The next day, Bai Ziyu was still asleep when he was once again awakened by the ringing of the phone.

He buried his head in the soft warmth and reached out his right hand to feel for.


After touching the wrong place several times, he finally found the"culprit".

After pressing the answer button, Bai Ziyu yawned loudly and said sleepily:"Hello~, who is it!"

"I'm the boss. Will you be back at noon today? What would you like to eat?"

"It's peaches! I, hiss~, I'll go back at noon. As for what to eat, let's have Sukiyaki. The delicious taste I had before is still fresh in my memory!"

"OK! I'll get ready now."...

After the call ended, Bai Ziyu looked at Misako who looked like a hamster storing food, puzzled:"Madam, what are you doing?"

"Misako is hungry, so she's having a"903" breakfast!"

At this time, seeing Misako secretly eating alone, Etsukiko immediately became unhappy:"Sister, you are so cunning. You ate delicious food alone without even calling me!" Seeing the two sisters fighting for food, Bai Ziyu couldn't help but feel helpless.

Is it that necessary? Fighting like this for a bite of food!

Just as the two sisters were confronting each other for a bite of food, in the villa in Kanagawa City, looking at the empty refrigerator, Shiraishi Momoko stuck out her pink and tender tongue, with a bit of embarrassment on her face.

""Oh~, I accidentally used up all the food yesterday. It seems that I need to go out to buy some~"

After saying that, she closed the refrigerator door, took out a ten thousand yuan bill from the drawer in the living room, and walked out.

After a while, the girl's face was full of happiness as she carried the big and small bags.

But she just wanted to go home quickly to make lunch for her boss, but she didn't notice that there was a pair of hungry wolf-like eyes behind her.

Looking at the slender figure in front of her and Hunyuan wrapped in jeans, Nakano Hirokawa's eyes were full of greed and cruelty.

It was because she was with that It was that damn Yuichi Hanyu that caused him to be fired from the company, caused his wife to file for divorce, and caused him to be homeless now.

This is all their fault. He can't deal with Yuichi Hanyu now, so he will start with revenge on Momoko Shiraishi.

One day, he will let that damn rich kid have a taste of losing everything.

When passing through an alley, Hirokawa Nakano took out a small bottle of medicine from his arms, poured it on a handkerchief, and rushed forward quickly.

Momoko Shiraishi, who was imagining the joyful expression on Bai Ziyu's face after eating the food, was suddenly covered by someone's mouth and nose.

【Emergency! Emergency! Shiraishi Momoko is in danger! Shiraishi Momoko is in danger! Host, please teleport to her side immediately! Host, please teleport to her side immediately! 】

Bai Ziyu, who had just had a hearty breakfast and left the Amamiya family, suddenly changed his expression upon hearing this and quickly chose to teleport.

Smelling the strong smell of ether, Shiraishi Momoko gradually lost consciousness after struggling for a few times, and the shopping bag in her hand fell to the ground helplessly.

And before she lost consciousness, she seemed to see the figure of her boss.

"You are looking for death!"

Looking at the unconscious Bai Shi Taozi, Bai Ziyu shouted angrily and immediately used Thunder Escape.

Seeing Yuzuru Hanyu suddenly appeared in front of him, Nakano Hirokawa seemed to have seen a ghost, his eyes widened like copper bells:"You, you..."

Not wanting to waste too much time talking to him, Bai Ziyu summoned the Thunder Sword directly.

With a flash of cold light, a big head shot up into the sky.

Holding the girl who was about to collapse, Bai Ziyu used the Shave Step to avoid the blood rain.

Looking at the headless corpse on the ground, he felt that it was too easy to let this beast die, so he immediately used the Soul Binding and General Sent. The familiar black rope reappeared, but in just a few seconds, an illusory spirit appeared in front of Bai Ziyu.

For the next ten minutes, he let him experience what it meant to be in pain and happy.

After playing with him, looking at Nakano Hirokawa, who was already dying and whose spirit was gradually disintegrating, Bai Ziyu, who was almost out of anger, directly blasted him into slag with a Thunderbird!

He picked up Shiraishi Taozi in a princess hug and threw the food she bought into the portable space. Bai Ziyu turned into thunder and left.

Inside the villa, Bai Ziyu bought a bottle of Qingfeng and placed it in front of the girl's nose. He called out softly,"Taozi! Taozi!"

Soon, her long eyelashes blinked slightly, and Bai Shi Taozi woke up faintly....

What came into view was Bai Ziyu's handsome face. The girl subconsciously murmured softly:"Am I dreaming? How could the boss come back so soon?"

Then, she received a light slap on her head.

"Ouch~, it hurts!"

The next moment, Shiraishi Momoko reacted and a look of joy appeared on her cheeks:"Hey~, I'm not dreaming, boss, you're back~"

"Fortunately, I'm back, otherwise you, a lazy bug, would have to sleep until noon."

"Taozi is not lazy, I just..., Hey~, didn’t I go shopping? Why am I lying on the bed?"

"You little fool, you must have purchased this in a dream, right?"

"Oh, really? But, but I really remember going to..."

"That's enough! Stop talking so much. Come with me to the supermarket while we still have some time, or we'll both be hungry at noon!"


Hearing this, she nodded gently and Bai Shi Taozi turned over and got out of bed.

But just as she stood up, her legs went weak and she fell uncontrollably into Bai Ziyu's arms.

Feeling the hot chest and smelling the strong scent of male hormones, the girl suddenly seemed to be drunk, and her cheeks were lightly flushed:"Boss!"

"Forget it, I'll go by myself!"

Shaking his head helplessly, Bai Ziyu put her on the bed again, pinched her elastic face, and turned away.

Looking at her tall back, the girl's eyebrows gradually curved into a crescent.

At noon, I saw���When Bai Ziyu bought the ingredients, Bai Shi Taozi's brain suddenly stopped working. Why did it feel so familiar? It was just like what she bought in her dream.

No, it can't be said to be similar, it can be said to be exactly the same.

The small green spots on the tomatoes, the whiskers on the white radish...

Seeing the girl's recent thoughts, Bai Ziyu couldn't help but secretly think that it was a mistake. If he had known

, he would not have fooled around just to eat the 18-year-old pigeon. But he couldn't be blamed for this. After all, who would have thought that the other party could even remember the little features of the vegetables she bought. This memory is outrageous!.

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