The next second, a divine consciousness transmitted

"Fellow Daoist, are you really here?"

"Daoist Liu Mei."

Ye Chen's figure flashed, and he came to the sky and stood in the clouds.

Seeing Liu Mei here, Ye Chen was still shocked.

Liu Mei, who changed into a pink dress today, was still breathtakingly beautiful.

The gauze was transparent, and the deep ravines were unrecognizable. The long legs were hazy and could not be seen clearly.

But you could vaguely see the white and tender skin like mutton fat jade. The more you couldn't see clearly, the more itchy it made people feel.

Three thousand strands of hair fluttered in the wind like ink, and the flawless face was charming and moving.

It can be called peerless.

"Daoist, do you have something to ask me?"

Liu Mei smiled lightly:"If there is nothing, can't I ask you?"

This woman is so attentive for no reason.

She came to me so soon.

It would be strange if she said there was nothing, but she knows how to talk.

Ye Chen thought that there was nothing to ask, so he could find out the other party's strength.

"Daoist friend, you are joking. My cave is simple. There is a small bamboo peak not far from here with beautiful scenery. Let's go there and sit down."

"That's fine."

So the two of them landed on Xiaozhu Peak together.

The mountain is full of green bamboos and the scenery is beautiful.

Ye Chen then polished the stone table and stone bench and invited Liu Mei to sit down.

Liu Mei sat down lightly and said,"Daoyou is really a wonderful person. With the cultivation of a Golden Immortal, it would not be difficult to find a blessed place in a cave. Why do you practice in a place without spiritual veins?"

With the Shouyang Cave, he doesn't need to deliberately look for a blessed place.

But he would not mention this to her.

This is his own secret.

Ye Chen:"I came from a humble background and was originally a human. Now that I see that the human race is weak, I will naturally protect them. I don't care about the place of practice. Now breaking through the Golden Immortal mainly depends on comprehending the power of the law, and it is the same wherever you are."

"Daoyou is so kind, I admire you.

" Liu Mei nodded and praised, she really meant it, the human race was so weak, and he could stand up to protect his people, this kind act made her admire him very much, although the demon race was the protagonist of heaven and earth, but there were constant internal disputes, if it were not for the establishment of the Heavenly Court, the demon race itself would also dislike each other, and genocide was common, and at the level of Golden Immortal, they had already abandoned the secular world and devoted themselves to cultivation, not caring about the lives of the lower-level people at all.

"You are too kind."Ye Chen waved his hand. He had karma with the human race, not only for the human race, but also for himself. He got merit by chance at the beginning and built a tree house. Merit is a good thing. It can not only improve cultivation and footwork, but also protect the luck of life. As long as the merit is great enough, even the saints dare not kill easily, otherwise they will have to bear the karma of heaven.

"Fairy, you are also a successful cultivator, no need to be polite, it's all from the heart."

Liu Mei's pretty face paused:"I'm sorry to make you laugh, but I'm stupid."

Cultivating Taoism is to cultivate a heart of Tao, transcending eternity.

Liu Mei's red lips opened and continued:"Daoyou, then I'll be frank, I think the Black Tiger Demon King mentioned to you about establishing a demon country, right?"

There is nothing to hide, Ye Chen nodded:"Indeed, he mentioned it"

"Why……"Liu Mei sighed, memories of the past came to mind, and then she looked at Ye Chen seriously and said:"Daoyou, in fact, my clan and the Black Tiger clan have a deep hatred, and have been fighting for hundreds of thousands of years. Even if the Demon King established the Heavenly Court, this conflict would not be easily resolved. If the Black Tiger King took the throne of the Demon King, was canonized, and ruled this land, my Fox clan would be suppressed or even exterminated."

Sure enough, it was still for the establishment of the Demon Kingdom.

But this has nothing to do with me. This is an internal conflict in the demon clan.

But wait, the fox clan?

Could it be that Liu Mei is a demon fox!

This surprised Ye Chen very much.

But think about it, Liu Mei is charming and enchanting to the bone.

It seems to be explainable.

But this reminds Ye Chen of his COS in his previous life, the image of a cat girl and a fox demon.

I didn't expect that the one in front of me was a real fox demon, but she had taken off her demon body and was in line with the Taoist body.

The human race was also imitated by a girl according to the Taoist body of the demon clan. After all, humans and demons are all living beings, and there is no difference.

"Daoist Liu Mei, forgive me for being blunt, but I don't want to be involved in the cause and effect of the demon race. In the prehistoric world, strength is everything. If you are not strong enough, you can only be inferior to others. I think you understand this principle."

"I understand that."Liu Mei sighed quietly, then said sincerely:"I know what Daoyou said, but I can also protect the human race like Daoyou, and I can withdraw, but how can my fox clan survive? Hiding is not a solution. People like us who practice cultivation are fighting for luck, not to mention that my clan has lived in a blessed land for generations, and we really can't give up and leave our hometown."

What he said is true, but it is an internal fight among the monsters after all. If I help you, I will offend the Black Tiger King clan, which will be troublesome at that time.

However, since the other party came here, it must be another explanation, and Ye Chen couldn't refuse directly.

So he asked:"Fairy, what are your plans?"

Liu Mei looked at Ye Chen with her big watery eyes:"Daoyou, I want to ask you to help me once, not to join the Monster Kingdom."

Helping once, this can be considered.

As for joining the Monster Kingdom, forget it.

The cause and effect of the witch and the lich are too big, and he doesn't want to get too deep.

But let's see the situation first, so he said in embarrassment:"Help, this deity has recently realized something about the law, I'm afraid……"

Liu Mei spat in her heart. Just now, when she was looking for Ye Chen, she happened to hear that the tribe members were looking for beautiful wives and concubines. It turned out that the man in front of her actually liked beautiful women. He was indeed a stinky man.

But she also thought it was normal. Many powerful demon cultivators also had many wives and concubines.

But if we talk about beauties in the prehistoric world, her fox tribe is definitely the best choice for a Taoist partner.

Not only are they beautiful, they are also naturally charming, and their magical powers are not weak.

Many powerful demon tribes want to marry a beautiful demon tribe woman.

As the patriarch of this generation, Liu Mei naturally holds the power.

Ye Chen looked embarrassed.

"Daoist friend, I asked you for help myself, and I will never treat you unfairly.

When I was looking for Daoist friends just now, I heard that your people were selecting beauties as concubines.

If you are willing to help, I can choose three perfect beauties in the late stage of human immortal as concubines, and offer them fairy jade and spiritual materials.

If I become the master of the demon country in the future, we can also jointly resist the witch tribe, so that Daoist friends can better protect the human race.


For a fee...

The most generous conditions turned out to be three fox tribe beauties in the late stage of human immortal.

Giving away resources and beauties.

This sounds really tempting.

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