What's going on?

Is the gold finger in my account?

Ye Chen thought he had no cheats and wanted to earn merits for the human race.

Unexpectedly, there are conditions.

You can only activate the gold finger if you marry a wife!

At this moment, he was ecstatic!

But none of this mattered.

As long as there was a cheat, it would be fine, so he immediately asked the system function

"Ding, the host can get rewards as long as he marries a wife, gets pregnant, and gives birth to a child. The rewards include skills, treasures, special items, etc."

It's that simple, as long as you marry a wife and take a concubine, you can get rewards

"System, novice gift pack, where are the rewards?"

"Ding, it is detected that the host has successfully married for the first time."

"You get a newbie gift pack"

"The first wife-marrying reward package."

The next second, a blue light screen appeared in front of Ye Chen, who could only see it.

Personal information

"Name: Ye Chen"

"Age: 18"

"Race: Human"

"Realm: None"

"Items: Acquired Merit Spirit Fire, Merit Golden Light"

"Wives: 1"

"Offspring: None"

"Rewards: Newbie gift pack, first-time wife gift pack."

What are you waiting for if there are rewards?"

Ye Chenbo opened the newbie gift pack impatiently.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Nine-Turn Mysterious Origin Skill"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a 6,000-year-old peach"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Qingyun Sword, a top-grade acquired spiritual treasure."

The gift package unfolded.

Three more items appeared in the system warehouse column.

A golden scroll, which was the Nine Revolutions of the Mysterious Origin Art, and a huge peach, full and juicy, and finally a green sword.

Ye Chen was instantly excited.

The Nine Revolutions of the Mysterious Origin Art, isn't this the art practiced by Pangu, the God of Creation? It can be practiced to the level of Daluo Jinxian, specializing in the supreme art of physical body and magic power.

If he remembered correctly, this art was practiced by many people in the Wu clan after Pangu created the world.

After all, after the creation of the world, Pangu's essence and blood were transformed and inherited, so the great men of the Wu clan all had strong physical bodies.

Although they could not practice the Yuanshen, they almost crushed those of the same realm.

And this Nine Revolutions of the Mysterious Origin Art can also practice the Yuanshen magic power.

When he thought that he actually got the Nine Revolutions of the Mysterious Origin Art, which was against the sky, his heart instantly smiled.

As for the peaches, they were not ordinary things, but the result of innate spiritual roots.

Although they were not the purple-veined peaches of nine thousand years old, they had the same effect.

Obviously, it is rumored that the peaches ripen once every three thousand years, six thousand years, and nine thousand years.

People who eat the three thousand year old peaches can prolong their lifespan, increase their lifespan, and be immune to diseases.

People who eat the six thousand year old peaches can improve their physical fitness and enhance their cultivation.

The most important thing is that they can ascend to heaven and live forever!

As for the nine thousand year old peaches, they are even more extraordinary.

People who eat them can live as long as the heaven and earth, and as old as the sun and the moon!

Although there may be some exaggeration, this is indeed a real innate spiritual root fruit. It is definitely a rare treasure to use to improve cultivation!

And this last sword spiritual treasure is not bad.

Spiritual treasures are divided into acquired spiritual treasures, innate spiritual treasures, innate supreme treasures, and chaos supreme treasures.

The difference between innate and acquired lies before the way of heaven, and the quality is naturally better innate.

But there are exceptions. Not all innate supreme treasures are absolutely tyrannical. For example, Yuanshi Tianzun refined the Fantian Seal of Buzhou Mountain, which is stronger than ordinary innate spiritual treasures, but it is quite good to have a top-grade spiritual treasure at the beginning.

"Oh, and there is also a gift package for getting married. Open it now."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the magical power, the Eye of Delusion"

"The Eye of Delusion: It can distinguish the Yin and Yang and the Five Elements, see through illusions, reach the origin, and launch the Mysterious Light of Destruction to attack the enemy."

Hiss, it's actually a magical power!

Magical powers have nothing to do with cultivation, but are the companions of powerful people with deep roots.

Without a certain source of blessing, it is impossible to comprehend.

This thing can distinguish the mysterious creation of Yin and Yang, see through illusions and reach the origin. It can even launch the Mysterious Light of Destruction to attack the enemy. This reward is a great help to him.

This reward came too timely!

Ye Chen immediately received the Eye of Destruction and the Nine Revolutions of Xuanyuan Gong.

In an instant, the booklet flooded into his mind, and the Eye of Destruction turned into a mysterious yellow light and poured into the eyeball.

In an instant, all kinds of mysterious spells surged.

The Eye of Destruction also merged at the same time.

Ye Chen's pupils were changing.

The pupils were full of mysterious light, and when everything calmed down, Ye Chen opened his eyes and felt that the world was in a different state.

The light and heaviness, the length, the height, the sound, the mutual generation and restraint of yin and yang, the mysterious principle of creation, the originally chaotic and clueless world now seemed to have order in his eyes.

In summary, there is order in chaos, and the root of things has been clarified.


A delicate voice of surprise rang out.

It turned out that Ye Chen's pupils emitted a mysterious yellow light, which was not well controlled just now, and frightened Yue'er beside him.

Ye Chen then secretly thought that he was impatient and should not accept the reward in front of his newlywed wife, so he hurriedly restrained the mysterious light.

Then he explained seriously:"Yue'er, don't be afraid, this is the remnant of the golden light of merit during the day. Just now, your husband felt something in his heart and realized some good fortune, so he was distracted."

After hearing Ye Chen's explanation, Yue'er just knew, and her hanging heart finally fell.

During the day, Ye Chen's merit golden light protected his body, as if he were a god, and she also saw it.

Thinking that her husband must be a person with great blessings, he must have strengths that ordinary people cannot have.

So she nodded and said:"My husband drills wood to make fire and benefits the people. He must be a dragon and phoenix among people. I am very happy to have good fortune as my wife."

This wife is not only beautiful, but also has a high level of wisdom.

Marrying a virtuous wife is naturally a great joy.

And this eye of destruction is also obtained by marrying a wife.

Today is my wedding day, so I'll put my spiritual practice aside.

"Madam, it's getting late, we still have business to do."

Ye Chen walked forward and hugged Yue'er's slender waist, his heart was burning. After activating the system of having many children and many blessings, you can get rewards if you give birth to children.

But this takes time, and what Ye Chen lacks now is time.

Marrying a wife has such a powerful reward, and if you give birth to a child, there must be a better reward.

As for the reward for practicing, let's put it aside for now!

"Husband... um……"

Without waiting for Yue'er to react, Ye Chen approached her and kissed her plump red lips. Yue'er was reluctant to resist but also willing to accept him. Gradually, her whole body became weak and she allowed him to do what he wanted. Then Ye Chen waved his hand casually.

The fire went out and this night was a sleepless night.

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