Makise Takashi sat alone until the party was over.

He realized that this socializing with the"mature women" had failed again.......

I stood up to leave when the voice came from behind me again;

""Before the party ends, let's vote and see how many people at this party like us. Come on, come on, come and vote!"

Hearing this, Makise Takashi, who had already walked to the door, turned back and took the pen and paper from the person who was shouting.

The hand holding the pen kept shaking, and beads of sweat on his forehead rolled down his cheeks. His

Adam's apple kept rolling up and down. Who should he vote for? He seemed to like everyone, and he didn't hate anyone.

A person came over and lay beside him, writing a name on a piece of paper.

Curiosity drove Makise Takashi to tilt his head and peek with the corner of his eye to see whose name the other person was going to write on the paper. It might be his.

A soft slap was slapped on his face, and the other person shouted angrily:"What are you doing! Peeking? You're almost lying on my chest! Pervert," woman���She was very angry. If there was no place to write her name, she would not have gone to such a strange person.

Makise Takashi covered the half of his face that was hit with his hand. It was a bit painful. He moved his hand away. There was a little blood on his palm. His face was scratched by the woman's nails. He just wanted to see the words written on the other party's note clearly, but he didn't expect to stick his head into the other person's......

Everyone stared at him with strange eyes. Makise Takashi was so embarrassed that he threw away the paper and pen in his hand and rushed out.

He squatted on the curb for a long time, feeling annoyed. He was so angry that he failed in the social gathering and was slapped as a pervert. The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. He was so angry that he felt like exploding. He untied the tie that was strangling his neck, took off his white suit and threw it heavily to the ground.

The cell phone in his pocket rang"ding ding dong dong";

Makise Takashi, who was still angry, took out his cell phone and said in a bad tone:"Who is calling at this time?!!"

The person on the other end of the phone was buzzing with shock.

"Boss, is the party over? Something bad happened in the class."

"Damn, what happened?"

"When you were away, the brothers were beaten by the people from Class B!"

Hearing this, Makise Takashi suddenly stood up from the side of the road and almost dropped his phone.

"Assholes!!! People from Class B? Those two guys from Mikami?!"

"They are brothers, yes, but the leader is a transfer student named Ryuguin Aoyama. He is looking for you and wants to defeat you. It seems that he wants to swallow up our Class C!!"

Makise Takashi was so angry that his eyes widened like a cow's eyes and he threw off the white hat on his head.

‘Serizawa and his men from the Hundred Beasts Army wanted to annex them. Even though he was defeated, he never thought of following Serizawa, and the more he fought, the braver he became.

He was just a new student who had just transferred to the school not long ago, but he was so arrogant. Was he, Takashi Makise, someone who was easy to bully?

Hearing the painful cry of"Ai ouch yo" coming from the other end of the phone, Takashi Makise knew that his brothers had been beaten badly.

Damn it, Ryuguuin Aoyama, wait for me!

Takashi Makise ran away, and after running a distance, he remembered the white suit and top hat that he had left on the road, so he turned around and picked them up, and ran desperately towards the school.

The social failed, he was treated as a pervert, and he had no place to vent his anger. Now he was facing Ryuguuin Aoyama, which was his bad luck. He picked a"good" time. After wiping out Class C, Ryuguuin Aoyama slept in the class and woke up. It was just time to go home.

Thinking of what Yumiko said in the car that morning, he stood up from his seat and leaned out the window to see the conspicuous red sports car waiting for him outside.

"Qingshan, what do you want for lunch? Suzuki, with panda eyes, came over.

"You can eat by yourself at noon. I have something to do~"

Patting Suzuki on the shoulder, Ryuguin Aoyama quickly left the classroom.

When he walked out of the school gate, he saw Yumiko waving at him. Ryuguin Aoyama quickly took two steps forward and got into the car.

"If you don't come out, I'll go in and find you!" Yumiko said with a smile, started the car, and drove away from the school gate.

Sweating and panting, Makise Takashi rushed back to school and saw his classmates sitting in the classroom with bruised faces and dejected faces.


Makise Takashi's eyes fell on the shirtless muscular man. His condition was more serious than the others.

His nose and face were bruised, and there was a big shoe print on his chest, and other parts of his body were bruised and purple.

"This was all done by that guy called Longguyuan?!!"

Someone with a bruised face answered honestly,"Yes, he came to our Class C and acted arrogant, and finally knocked us all down, and threatened to have a fight with you, the boss!"

""Damn it, he’s too arrogant. I’ll kill him right now!!!"

The furious Makise Takashi put down his clothes and hat, turned around and left the class, heading to Class B to find this guy, Ryuguuin Aoyama.

In the corridor, he passed by Genji who was passing by, and their shoulders bumped. Genji turned sideways to look at the person who was rushing past, and it seemed that he was looking for someone to start a fight.

He shrugged and turned around to keep walking forward. Anyway, it had nothing to do with him.

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