Tokaji Yuji gritted his teeth, straightened up, and raised his hand to wipe the blood from his mouth.

He stared at the Ryuguin Aoyama in front of him, and felt the air around him stop moving. The only sound he could hear was his heavy breathing.

His fists were tightly clenched together, and all the energy was gathered in his clenched fists. The sweat wrapped around the blood on his fists and merged together, rolling down from his fists and dripping onto the ground.

As long as he didn't fall down, he hadn't lost yet!


He pushed his feet hard, rubbing the ground hard, and rushed towards Ryuguin Aoyama with his fists raised.

Hit or fall, there were only two choices in front of him.

Hearing Tokaji Yuji's roar, the Mikami brothers turned around and looked at them.......

Ryuguin Qingshan, who had not moved, took a half step back with his right leg, slightly bent his left leg, lowered his body weight, and swung his fist, which had been ready to attack.


The scene was still.

His fist was pressed against Tokaji's face, and Tokaji's fist, which was raised in the air, lost its strength at this moment, and his body shook.

With a thump, he fell heavily to the ground as if all his strength had been drained away.

【Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host for completing the system task. The system rewards you with physical fitness +80 and money +20,000.】


Tokaji Yuji turned over with difficulty and lay flat on his back, breathing heavily, his eyes fixed on Ryuguin Aoyama who was looking down at him.

He lost.......

I have always been annoyed about why Serizawa left Ryuuguuin Aoyama at the end. Now it seems that Serizawa's idea is still interesting.

Ryuuguuin Aoyama is not a guy who can be challenged casually without preparation.

Thinking of this, Tokaji Yuji grinned, revealing a mouthful of bloody teeth. He lost, but losing this time does not mean that he will lose next time.

After the battle, Ryuuguuin Aoyama looked up behind him and saw that Mikami and the others had also resolved the battle.

Staring at Tokaji lying on the ground,"Hey, Tokaji! Before we started, I said that you had no reason to attack Class B, so there is no reason for me to attack you!" Ryuuguuin Aoyama turned around, took out a cigarette, held it to his lips and lit it, and shouted to the Mikami brothers and the others,"Let's go! Go back."


The Mikami brothers walked towards Ryuguin Aoyama.

Ryuguin Aoyama passed by the B-class person lying on the ground and bent down to pull him up.

Suzuki, who had no hands-on skills to begin with, didn't help much even though he followed. Seeing this, he quickly took the person from Ryuguin Aoyama's hands and walked forward with the person on his back.

"It's been a while since I last did some warm-up exercises. Haha, my hands were itching to do it yesterday when I saw them play against each other."

"It's so cool!——"

"Is it really fun?" Ryuguin Aoyama asked with a smile while smoking a cigarette, and poked Mikami Gou in the abdomen with his hand.

"Ouch," Mikami Hao cried out in pain, then jumped away with a smile,"Aoyama, you did it on purpose! Ah, did you do it on purpose?"

Ryuguin Aoyama shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile,"Yes, I did it on purpose! What do you want to do to me?"

"I'll do this to you!" As he spoke, Mikami Gou strode forward and jumped onto Ryuguin Aoyama's back, holding him tightly with his hands.

A group of people left the basketball court, talking and laughing. After all, they won, so they were naturally relieved.

Tokaji Yuji tilted his head, staring at them walking away with his eyes fixed on the ground, his hands clenched into fists. This was just the beginning. In Suzuran, a battle is not the end, but another beginning.

The man on the ground gritted his teeth and endured the pain all over his body. He got up from the ground, came to Tokaji Yuji, and helped him sit up.

"What to do? Tokaji! Should we tell Serizawa about this?"

Others gathered around Tokaji, waiting for him to speak.

These people had been following him during his first and second years, and now they had joined Serizawa's team, but they still had ties.

Tokaji Yuji took out a cigarette from his clothes with a slightly trembling hand, lit it to his lips, and smoked in deep thought.

Their group was wiped out by Ryuuguuin Aoyama today, but it was ultimately the result of his not listening to Serizawa's words and provoking Class B.

This incident made Serizawa realize that he was the most embarrassed person.

After pondering for a long time, Tokaji raised his head, looked at his brothers, and said,"Why should we tell them? This is our own, personal matter. Do we need Serizawa to help us solve it? ? ?"After Tokaji Yuji finished speaking, no one spoke out to refute or say anything.

After recovering, Tokaji Yuji put out the cigarette in his hand, slowly stood up from the ground, and walked away with a deep look in his eyes. This matter would not end like this.......

A man caught up with him and said,"Tokaji, didn't we meet Tsutsumoto Masaharu today?......"

Tokaji Yuji stopped. He was in such a mess that he couldn't possibly go to meet Tsutsumoto Masaharu and the others. He waved his hand and said,"Don't worry, we'll meet some other time."

When they arrived at the agreed place, Tsutsumoto Masaharu saw that Tokaji hadn't shown up yet, so he kicked the park bench in frustration.

""Did Kusa-Tokaji stand me up?"

Tokisei, who came with Tsutsumoto Masaharu, said,"Wait a minute, maybe he'll be here soon."

Tsutsumoto Masaharu sat down on the bench and decided to wait a little longer.

PS: Sorry, the update is slow.

I'm adjusting my status. Thank you for your support! I'll continue writing and update the next chapter later.

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