Everyone was in high spirits after drinking just the right amount of wine.

Ryuguin Qingshan picked up his empty wine glass and knocked it on the table, drawing everyone's attention to himself.

"I am very happy to have made friends with everyone in Suzuran and become brothers. I am very grateful to everyone."

Tamura Chuta on the side said with a smile:"What are you doing?! Why are you suddenly so pretentious!!"

Izaki Shun stared into Ryuguin Aoyama's eyes and said:"Don't tell us that you are going somewhere else!"

Izaki Shun said this because he thought of the black cars he saw last night. Maybe Ryuguin Aoyama was really involved in some force.

Seeing Izaki Shun say this, his expression began to change.......

Meeting their eyes, Ryuguin Aoyama chuckled,"Where am I going? What are you all thinking? I just want to tell you that we should have another fight with Serizawa and the others!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and Izaki Shun's expression also relaxed. They were really afraid that Aoyama would suddenly leave.

The journey of all of them following him has just begun, and they don't want to end up in a mess without any"achievements" in Suzuran.

"You kid, just do it, why are you being so pretentious!!" Makise Takashi slammed his hand on the table,"We are all rough guys who can only fight and throw punches, don't be pretentious"

"" Damn it, you almost scared me!" Sanshangxue said with annoyance and a smile.

The flashing lights flickered on their faces, and the atmosphere of the bar was brought to a climax. The stage was singing hot-blooded songs belonging to bad people.

Ryuguin Aoyama looked at everyone,"Let's stand on the top of Lily of the Valley together!"

Everyone looked at each other and grinned silently. They were watching the top of Lily of the Valley all the time in Lily of the Valley, and kept swinging their fists to prove themselves, for the top......

Ryuguin Aoyama stretched out his hand and placed it in the middle of the table. Suzuki looked at everyone, put his hand on it, and said with a grin.

"Take me with you! I want to go with you all."

Sansho, Mikami Go, Makise Takashi, Tamura Chuta, and Izaki Shun put their hands on it one by one.

Everyone's eyes were firm, firm in their choice of people, and firm in their determination to stand at the top of Lily of the Valley and see the broadest scenery before graduation.......

The man sitting in the corner of the bar stood up and left his seat.

He left the bar and got in the car. He raised his hand to signal the driver to drive away, with a smile on his face. He was indeed not a simple guy.......

Because they were happy, they naturally drank a few more glasses of wine. When they came out of the bar, everyone felt a little dizzy.

Ryuguin Aoyama was fine. He was drunk, but he was still conscious and knew which way to go home.

Suzuki, who didn't drink much, was a bit miserable. He just came out of the bar and didn't walk far before he held the wall and vomited a lot.

"Xiao, Xiao Huizi...Sauce......Keiko, sauce......"

Makise Takashi staggered forward, muttering the girl's name.

Ryuguin Aoyama heard what he was saying and felt that something was wrong. He quickly stepped forward and grabbed Makise Takashi who was walking forward.

"Makise, your house is on the other side!"

Makise Takashi turned his head with blurry eyes, burped, and pointed to the side he was going to,"Keiko,...Sauce's Home......"

This guy is really, Ryuguin Aoyama looked helpless, this time he even wanted to get drunk and break into someone's house.

Izaki Shun stepped forward and hugged Makise Takashi's shoulders,"I'll watch this gorilla go home, it's getting late, Aoyama you should go home too!"

"Oh, this, Suzuki is drunk, I have to take him back."

Turning his head to look at Suzuki, he saw that Tamura Chuta had already lifted Suzuki's arm,"I'll take him back, I'm on my way."

And the two brothers Mikami can go back by themselves by relying on each other.

Ryuguuin Aoyama stood there and waved at them, then turned around and walked slowly towards home.

The roar of a group of motorcycles sounded behind him, and he turned his head to look behind him. A group of people riding motorcycles in leather jackets stopped beside him.

Ryuguuin Aoyama narrowed his eyes slightly, fixed his sight, and saw clearly that the person on the motorcycle was Bando Hideto who he hadn't seen for a long time.

As always, he wore a leather jacket with a motorcycle, and sunglasses on his head.

"Where are you going? Do you want me to give you a ride~" Bando Hideto asked on the motorcycle with a smile on his face. It seems that his fate with Ryuguin Aoyama is usually on the road at night.

"Thank you, no thanks, I can walk back by myself."

It's only about ten minutes' walk from here to his house, which is just enough time for him to sober up.

"All right then! See you later."Bando Hideto left the words and rode away with his brothers on his motorcycle.

Watching Bando Hideto leave, Ryuguin Aoyama saw that the leather jacket on his back was empty, without the skull logo of the Armed Front.

It seems that Bando Hideto has not yet resolved the internal affairs of the Armed Front.

Ryuguin Aoyama took out a cigarette from his pocket, smoked and walked towards home step by step. The night breeze after midnight brought a cool breeze, blowing across his face, taking away a little drunkenness.

Thinking of not going to the countryside to see Misaki in the past two weeks, I wonder if this girl has been behaving herself.

Subconsciously, he took out his mobile phone and wanted to make a call to ask, but remembered that it was already early in the morning and they might have slept.

He put the phone back in his pocket because of Yazaki Joji, so he deliberately did not go back to the countryside on weekends, just because he was worried that Yazaki Joji would set his sights on his younger sister.

But now it's okay, everything that should be dealt with has been dealt with, and there is no need to worry about anything for the time being.

PS: Asking for the support of the big guys!

Next chapter later......

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