Glancing at the girl who showed a bit of relief on her face after the crowd left, Bai Ziyu couldn't help but shake his head in his heart.

She still hasn't experienced the beatings of society. Although she has some acting skills, it's not much!

And the other party's behavior can be described as childish in Bai Ziyu's eyes.

Yes, it's childish!

Do you think that by scaring me away and letting that guy come to rescue the beauty, you can dispel Ichiro Sugimoto's thoughts on marriage, or even favor him?

Come on, this little trick can't even fool college students, and you still want to fool the old fox who has been struggling in the business world for many years?!

Even if he really believes it, he will never give up the marriage.

After all, this is related to the development of the two families, how can it be treated as a joke! ?

"Jie Yijun, you were so awesome just now, you were able to fight off so many people!"

"Ha~, it's just that I learned a few self-defense techniques. Shoko should have bodyguards, and their level should be no worse than mine!"

Hearing this, thinking of a certain young man, Shoko Sugimoto couldn't help but compare the two in her heart. Seeing the girl's voice and seeing that the goal had been achieved, Bai Ziyu no longer dwelled on this topic:"03 Let's go, Shoko, let's go boating!"

The plan had failed, and the girl really didn't want to continue to get along with him.

But the bitter fruit she had brewed had to be eaten with tears.

So she had to force a smile and nodded:"Okay!"

At the same time, the wounded people surrounded a young man:"We were beaten like this, and you only give us this little?!"

"This is our agreement. Besides, you haven't scared him away yet. I'm paying you the balance because you're injured."

"Otherwise, none of these would exist!"

Facing the hidden threats from everyone, the young man was not afraid. They were just a bunch of trash. If he had won all the battles, it would have been a little difficult, but now, wouldn't it be like playing to deal with them?

The young man's arrogant look completely angered everyone:"You......"

The young man in the lead stopped his companions and said quietly:"We will remember this matter. I hope you will not regret it in the future~"

After saying this, the young man panicked for a moment.

At the same time, he regretted his arrogance just now. What if the other party recovered from his injuries and came to settle accounts with him?

Even a good tiger cannot defeat a pack of wolves. If...

At that time, he wanted to find a chance to save the situation, but unfortunately the other party did not give him this chance.

It can only be said that this is a vivid display of the nature of this nation to be subservient to the strong and to strike hard at the weak.

""Should we go check on Shoko first?"

Looking at the crowd gradually going away, the young man encouraged himself and walked towards the lake.

Then, he saw from afar that in the small boat in the center of the lake, Shoko Sugimoto was squatting under Bai Ziyu, as if...

Instantly, his back teeth were almost broken, and he punched the tree trunk beside him:"Damn it! This is impossible, Shoko won't do this!"

But eyes don't lie, looking at that scene, the young man's eyes were about to burst, and he turned away angrily.

On the boat, feeling the pain from the roots of her hair, the girl couldn't help but let out a cry of pain: Onii-chan, be gentle, you hurt me!"

""Shoko, just be patient, I'll get it out soon!"

Bai Ziyu comforted her gently while untangling her tangled red hair. Looking closely, she saw that her hair was caught by the sail.

The reason for this was that a strong wind had just blown up out of nowhere, blowing her hair all over the place.

Some of the strands were entangled with the sail.

She couldn't handle it, so she could only ask Bai Ziyu for help to untie it.

After a while, after Bai Ziyu's efforts, he finally got it out.

The frightened girl said she would not go boating anymore and urged him to leave quickly.

When they reached the shore again, they felt it again. The girl breathed a sigh of relief at the feeling of being grounded.

She declined Bai Ziyu's request to continue playing, and stood up to say goodbye, using the excuse that she was not feeling well.

When they were about to part, seeing the bodyguard's inner voice, Bai Ziyu's eyes showed a hint of amusement.

It seemed that he was careless and caused a conflict between the two of them!

But it was understandable, as the other party was not as good as himself in terms of family background or appearance.

This led to his extreme inferiority complex. It would be strange if he didn't have misunderstandings when he saw such a scene again?

But understanding was understanding, and he had no intention of explaining to the other party.

After all, he had no obligation to do so, right?!

"Goodbye, Yuiichi-kun!"

Tiantian said goodbye to Bai Ziyu, and Sugimoto Shoko immediately opened the car door and got in.

Looking at the other person's sweet smile through the rearview mirror and recalling the scene he saw before, the young man's knuckles holding the steering wheel gradually turned white.

On the way, seeing that the other party didn't speak, Sugimoto Shoko couldn't help but feel puzzled:"Onii-chan, what's wrong with you?!"

Taking a deep breath and calming himself down, the young man said in a slightly hoarse voice:"No, nothing! Miss, this plan has failed, what should we do next?"

"What's next? I haven't thought about it yet, so let's leave it like this for now. I'll decide when I'm done...."

This is a perfectly normal sentence, but to the young man 877 meant: I have fallen in love with him, I want to be with him, and there is no possibility between us!

""Damn it!"

Instantly, the young man cursed in his heart. It was indeed a cheap woman. She had said that she liked me before, but when she saw a good one, she turned around and threw herself into the arms of others.

Damn it! Damn it!

The reason why the young man had such a big reaction was probably related to his childhood experience.

When he was young, he had personally witnessed his mother cheating.

That scene is still deeply engraved in his mind like a nightmare.

This is also a major reason why he did not accept the other party except for his identity.

Originally, he thought that the girl was different, but now it seems that she is no different from those cheap women on the street who can have a spring breeze for tens of thousands of yen.

Sugimoto Shoko, who did not notice the change in the other party, was staring at the scene outside the window in a daze.

In the previous interactions, Bai Ziyu's gentle and polite image left a deep impression on her.

The disgust she had originally felt for him because of being forced by her family also slowly dissipated unconsciously.

This should have been a good marriage partner, but now she already has someone in her heart.

Her heart is very small and can only accommodate one person!.

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