with the great powers of the prehistoric world, there is still a lot of gap.

If one day he goes out to look for opportunities and is not in the tribe, it will be troublesome if there is danger.

After resting for a while.

Ye Chen went to Yue'er's residence.

Now Qingxi is mainly responsible for taking care of little Xuanchu.

Although Yue'er practices diligently, she is her biological mother after all.

So she often sees her son.

When Ye Chen arrived, everyone was there.

Seeing that the whole family was beaming with joy, the whole family was happy.

Ye Chen went to tease little Xuanchu first.

The little guy giggled. In half a month, the little guy gained a lot of weight, and his skin was as white and tender as a freshly peeled egg. It was very Q-elastic. Ye Chen pinched the little face, and the little guy rolled his eyes.

Ye Chen laughed out loud.

After teasing for a while, Ye Chen took out the Xiantian Yiqi Talisman and handed it to his wife and said:"Yue'er, Xi'er, Yun'er, this is the talisman made by your husband. It can protect your safety. You must keep it close to your body. This talisman has the ability to gather spirits and ward off evil spirits and protect you. It will be very helpful to carry it with you in your future practice."

""Thank you, husband!"

They are all family members, so the wives were not polite when they received the talisman.

With a smile, they kept it close to their bodies, while Ye Chen injected another talisman into Xiao Xuanchu's soul. In this way, the child will be nourished by spiritual energy, have a healthy body, and can also lay the foundation for cultivation. He will be a favored child of heaven in the future. After doing all this, Ye Chen felt relieved.

He chatted and laughed with his wives again.

Yue'er said at this time:"Husband, I am practicing again now, and my two sisters are pregnant. There is no one to accompany you. If you have any ideas, we all agree."

Look, what is a good wife and a good mother.

Without Ye Chen's explanation, the eldest wife took the initiative to propose.

But this time Ye Chen married a wife, it was very particular.

He would not want one with too ordinary bones.

But he can have the authority of the human race, so it is not difficult to find one if he really wants to.

I just don't know if the bones meet his needs.

"Madam, you are really thoughtful."

Yue'er glared and said,"Husband, you are stronger than a bull, and your sisters are all complaining. If you were not pregnant, they would have come to me to beg for mercy. Don't you know how to be gentle with your daughter?"

Ye Chen smiled awkwardly. Sometimes this kind of thing happens unconsciously.

"Got it, madam is right, I will definitely pay attention next time"

"My husband is so mean, every time it's the next time." Qingyun rolled her eyes, stroked her belly, and complained.

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