The rain outside was getting heavier and heavier, and the amusement park was almost empty.

Ryuguin Aoyama bought a ticket and took Misaki to the carousel, letting the girl sit on it and enjoy herself.

""Brother, look at me~"

Ryuguin Aoyama, holding an umbrella, stood outside in the rain, looking up at the happy girl above. She said she came to make up for his birthday, but in the end she had fun by herself.

But she was happy now; she received a call from the hospital last night, saying that the waiting information for arranging the heart source had been processed, and now the numbers were arranged in order, and they were just waiting for Misaki's turn to arrange the operation.

That's what they said, but there were so many people in front of them, and it would take a very long time for Misaki to get in line.

Seeing her get off the carousel, Ryuguin Aoyama walked over with an umbrella and took her out

"It's so fun, it's like going back to childhood~"

""Brother, what should we do next? Where else can we go?" Misaki asked happily, looking up. Ryuguin Aoyama thought carefully and said,"It's raining harder now, why don't I take you to the game hall, there are basketball shooting games, whack-a-mole, and other games suitable for girls."

"Game room?!"

Having never been to a game room since she was a child, Misaki was curious. She had passed by it a few times before, but had never been inside.

"I......I can go in too, right?" Misaki asked, still a little uncertain.

Ryuguin Aoyama thought about it again. He had been there a few times before with Suzuki. The arcade might be a little noisy, but it was only in front of the popular game machines.

He could just take Misaki to the other side. It shouldn't be a problem for him to accompany her.

"Well, if you want to go and have a look, I'll take you there; we can go to the game hall and then go to the cake shop to pick out a cake to take home."

Misaki nodded quickly and agreed,"Okay, okay, I've always wanted to go in and have a look, then let's go now!" As she spoke, she put her arm around her brother's and dragged him out of the amusement park.

"Hey, slow down, don't be in a hurry!"

Ryuguin Aoyama shook his arm, and the umbrella tilted a little, and the rain fell on Misaki.

Before going to the game hall, it was noon, and Ryuguin Aoyama took Misaki to a relatively high-end restaurant for dinner.

Looking at the luxuriously decorated restaurant, Misaki, who was sitting at the other end of the table, leaned forward, put her hand in front of her mouth, and whispered:"Brother, this place is a bit high-end, it seems very expensive~"

Ryuguin Aoyama took the menu from the waiter and put it in front of Misaki,"Don't worry, order whatever you want!"

Looking at the waiter who was waiting for the order, Misaki opened the menu and scanned it from top to bottom. The price of a simple vegetable salad seemed sky-high in her opinion.

""A vegetable salad, a steak, and a glass of water." After saying this, Misaki quickly closed the menu. Although she didn't order anything, the total amount was quite a bit.

Ryuguin Aoyama took the menu, pointed at the dishes on it, and ordered the restaurant's signature dishes, drinks, the finest caviar, and the dessert made by the chef.

"OK, please wait a moment, we will serve you the food soon."

As soon as the waiter walked away, Misaki couldn't wait to speak,"Brother, this meal will cost a lot of money! A meal like this will cost you almost a month's living expenses, right?"

"I think we should forget it. Let's go out and have something to eat before the cooking starts!"

Misaki frowned slightly. She didn't want to eat happily and leave while her brother lived on steamed buns and pickles in the next few days.

Raising his hand to scratch Misaki's nose,"Since it's a birthday make-up, you have to eat like it's a birthday and eat good food! Don't worry, I still have this little money."

While speaking, the waiter pushed the drinks and appetizers he had just ordered on a cart.

After waiting for the waiter to leave again, Misaki whispered,"Did you win the lottery, brother?"

Seeing her say this, Ryuuguuin Aoyama chuckled,"Forget it......."I guess so. Stop talking and eat!"

Makise Takashi, who was passing by the restaurant, noticed Ryuguin Aoyama eating inside. He threw away his umbrella and rushed to the glass to stare inside.

He saw Ryuguin Aoyama eating with a beautiful girl, talking and laughing.

He couldn't help but think of the day when he beat him down and said he could arrange a social gathering for him so that he could meet girls.......

Makise Takashi grinned through the glass. If he was given such a pretty and cute girl to meet at a social gathering, he would be willing to......

Thinking of this, the smile on Makise Takashi's face suddenly stopped. His brothers were all shouting that they wanted to fight Ryuguuin Aoyama again. In this case, how could he have the face to let him arrange a social gathering for him? ? ?

The waiter in the store noticed that Makise Takashi had been standing in front of the glass for a long time. He walked out of the store and greeted him with a warm smile,"Excuse me, how can I help you? Do you want to come in for dinner?"

"Uh, no, I don't want to eat."

Makise Takashi picked up the umbrella at his feet and left in a hurry.

After walking a distance, Makise Takashi reluctantly turned his head to look at the restaurant just now. The kawaii girls and brothers really made him feel embarrassed.——......

PS: Thank you for your support! I will continue writing......

Thanks186*******Thanks to the monthly ticket support from the big boss, and thanks to zzwtc682 for the ticket support for urging updates!

Thank you.

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