When the gangsters heard this, they were stunned for a moment, then they couldn't help laughing after they realized what was going on.

"Hey, kid, don't you understand?"

"Do you need us to teach you how to count?"

The five men looked at each other and laughed. They were famous gangsters on this street, and the police station was the second place they often went to besides their home.

The man who was beaten first raised his hand and touched the scar on his face, shouting:"When grandpa got this scar from a crime, you didn't even know where to pee~"

Hearing them bragging one word after another, Ryuguin Qingshan raised his hand and rubbed his ears, stretched out his hand to them,"Come on!"

"Fuck, he actually looked down on us! Let's go together and make him be carried out today!!"When they started to make trouble here, everyone in the game hall put down their games and ran over here. They couldn't leave, so they could only stay and watch the fun.

Such things like quarrels and fights are not uncommon in the game hall.

"There's another good show to watch today!、"

"Five to one, it seemed like the outcome was already decided, not to mention that the other side was a group of hooligans who didn't care about the severity of their attacks."

"That's true, but you didn't see the kick that the boy just gave. The force was no joke."......

The people around were talking and watching the excitement.

Most of the people who could come to the game hall were either students, bad students, or hooligans who had nothing to do but fight and cause trouble.

Ryuguin Aoyama had already started fighting with this group of people. The leader was the one who had just been with Ramesaki. He stared at the other person coldly, got rid of the two people who came up to tangle with him, raised his fist, took a big step forward, and punched the hooligans in the side of their faces.


The gang leader took the punch hard. After all, he was a veteran in the battlefield. He staggered a few steps and finally stabilized, spitting blood foam on the ground.

"Damn, you guy......"

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, a fierce light flashed in his eyes; he exerted strength with his legs and rushed out, hugged Ryuguin Aoyama's waist tightly, hugged his waist, and pushed his body towards the game console beside him.

Bang -

Ryuguin Aoyama's body was hit against the game console without expecting him to do this.

He immediately grabbed his shoulders with both hands,"Damn it!" He arched his knees and finally pushed towards the gangster's abdomen.

Once, twice, three times.

The gangster's hands that were tightly holding his waist finally loosened a little. He was worthy of being a street gangster, he was really fucking tough.

The other four people rushed towards them. Ryuguin Aoyama knew that he could not delay any longer, so he grabbed the gangster's hair and forced him to raise his head slightly.

""Fuck you!"

The fist hit the thug's head hard, knocking him to the ground, and he broke free.

The people watching the excitement shouted,"See, that kid's fist is really powerful!"

Ryuguin Qingshan, who broke free, had no time to breathe, and the other four surrounded him again.

"Brat, now it's your turn to get hurt!!"Pah," one of them touched the corner of his mouth that had just been hit, and he was so angry that he was hit by a young boy. He rushed forward with his fist clenched.

Longgongyuan Qingshan aimed at the fist and blocked it with his arm, then kicked it out.

The man was kicked out, and the people who were watching the excitement stepped back one after another, making way for them, for fear that they would be hit by someone; the remaining three people did not dare to be careless and went up alone. The three of them looked at each other, and then rushed up together, swinging their fists.

Longgongyuan Qingshan punched one person hard, took two steps back to create some distance, kicked one down, and grabbed the last one by the clothes, and then punched him hard on the head.

"I go!!!"


Everyone watching was shocked. This guy is indeed a tough guy. He looks harmless, but when he fights, he makes people gasp.

Longgongyuan Qingshan's chest rose and fell as he took a deep breath. His pupils shrank slightly as he scanned the people on the ground.

When he turned around to look at the gang leader, he found that he was not on the ground where he had just fallen. The people on the right were rioting. Longgongyuan Qingshan turned his head and saw the gang leader staggering over with a steel baseball bat.

"Damn boy, you......Die here!!"


The baseball bat swung horizontally, making a heavy sound of cutting through the air.

Ryuguin Qingshan hurriedly took two steps back, letting the top of the baseball bat brush past his clothes, and then he flipped his body to get behind the gangsters, pressing his body with his elbow and hitting the gangster leader's back.


There was a dull sound.

The gang leader fell forward and the baseball bat in his hand fell to the ground.

Listening to the noise coming from the game hall, Misaki was trembling with worry. She bit her lower lip tightly and didn't turn around to look inside.

Her brother asked her to come out so that she wouldn't see him fighting with others, but......

She was worried, and she kept picking at her nails.

Ryuguin Qingshan pulled up his hair with one hand, strode forward, and then kicked the gangster hard.

The gangster's body slid along the ground and hit the game console and stopped.

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