Genji, who was standing in front of the glass, put out the cigarette in his hand and went downstairs with a serious face.

The people around him saw Genji suddenly go downstairs with a serious face, and hurriedly chased him; at the school gate, he bumped into Ryuguuin Aoyama who came back and the Mikami brothers who chased after him. Genji's eyes fell on the person they were dragging.

The key point is that the person who was dragged into the school gate was wearing Fengxian's school uniform.

Genji showed confusion in his eyes:"What are you doing?"......"

"Take care of some personal matters! If you have time, you can come and take a look!!"Longguyuan Qingshan said

"Oh, okay......forget it......"

Genji touched his nose, walked aside, and left the school.

The people who were chasing Genji saw him leave, so they naturally followed him.

The two teams passed by each other, and Genji stopped and turned to look at Ryuguuin Aoyama and the others, with a slight smile on his face. Maybe Ryuguuin Aoyama was not a guy that anyone needed to worry about.

"Hey, Genji! What are you doing?"

Genji, with his hands in his pockets, walked in a casual manner and shrugged his shoulders,"Just strolling."

On Genji's face, the seriousness just now disappeared, replaced by a relaxed expression, and his mood inexplicably became relaxed.

Ryuuguuin Aoyama dragged a person from the first floor to the second floor, from the second floor to the third floor, and from the third floor to the platform of the teaching building. When the lower grades saw such a scene, they made way to let Ryuuguuin Aoyama pass.

Now on the platform on the top floor, only Tokaji Yuji and some of his brothers were playing games on it, and Serizawa, who used to guard the mahjong table, was nowhere to be found.

Seeing Ryuuguuin Aoyama who suddenly came up, Tokaji Yuji's face changed slightly, and when he saw clearly that Ryuuguuin Aoyama was dragging someone in his hand, his face completely changed color.

"Do you know him? Tokaji~"

Ryuguin Aoyama asked, staring at him coldly.

Now Tokaji Yuji knew that the truth had been exposed, which meant that his plan had failed.

"Nothing to say?......"

"I won't be polite!"

Ryuguin Aoyama strode out, pushed aside several people in front of Tokaji Yuji, jumped up, and punched Tokaji Yuji in the face.

【Ding Dong! Hot-Blooded Battle System Mission: Critically Hit Tokaji Yuji! 】


Ryuguin Aoyama threw a heavy punch, hitting Tokaji Yuji's face from top to bottom, and Tokaji Yuji fell backwards.

""Fuck your uncle!"

With curses in his mouth, Ryuguin Aoyama kicked Tokaji Yuji on the ground hard, and Tokaji Yuji on the ground slid three to five meters away. Just as Ryuguin Aoyama was about to move forward, the people over there surrounded him, shouting in hoarse voices and pushing him with their hands.

At this time, Ryuguin Aoyama was already in a state of volcanic eruption, punching one after another, and those who faced him had no ability to fight back.

Before they could fight back, they were knocked to the ground by Ryuguin Aoyama.

The Mikami brothers and the brothers they brought up were standing there, and there was no need for them to help at all; in their eyes, the angry Ryuguin Aoyama at this time was like a tiger coming down the mountain, unstoppable, and no one could stop him.

With such fighting power, they could only stare with wide eyes.

Taking advantage of the time when his brothers blocked him, Tokaji Yuji on the ground struggled to get up from the ground, gasping for breath again and again


With a roar, Yuji Tokaji rushed towards Ryuguuin Aoyama with his fist raised.

He just didn't accept it, from the bottom of his heart.

Ryuguuin Aoyama has never taken him seriously since he transferred to Suzuran!

He punched him in the face when they first met, causing bleeding at the corner of his mouth; the second time, his plan to wipe out Class B was skipped by Serizawa; the third time, he dislocated his arm on the basketball court and almost broke it, making him lose face; in the end, what was so good about this kid that made Serizawa take a different look at him and must save him for the final climax battle!

With red eyes, Yuji Tokaji rushed to Ryuguuin Aoyama and punched him.

Ryuguuin Aoyama turned around, kicked Tokaji Yuji in the side with his leg,"Bang!"——"

Tokaji Yuji flew to the side, hit a paint bucket nearby, and the sunglasses on his head flew off.

"Cough, cough,"

Tokaji Yuji, who was behind the paint bucket, stood up little by little with trembling hands, wiped the blood from his mouth, and stared at the other party.

Ryuguin Aoyama exuded a cold aura, strode forward, kicked away the paint bucket in front of Tokaji Yuji, grabbed the other party's collar, and pulled him in front of him;

"Why did you do that?!"

Looking into Ryuguin Aoyama's eyes, Tokaji Yuji endured the pain in his stomach, raised his mouth and said nothing.


Ryuguin Qingshan punched him hard in the face

"If you want to challenge me, come openly!"

Then he punched Tokaji Yuji in the face again, and sticky blood flew out from his mouth;



Tokaji Yuji panted heavily, looking at Ryuguin Aoyama with blurry eyes,"I, I am......Unhappy with you......hehe......"

Hearing what he said, Ryuguin Qingshan narrowed his eyes, loosened his grip on his collar, and punched him in the stomach.

He staggered and climbed onto the wire fence behind him, then slowly slid down and sat down.......

This scene happened to be seen by Serizawa and Tokisei downstairs.

"Tokaji! That's, that's......"Ryuguin Aoyama!!!" Tsutsumoto Mashiro shouted.

Serizawa frowned and immediately rushed upstairs. Tokisei and the others followed closely behind him, and everyone's expression was not very good.

PS: Add one more chapter, please support!

The big guy in the comment area who tempted the author, add one more chapter, now it depends on your performance!

Thanks to [Martial God】、【How long will the heartbeat last?] Please support me with monthly tickets from the big guys!

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