The transfer procedures have been completed.

There are two sets of school uniforms on the sofa, one brown and one black like a crow's feather.

Ryuguin Aoyama walked up, picked up the brown uniform and threw it into the trash can, and put on the black uniform that symbolizes lily of the valley.

Facing himself in the mirror, Ryuguin Aoyama raised the corners of his lips. His lily of the valley life is here!

Lily of the Valley Boys High School is nicknamed"Crow School". It is home to a group of bad students who like to fight, and there are constant disputes among various factions in the school.

Standing at the entrance of the school and looking inside, the desks for study are piled up under the teaching building. The originally white walls have long been graffitied so that the original color can no longer be seen.

Students with strange hairstyles passed by one by one. Their school uniforms were modified to different lengths and widths. Without exception, they all had one or more metal chains hanging on their bodies or waists.

Just as Ryuguin Aoyama was about to walk into the campus, he heard someone calling his name behind him.

He turned around to check and saw Edogawa Suzuki wearing the same black school uniform appear in front of him.


There was a puzzlement in his eyes. Why did this guy not stay in his original school and appear here in a lily of the valley school uniform?

Edogawa Suzuki smiled and quickly caught up with him, raised his fist and punched Aoyama's shoulder.

"Are you surprised? Are you surprised! I haven't contacted you and no one is there at your house. I asked Teacher Yumiko and found out that you are transferring to Suzuran."

"After convincing my parents, I immediately transferred to another school and followed them here."

Speaking of this, Edogawa Suzuki shrugged his shoulders and continued,"It doesn't matter whether I go to college or not, I will eventually inherit my father's store."

"Why don't I follow you to Suzuran? Isn't that more meaningful?!"

Edogawa Suzuki had never had much contact with bad people, but from today on, they will be together day and night. Edogawa Suzuki's eyes showed excitement.

People have already transferred here, proving that they are mentally prepared. Ryuguin Aoyama didn't say anything more.

The two walked into the teaching building, and before they could see the scene in front of them clearly, a chair broke through the glass and flew out of the classroom.


Edogawa Suzuki screamed in fear and hid behind Aoyama subconsciously.

People in the corridor laughed at such a coward.

"Hey, are you new here? You are so timid, you'd better leave quickly~ Hahahaha!"

"What a coward, isn't this a senior student? How can we respect the seniors in senior year?!"



The students who were watching the fun were talking and laughing with each other, looking at the two of them with sidelong glances.

Ryuguin Aoyama raised his hand and patted Suzuki on the shoulder, reassuring him, and walked up to the two people who were mocking them.

He clenched his fist, hit one of them hard without saying a word, and then hit the other one with a backhand punch, knocking him to the ground.

"The sound of your farts is disturbing my ears!"

He loosened his clenched fist, shook his hand that had just punched, turned his head and said to Suzuki

"Let's go! The senior high school classroom should be on the third floor."

Edogawa Suzuki followed Aoyama and walked slowly forward. He turned his head and saw two people getting up from the ground.

He quickly pulled Aoyama's clothes,"Hey, hey, hey, Aoyama! They stood up again......."

He kept his eyes on the two people who stood up. It didn't look like he would just give up.

Ryuguin Qingshan stopped and turned to look at the two people. One of them picked up the chair that had just been thrown out of the classroom and swung it towards them.


Suzuki forgot to dodge, but Ryuguin Aoyama pushed him down in time and he dodged the flying chair.

The chair brushed against Ryuguin Aoyama's arm and landed on the ground behind them.

【Ding Dong! Hot-blooded combat system mission: Defeat the annoying student! 】

Longgongyuan Qingshan glanced at the chair that fell behind him calmly,"It seems that the two punches just now were not enough~ I still haven't learned how to respect my seniors!"

The two looked at each other, nodded to each other, and rushed up with fists raised.

Longgongyuan Qingshan patted the school uniform that had just been stained by the chair on his arm, slowly took two steps forward, and saw that the two were about to come in front of him, so he kicked the one who rushed in front and kicked him out.

Then he raised his heavy fist and hit the face of the person who came later with a right hook. After knocking him to the ground, he kicked the person who fell to the ground away. He strode to the first person, grabbed the collar of his clothes, and punched, punched, and punched again!

He stopped, still holding his fist, and asked:"Boy, can you respect a senior like me now?"


Hearing the word"respect", Ryuguin Qingshan pushed forward and let go of his hand, and the person fell to the ground. He turned around and squatted down. Before he could ask, the person on the ground had already stood up and bent over at 90 degrees.

【Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host for completing the system task. The system rewards you with +10 physical strength and +5000 money. 】

Ryuguin Aoyama is quite perceptive. He stood up and walked towards Suzuki.

The person who bowed behind him turned around and continued to bend over and lower his head until he went upstairs and could no longer see him. Then he straightened up.

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