After being reminded by her, Sugimoto Shoko, who just remembered that she had a best friend, hurriedly introduced:"Onii-chan, let me introduce you, this is Nanao Akane, my best friend in school!"

"Akane-chan, this is my boyfriend, Yuichi Hanyu!"

Looking at the charming girl in front of him with a faint shimmer in her deep blue eyes, Bai Ziyu let out a gentle smile:"Hello!"

Seeing such a handsome guy greeting her, Akane Nanao couldn't help but feel a little shy, and her crystal earlobes were stained with a few faint blushes:"Hello!"

"Akane, it's not safe for you to go home alone, Onii-chan..."

As she spoke, Sugimoto Shoko looked at Bai Ziyu, her purpose was self-evident.

In her heart, she silently gave the other party 10086 likes for his assist, and Bai Ziyu nodded gently:"If Miss Nanao doesn't mind, I will take her home!"


Hearing this, Nanao Akane was about to refuse, but Sugimoto Shoko hugged her right arm and said,"It's decided!"

In the end, the girl still couldn't persuade her friend and was pulled into the car by her.

Not far away, a young man quietly watched this scene, with a gloomy look in his eyes.

On the way, two girls chattered and talked:"Akane, is your baseball club going to participate in the competition next month?"

"Yes! Next month on the 18th, this is also the last session, I hope to achieve a good result..."...

Bai Ziyu, who was driving, raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and then said with a little surprise:"Miss Nanao actually joined the baseball club, which is really surprising. Generally speaking, boys choose baseball, and there are very few girls."

"Don't underestimate me, Onii-chan. Our Akane is very capable. She just applied to be the manager of the baseball club a while ago."

"Oh~, I didn't expect Miss Nanao to be so outstanding, I was so rude!"

Hearing Bai Ziyu's praise, Nanao Akane felt ashamed:"Yuichi-kun, don't listen to what Shoko said. In fact, I didn't know that Dong Gang would choose me as the manager. There were four applicants at that time, including me...."

Why? Of course it's because I want to look down upon you and turn you into rbq!

Bai Ziyu thought to himself while listening to the girl's story.

Seeing that the other party was actually a little grateful to Dong Ganglizang in her words, Bai Ziyu couldn't help but shake his head slightly.

Here it comes again, a common feature of the heroines of run-down anime.

Before seeing the true face of the evil beast with your own eyes, treat him as a good person.

Five or six minutes later, Bai Ziyu parked the car in front of a two-story villa.

He opened the door and thanked him softly. Just as he was about to get out of the car, Nanao Akane's right leg suddenly softened and she fell straight to the ground.

This sudden change made Sugimoto Shoko, who was beside her, unable to react for a while. The snow-white knees collided with the hard concrete ground, causing the girl to cry out in pain:"Ugh~, it hurts!"

At this time, Sugimoto Shoko, who finally reacted, hurried out of the car:"Akane-chan, are you okay!?"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hands to help her up.

Then, seeing the bleeding knee, she was shocked:"You are injured so seriously, I will take you to the hospital!"

As she said that, she was going to help her back to the car.

At this time, Bai Ziyu also got out of the car to check.

Seeing the other party's injuries, she carried her into the car without saying a word, and then went to the hospital.

It was the first time in her life that someone hugged her, and Nanao Akane's brain suddenly crashed, and she even forgot to refuse.

Half an hour later, after sending the bandaged girl home, Sugimoto Shoko looked at Bai Ziyu with resentment.

Bai Ziyu couldn't help but feel confused about this - he was at a loss!

"What's wrong?"

""Onii-chan, you just hugged Akane-chan, I'm jealous~"

As she said this, she pouted her pink lips, as if to say,"I'm angry, come and comfort me!"

Seeing this, Bai Ziyu shook his head with a wry smile, then lowered his head and kissed her gently:"Okay! I was trying to save someone just now, and I reacted that way in a hurry."

Feeling the warmth from her lips, Sugimoto Shoko curved her eyebrows slightly:"Hmph~, I forgive you this time!"

The girl's tsundere look made Bai Ziyu's heart warm.

With a step on the accelerator, the Lamborghini once again turned into a steel behemoth and galloped away into the distance.......

The moon was above the treetops. Seeing that she had done everything she could but the opponent was still full of energy, Sugimoto Shoko had no choice but to raise the white flag:"Onii-chan, Shoko surrenders! Shoko surrenders!"

Although surrendering was humiliating, compared with her own life, humiliation was humiliating!

Patting the warmth lightly, Bai Ziyu showed a playful expression:"Oh~, you surrendered already? Didn't you clamor before that you wanted me to***"

Feeling the tingling sensation from behind, Sugimoto Shoko's body trembled slightly, and she begged for mercy in a tender voice:"Oh~, it's Shoko's fault! Shoko doesn't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is, please spare me, Onii-chan!"

Now she realized how much the other party had let her go because of pity.

Thinking back to the provocative words before, she regretted it to death.

It was so careless! It was really careless!

"Since you have realized your mistake, I will let you go this time!"Since the other party has already realized his mistake, Bai Ziyu is not a person who does not know how to be gentle with women, so he pulled himself out and left. Sugimoto

Shoko, who had just come to her senses after leaning on the sofa, forced her sore body to come to Bai Ziyu and slowly...

After nestling in the broad embrace for a while, the girl raised her head and asked softly,"Onii-chan, what do you think of Akane-chan?"

Upon hearing this, her right hand paused slightly, and then Bai Ziyu said lightly,"Well! She's pretty!"

"Onii-chan, do you want to..."

Just after he finished speaking, Bai Ziyu patted the perky breasts gently, with a playful look on his face:"What? Are you in a hurry to find a sister for yourself now?"

"No way? Who made Oni-chan so powerful? Shoko alone is no match for him. Rather than letting other girls get the advantage, it's better to let Akane-chan get the advantage~"

As a child of a big family, she has long seen through the intrigues inside.

Not to mention others, just her father, she knows that he has two wives outside, not to mention those who don't know. With such experience, coupled with the influence of"Goddess Record" and Bai Ziyu

's abnormal talent, it is not surprising that she finally made such a choice.

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