When the people on the bus saw this scene, they all moved to the front of the car, fearing that the disaster would happen to them.

They were all ordinary citizens, and when they saw such a thing, the first thing they thought of was to get out of the way.

Some people even rang the bell to get off, but the bus was on the way and they were not allowed to get off, and there was no way to pull over. It was not until a bang was heard that Ryuguin Aoyama loosened his hand, and the gang leader lost his balance and fell to the ground.

Looking at the gangsters surrounding her, Aizawa Ruka was not too scared, because Ryuguin Aoyama was sitting next to her, which made her feel at ease.

The gang leader who fell and sat on the car, protecting his injured hand, his eyes fell on Aizawa Ruka who was sitting next to him.

He sneered and was helped to stand up by his brother,"Smelly boy, the girl changed quickly! This one is different from the one she brought with her last time.~"

"It's not your turn to say whether it's the same or not!"Ryuguin Qingshan stared at him coldly, and his hands on his legs slowly clenched into fists. The unhappy look on his face reminded him of the previous incident in the game hall.

"Boy, you are being stubborn now, I will tear your mouth right off!!!" the gang leader yelled, and sent a look to his brothers, asking them to come together and teach this arrogant boy a lesson.

【Ding Dong! The hot-blooded combat system has detected an additional task: Defeat the thugs on the bus! 】

With a slight smile on his face, Ryuguin Aoyama looked at Aizawa Ruka as he rolled up his sleeves and waved his fists at him."You sit still."

He said the last word, and then he raised his leg and kicked the man in front of him. He supported the table and chair with both hands, stood up quickly, punched a man, and waved his arms vigorously.

Bang, bang, bang......There were muffled sounds.

The driver of the bus in front saw the scene at the back of the car from the rearview mirror, and couldn't help but shout distractedly:"Student, the student at the back, don't be impulsive, please don't be impulsive!"

The driver's words were no different from farts, and no one listened to him at all.

This time is different, and the current Ryuguin Qingshan is much stronger than he was in the game hall at that time.

The gangsters were knocked down on the car one after another by Ryuguin Qingshan's fists, and their noses and faces were swollen and swollen and they couldn't move.

The bus continued to move forward, and the driver tried to pull over several times, but there were always cars blocking the way and he couldn't pull over.

Looking at the gangsters lying in all directions, Ryuguin Qingshan turned around and looked at the gang leader behind him, his hand reaching for something in his pocket.

Ryuguin Qingshan didn't hesitate, and kicked him hard in the abdomen.

"Uh, uh——"

The gang leader hit the table and chair in the back row, curled up his slightly fat body, and a folding knife slipped out of his pocket.

"Haha, last time it was a baseball bat, this time it's a folding knife huh? How despicable!"


Ryuguin Qingshan went up and kicked the opponent hard in the stomach


The gangster raised his head and legs in pain, holding Ryuguin Qingshan's feet tightly with both hands.

"Stinky, stinky boy......"

The gang leader's eyes were fierce, but the reality was that she was holding the other's feet and couldn't get up from the ground at all.

"Still shouting 'smelly boy’?"Long Gongyuan Qingshan showed a sneer on his face, staring at the person under his feet with disdain.

He stepped heavily on the gang leader and punched him in the mouth without any hesitation.

After a few punches, the two big gold teeth in the opponent's mouth fell off from the gums, falling from his mouth with blood on the ground.

"Who of us tore whose mouth apart?" Longgongyuan Qingshan asked coldly.

The gang leader's mouth was opened and closed by the beating, and he could only make a hesitant sound.......

Ryuguin Aoyama looked at the blood on his fist, showing a look of disgust, and wiped his hand repeatedly on the other person's clothes. He used his foot to step down again, and glanced at the other six people,"Are there still people who are not convinced? Get up and continue to fight!" When asked by Ryuguin Aoyama, no one dared to make a sound, and their eyes avoided his eyes.

The car finally arrived at a station and stopped by the side. The other people on the bus, regardless of whether they had reached the station or not, got out of the open door one after another.

Aizawa Ruka, who had been sitting in the seat, took a look at the building outside and shouted:"Aoyama, we're at the station! Let's get off too!"

Taking his foot off the gangster, Ryuguin Aoyama followed Aizawa Ruka and got off the bus.

Before getting off the bus, he looked at the bus driver and said:"Master, I'm at my stop, get on and off safely!"

The corners of the bus driver's mouth twitched slightly. You are at your stop, but the other passengers on the bus were scared and got off early. Now there are only seven gangsters lying on the bus who can't get up.

Aizawa Ruka took out a handkerchief from her bag and handed it to him,"Here, wipe your hands!" Ryuguin Aoyama hesitated for a moment before taking the handkerchief. He just felt that it was a pity to use such a clean handkerchief to wipe his hands.

"Go a little further and turn a corner to the motorcycle shop where my friend works."

Listening to what Aizawa Ruka said, Ryuguin Aoyama looked up at the sky. The sun was slowly setting.......

PS: Thank you for your support!【A.TIC】、【What is bzd called?】、【point、C】Waiting for the votes from the big guys!

I will write the next chapter later......

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