Hearing this, Bai Shi Taozi was stunned at first.

She came over immediately, with a blush extending from her snow-white face to her slender neck. Her pink lips exuded a bright glow, which complemented her rosy cheeks, making her look very beautiful.

How could one not be moved by such a delicious dish?

So the next moment, Bai Ziyu slowly leaned over.

Gradually, the girl's boudoir, which had been empty for a long time, was filled with whimpers like a kitten....

For a long time, Bai Shi Taozi nestled in Bai Ziyu's arms, looking even more charming and attractive.

But her slightly furrowed brows ruined this beauty.

Gently reaching out to smooth it out, Bai Ziyu took out another tube of purple potion.

But compared with the previous tube, it looked much smaller, only the size of a little finger.

Handing it to the girl, Bai Ziyu said softly:"Drink it!"

Looking at this familiar item, Bai Shi Taozi, who knew how precious it was, shook her head like a rattle:"Boss, I'll just bear with it. It's a waste of such a precious thing for me to use!"

"No matter how precious something is, it is not as good as peaches in my heart. 03 Be obedient!"

As soon as these words came out, the girl's big watery eyes were instantly shining with tears.

"Boss, I..."

Seeing the extremely touched look on the girl's face, Bai Ziyu reached out and gently scratched her straight nose:"Silly girl! You're still calling me boss?"

"Taozi knew that the boss had other women besides Taozi."

"They have to share the title of Anatha, but the boss is Taozi's boss alone!"

The movement of his right hand paused slightly, and Bai Ziyu showed a bit of embarrassment on his face:"When did you find out?" It was the first time that Taozi saw this bad boss showing such a look in front of her. A faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth:"Boss, Taozi is not stupid!"

"Do you regret it?"

She supported herself with her right arm and looked down at Bai Ziyu. Her pretty face was full of seriousness:"Taozi doesn't regret it. Meeting the boss has already drained away all her luck in the second half of her life. I just hope that the boss won't abandon Taozi in the future, okay?"

At the end, there was a hint of pleading in Taozi's beautiful eyes.

At that moment, Bai Ziyu's heart seemed to be tugged by someone.

With his right hand on her slender waist, he solemnly promised:"I promise that I will never abandon Taozi at any time in the future!"

"Yes! Taozi believes in the boss!"

Faced with the most beautiful love words in the world, Taozi nodded heavily, and hot tears rolled down and dripped onto Bai Ziyu's broad chest.

As the girl's voice fell, a light white fluorescence flew out from the top of her head and shot into Bai Ziyu's body.

In an instant, two pleasant system prompts rang in his ears:

【Congratulations to the host for successfully accepting the ninth goddess, Shiraishi Momoko."Goddess Record" feedback reward: Save points: 2000, pupil technique: Mangekyō Sharingan (purple), devil fruit: Lord of Light, space marker】

【Congratulations to the host for successfully completing the mission: Protect the innocent Bai Shi Taozi from the harm of the evil beast. Obtained mission reward: Mastery of Traditional Chinese Medicine (blue), rescue points +500. 】

Bai Ziyu temporarily chose to ignore the system prompt.

After coaxing the beauty to sleep, he checked:

"Name: Mangekyō Sharingan

Type: Eye Technique

Level: Purple


1. Tsukuyomi: Constructs a Tsukuyomi world in which the user can feel endless torture until mental breakdown. 2. Amaterasu: Releases black flames, which cannot be extinguished before burning the target.

Introduction: One of the eye techniques in a certain world, it has incredibly powerful power, but excessive use will cause a great burden on the user, so please use it with caution."

Bai Ziyu was very happy with the effect, but he was not satisfied with the introduction.

Either don't give it to me, or give me a complete one. What's the matter with you making a half-finished product?

"System, can I return this Mangekyō Sharingan? Please replace it with one of the same level, skills, items, or even scrolls will do."

【Host, once the reward is released, it is not refundable.~】

"What do I need such a useless thing for? I don't want to become blind!"

【With the host's current strength, there will be no problem as long as the usage time does not exceed one minute.~】

【When the host obtains the Mangekyō Sharingan in the future, the system can help the host to synthesize the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan 100%~】

Listening to the soft and sweet voice of the system, Bai Ziyu's original unhappiness was instantly wiped out.

Since the system is so sincere, he will be generous and forgive the other party once!


Then, he opened the system mall, typed in the six characters"Mangekyo Sharingan", and clicked search....Sorry to bother you!

What's going on?! Two eyes cost 50,000 rescue points!

I have been traveling for so long, and the goddess has rescued nine of them. All the gains added up are just over 20,000. I can't even afford one. What the hell is this?

Now I can only wait to defeat the new goddess and see if the"Goddess Record" can give me 953 feedback again.

As long as it can give me feedback, I will let the system synthesize it 100%.

I can get a pair of eternal Mangekyō Sharingan with no side effects.

By then, those demon beasts and minotaurs will have a good day, hehehe~

"System, transplant the Mangekyō Sharingan for me!"

【Okay~, but there will be some pain during the transplantation process, I hope the host can be patient! 】

After hearing the system's answer, Bai Ziyu's face changed slightly:"A little pain? How painful is it!"

【It’s almost the same as when the host first took the super serum!】

"Oh~, that’s acceptable, come on!"

【All right~, now start transplanting for the host! 】

As the system prompt fell, Bai Ziyu felt as if his eyes were pricked by needles.

Although it was not too strong, it was enough to make him drink a pot.

Taozi, who was sleeping beside him, seemed to feel that her pet was being abused, and her beautiful eyebrows gradually frowned.

After a moment, the pain dissipated like a tide, and Bai Ziyu touched the corner of his eye, but saw a deep red. He turned over and got out of bed, went to the bathroom, and after washing up, he saw the slowly turning blood-red hexagonal windmill in his eyes through the mirror.

At that moment, he almost lost his mind and sank.

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