Feeling the two soft lumps in front of him, a hint of teasing flashed in Itokisaku's eyes, but his face was full of"confusion".":"Miss, what do you mean?"

"Uncle, it’s very comfortable to talk to you, let’s continue to develop!".


Seeing the other party's stunned look, Suehiro Yuanxiang smiled faintly, and then slowly...

After a while, Suehiro Enka gently raised her head and looked at Ito Kisaku:"Uncle, you probably don't have a job now, how about coming to our company, then we can do happy things more often!"


Just when he was about to say something, a hint of lust appeared on Ito Kisaku's rough face:"Okay! I agree!" Upon hearing this, Suehiro Enka curved his eyebrows, then lowered his head and continued to be busy."Three, three, three"

An hour later, at the Sugimoto Group, Suehiro Enka came to Himeno Takuya and introduced enthusiastically:"Director, this is my cousin. He just came from the countryside. Do you think you can help him find a position?"

Himeno Takuya was already feeling guilty for standing him up yesterday. Now facing such a request, how could he bear to refuse? He immediately agreed:"No problem! Let him follow you from now on!" As soon as these words came out, Suehiro Enka's eyes suddenly sparkled.

If he brings him with him, wouldn't he be able to take advantage of the convenience of his position to go?...

As she thought about it, she gently rubbed her straight legs.

At the same time, Bai Ziyu, who was sleeping late, was awakened by a warm feeling.

Looking closely, he saw a piece of blue up and down.

After a long time, he gently pinched the elastic cheeks and Bai Ziyu showed curiosity:"Taozi, where did you learn all this?"

Facing the question, the girl's beautiful eyes revealed a bit of shyness:"I, I secretly watched it on my mobile phone while the boss was asleep. Do you like it, boss?"

At the end, the girl blushed with shame and lowered her head to count ants.

Gently rubbing the other's cute little head, Bai Ziyu smiled gently:"I like it! Of course I like it!"

A woman is willing to learn these for you, which is enough to prove your importance in her heart. How can this not be touching?

In an instant, a faint warmth flowed between the two.

The morning light shines through the window and shines on the two of them, forming a beautiful picture.

After breakfast, Bai Ziyu lay on Taozi's round and elastic thighs, enjoying her gentle ear cleaning service. He asked softly,"How is Auntie now?"

"The doctor said that there is nothing serious and she can be discharged after a few more days of observation. Thank you, boss!"

Facing the girl's grateful eyes, Bai Ziyu stretched out his hand and gently scratched her straight nose:"Silly girl, do we still need to say these things between us!"

Feeling the pampering of her boss, Momoko Shiraishi felt a warm current flowing slowly in her heart.

Being able to meet each other really exhausted all her luck in the second half of her life.

After another day, Bai Ziyu bid farewell to everyone.

His time is precious, and there are many goddesses waiting for him to save, so there is no time to waste here.

Momoko Shiraishi also wanted to go back with him, but he refused.

The girl hasn't been home for two years, so she should take this time to accompany her parents!

Before leaving, he also left one million yen for her expenses.

Momoko's father wanted to refuse, but was finally persuaded by Bai Ziyu's words"This is Momoko's salary."

After taking a few hours of flight again, Bai Ziyu successfully arrived in Kanagawa City.

However, as soon as he arrived at the villa, he was stopped by several young people in bright and beautiful clothes.

Seeing the other party, Bai Ziyu raised his eyebrows slightly:"Do you have something to do with me?"

When the young man heard this, a flattering smile immediately appeared on his face:"Master Hanyu, there is a car race in Akina Mountain tonight. I wonder if Master Hanyu is interested?"

"Car racing? OK! I get it, I'll think about it!"

"Then we will wait there for Master Hanyu to arrive."


After a moment, one of them looked at Bai Ziyu who was about to enter the villa and spitted in disdain:"Bah! Isn't it just that you were born into a good family? Why are you so proud?!"

"That's enough! That's enough! Akutagawa-kun, stop talking. Be careful if he hears you, he'll get you into trouble!"

"I heard it, so what's there to be afraid of?"

Although he said so, the young man's voice became lower and lower....

In the evening, Bai Ziyu edited a message, checked it, and chose to send it after confirming that it was correct. At the Himeno family, looking at the latest message quietly, Himeno Yuri hesitated for a moment, and her ten slender fingers quickly dialed: [I know, wait for me for half an hour. ]

After clicking send, she came to the dressing table and slowly dressed up.

Half an hour later, she said to her busy mother:"I'm going to find Sachiko, I won't be back tonight" and left the house in a hurry.

"This child..."

Looking at the other party's impetuous appearance, the mother sighed helplessly and lowered her head to continue busying herself.

But as she was busy, tears the size of soybeans fell and hit the mahogany dining table, breaking into pieces!

In the Lamborghini, seeing Himeno Yuri opening the door and getting in, Bai Ziyu praised sincerely:"You are dressed very beautifully tonight!"

The girl felt a little sweet in her heart when she was praised by him, and she whispered:"I, I just dressed up casually, let's go now, go..."

As if he didn't hear clearly, Bai Ziyu came up to him, looking confused:"Where are you going?"


If she hadn't noticed the naughty smile on the other's mouth, Ji Ye Yuli would have almost believed it.

The next moment, she pouted her cherry lips slightly, and said in dissatisfaction:"Hmph~, I won't pay attention to you!"

Perhaps even the girl didn't realize that her attitude towards Bai Ziyu at this time was no different from that of a little girl in love.

In this state, if Bai Ziyu didn't do anything, he could go to the palace to be a TJ.

After a while, letting go of the beautiful woman who was already panting and exhaling like orchids, Bai Ziyu helped her fasten her seat belt and teased the cute pet:"Okay! I won't tease you anymore, I'll take you to a fun place today!"

After that, he stepped on the accelerator, and the blue and gold Lamborghini immediately turned into a steel behemoth and rushed away.

Target-Akina Mountain!.

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